Rise From the Humble

Chapter 2046 No abnormality

On both sides of the ferry, reeds swayed, and a dirt road led to the stone bridge. In the reed marsh, there were more than 800 Japanese pirates wearing reed camouflage, looking at the south with vicious eyes, like wolves waiting for an opportunity to take revenge on hunters.

"Have the tripwires been buried?" Ma Ye asked with gritted teeth. At this moment, his mind was full of revenge.

"All 18 tripwires have been buried. The road was grooved, the tripwires were placed, and then buried with soil. Even if the Zhejiang army lay on the ground, they couldn't see it. At that time, as long as the tripwires were pulled up, no matter how many horses the Zhejiang army had, they would not be able to pass this road of death." The confidant Japanese pirate replied confidently.

"Very good, I will give Zhu Ping'an a bloody lesson, let him know that we, the Tuolin Japanese pirates, are not his merit book! We are his life and death book!" Ma Ye gritted his teeth, his eyes were bloodshot.

He led his troops to northern Zhejiang this time for his personal ambitions. It was not only to make an example of others and make the people of Zhejiang afraid to obey the ten-household doorplate baojia law, but also to expand his personal prestige.

At present, he is nominally on an equal footing with Xu Hai in the Takulin pirates, but since the battles of Suzhou and Jiaxing and the recent looting of southern Zhili and northern Zhejiang, Xu Hai's personal prestige has far surpassed him.

If this continues, it won't take long for the Takulin pirates to be ruled by Xu Hai.

He, Ma Ye, can either bow his head and accept Xu Hai's leadership, or be annihilated by Xu Hai, or leave.

However, he was unwilling to bow to Xu Hai; he was fighting with Xu Hai. At that time, Xu Hai's prestige was unparalleled and far superior to him. Many Japanese pirates who came to surrender for no reason all surrendered to Xu Hai. The Japanese pirates under his command were far less powerful than Xu Hai. If he fought with Xu Hai, he would only be annexed; as for leaving, the same reason, Xu Hai's prestige was far superior to his. If he left, he would not be able to take away many Japanese pirates. If these troops left, he would not be able to make a living outside. He had no advantage over the Ming army or other Japanese pirates.

Therefore, this time he sent troops to northern Zhejiang, he wanted to revive his glory and enhance his prestige so that he could compete with Xu Hai.

What a pity!

Damn Zhu Ping'an, he ruined everything!

This time, the defeat was like a landslide. There were more than 5,000 soldiers when they came, and there were probably only about 1,000 soldiers when they returned. I wanted to improve my prestige, but it was destroyed. I can imagine how the Japanese pirates in the old nest of Tuolin laughed at me.

I still want to compete with Xu Hai, dream on, go to bed, I have become a joke in the mouths of the old nest of Japanese pirates.


There is still a chance!

Yesterday, Xu Hai turned defeat into victory in Jiangyin County, almost annihilated the famous Shandong spearmen, and his prestige not only did not decrease, but soared!

I can do it today!

As long as I succeed in ambushing the Zhejiang army today, my previous bloodbath will highlight this success.

At the beginning, under the city of Suzhou, Xu Hai and the four Japanese chieftains led 40,000 troops to attack Suzhou, but they were killed by Zhu Ping'an's 2,000 Zhejiang troops, and more than 30,000 Japanese pirates died. It was as miserable as it could be.

But the losses of the Zhejiang army itself can be almost negligible.

Today, the number of Zhejiang troops ambushed today is definitely no less than 2,000. As long as I succeed in ambush the Zhejiang army today and severely inflict heavy damage to the Zhejiang army, as long as I chop off a few hundred heads of the Zhejiang army, I will be more powerful than Xu Hai.

As long as I compare it with the Battle of Suzhou, I will be powerful, and my prestige will rise. It is not a dream to compete with Xu Hai.

Don't believe it?

Let's compare.

In the Battle of Suzhou, Xu Hai was killed by Zhu Ping'an without any chance to fight back. Only a few hundred of the 40,000 soldiers and horses escaped. The damage to the Zhejiang army was almost negligible. If it weren't for the fluke capture of Jiaxing and the restoration of strength, Xu Hai, the leader, would have been dead.

Today, I led 5,000 Japanese pirates, lost first and then won, ambushed the Zhejiang army, and chopped off hundreds of heads of the Zhejiang army! ! !

Do you think I am more powerful than Xu Hai? !

Xu Hai will be defeated when he meets the Zhejiang army, but I will win when I meet the Zhejiang army! Xu Hai couldn't cut off the heads of the Zhejiang Army, but I, Xu Hai, cut off hundreds of heads of the Zhejiang Army! What Xu Hai couldn't do, I, Ma Ye, did, so I am better than him, Xu Hai!

Xu Hai's prestige is at its peak, and he will eventually achieve his own success, and his prestige will be greater than Xu Hai's.

At that time, who has the final say about the Japanese pirates in Tuo Lin?

You have to ask me, Ma Ye, first!

Wang Zhi can be king, can occupy land and establish a country overseas, why can't I, Ma Ye? !

The more Ma Ye thought about it, the more excited he became!

"Leader, there is movement in the south, and the Zhejiang Army is chasing us. It seems to be the scouts of the Zhejiang Army."

When Ma Ye was about to get excited just thinking about it, the confidant Japanese pirate next to him gently pushed his arm, carefully pointed to the two Zhejiang Army cavalrymen who appeared on the road to the south, and reminded Ma Ye softly.

In their sight, two Zhejiang Army cavalrymen appeared in the south. They were wearing the iconic cotton armor of the Zhejiang Army and were almost armed to the teeth.

"Notify them, don't reveal your whereabouts, be careful to hide, don't make any noise, and don't be discovered by the Zhejiang scouts."

Ma Ye looked around and ordered softly.

"Don't worry, leader, we have been on guard against the Zhejiang scouts for a long time. We went into the reed marsh from the back path. Everyone was wearing a camouflage made of reeds. The Zhejiang scouts could not see anything from the front, and would definitely not find any clues. The place where we are hiding is more than 100 meters away from the roadside. The Zhejiang scouts will not search so deep." The trusted Japanese pirate said confidently.

"It's better to be careful." Ma Ye glared at him, "If anyone reveals his whereabouts, I will skin him alive!"

The trusted Japanese pirates carefully passed on Ma Ye's order in a relay, whispering one by one.

The Japanese pirates in the reed marsh bent down even lower, not only did they not make any sound, but they also did not dare to breathe, for fear that they would be heard by the Zhejiang scouts in the distance, exposing their whereabouts and being skinned alive by Ma Ye.

Soon, two Zhejiang scouts rode over from a distance, passing through a forest first, and then the reed marsh where the Japanese pirates were ambushing.

When the Zhejiang scouts passed the forest, they reined in their horses and carefully explored the forest, fearing that there were Japanese pirates ambushing in the forest.

The Zhejiang scouts were very careful. After reining in their horses, they turned over and dismounted, tied their horses to a tree, and walked into the forest to explore.

After a few minutes, the two Zhejiang scouts came out of the woods, confirmed that there were no ambushes in the woods, and continued to scout forward.

Soon, the two Zhejiang scouts arrived in front of the reed marsh, and they turned over and dismounted again and walked towards the reed marsh.

In the reed marsh one hundred meters away, the Japanese pirates were camouflaged in reeds, holding their breath and not moving.

The Zhejiang Army scouts walked in, using the long knife in their hands to fiddle with the reeds, checking carefully.

Ten meters

Thirty meters

Fifty meters

Seventy meters.

The Zhejiang Army scouts walked further and further in, under the nervous eyes of Ma Ye and others, and walked more than eighty meters. Seeing that they were about to reach the position of the Japanese pirates' ambush, the two Zhejiang Army scouts stopped and stopped walking in.

"Nothing unusual."

"I don't have it either."

The two Zhejiang Army scouts nodded and turned to walk out.

Ma Ye and other Japanese pirates breathed a sigh of relief.

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