Rise From the Humble

Chapter 2048 Ma Ye: We will become gods in this battle

Soon, in less than an incense stick of time, the Zhejiang Army had finished their meal and began to line up under the command of the squad leader and sentry leader.

"The Zhejiang Army is like pigs. They don't chew their food. They eat so fast." The ambushed Japanese pirates complained.

"They are in a hurry to reincarnate. How great! We must not let them down." The surrounding Japanese pirates lowered their voices and laughed grimly.

"Come on, come on, my Japanese swords are thirsty." The Japanese pirates stared at the Zhejiang Army in a bloodthirsty formation, stroking their Japanese swords over and over again, licking their lips, and eager to try.

Finally, under their expectant eyes, the Zhejiang Army cavalry, which had formed a simple long snake formation, galloped towards the path leading to the reed marsh.

The path was narrow, and the Zhejiang Army could only ride three horses in parallel, like a long snake, galloping on the path.

"Great, the Zhejiang Army's long snake formation came over, allowing them to pass more than a hundred cavalrymen, just seven inches, hit the snake at seven inches, today is their death day."

Ma Ye saw that the Zhejiang Army had set up the long snake formation he hoped for the most, and he couldn't help grinning and laughing sinisterly.

What made Ma Ye's mouth even more uncontrollable was that after the Zhejiang Army cavalry was halfway set off, Zhu Ping'an also stepped into the long snake formation with the Zhejiang Army's front and back, and galloped over here with the Zhejiang Army cavalry.

"Zhu Ping'an is here, Zhu Ping'an is here, we will become gods in this battle!!!!!!!" Ma Ye felt that the blood in his body was burning.

The temperature was rising.

You could even hear crackling sounds

You could even smell the smell of smoke from the wind between your nostrils, choking your nose and throat.



That's not right, how can I hear crackling sounds, how can I smell the choking smell of smoke?

Ma Ye felt something was wrong, turned around, and his eyes almost popped out in an instant. Damn, it really burned!

In his sight, the reed marsh behind him was burning, and many fire points were burning together. The dry reed marsh was blown by the cold wind, and the fire seemed to be cooked with oil, like a fire dragon, no, like a group of fire dragons, half-encircled and quickly burned towards this side, and soon burned into one.


Why did the reed marsh behind him burn? ! Or so many fire points burned together? !

Ma Ye was stunned for a while.

The Japanese pirates were also dumbfounded. Why did the reed marsh behind him burn? ! Or it was so coincidental that it was half-encircled? !

This was wrong no matter how you looked at it. There were so many fire points, it couldn't be a coincidence, right? !

What should I do now?

If I continue to ambush here, I will be burned to death by the fire, but if I stand up, I will be exposed? !

The next second, they don't have to make a choice.

The Zhejiang army, which was galloping in a long snake formation, actually reined in their horses when they were about to rush to their ambush position.

Dozens of Zhejiang soldiers in the lead took out longbows from their backs, lit rockets, and shot them towards the reed marsh in front.

Rockets fell into the reed marsh, causing one piece of fire after another, burning fiercely.

"Damn it, the Zhejiang army has discovered us a long time ago, they are going to burn us to death in the reed marsh!"

"Zhu Ping'an, I'm going to kill my ancestors!"

If Ma Ye couldn't react at this time, then he would have wasted more than ten years of fighting on the battlefield.

Ma Ye's eyes were bloodshot, and his messy hair was dancing like a snake. At this moment, he hated Zhu Ping'an to the extreme.

They never expected that they were going to ambush the Zhejiang army, but they didn't expect to be ambushed by the Zhejiang army with fire.

"We've been fooled, we've been fooled, the Zhejiang Army has already discovered us, they set fire to burn us to death!"

"We've been tricked, the Zhejiang Army is going to burn us to death!"

The Japanese pirates also reacted, looking at the burning reed marshes behind them, they couldn't help but shout in panic.

But it was too late, they understood too late, the dry reed marshes were like a raging fire cooking oil when they met the flames, and they quickly burned up.

Especially after the Zhejiang Army fired hundreds of rockets, they threw hundreds of burning small wine jars at the reed marshes.

The reed marshes caught fire all of a sudden, and the uncontrolled flames swept in like a tsunami.

The rockets and incendiary bottles of the Zhejiang Army drew the last line for the fire surrounding the Japanese pirates. A huge circle of fire burned around the Japanese pirates, and under the cold wind, it burned closer and closer to the ambushing Japanese pirates.

At this time, Ma Ye and other Japanese pirates also understood that this was a fire attack trap set up by the Zhejiang Army against them.

This trap was not set overnight. It took the Zhejiang Army a lot of time and effort to set it up.

Therefore, the Zhejiang Army had already started preparing the fire attack trap.

In other words, they were exposed. They had already been exposed.

The Zhejiang Army must have discovered them long ago. They had already been exposed before the two Zhejiang Army scouts came to scout.

The Zhejiang Army scouts were just pretending to paralyze them and make them mistakenly believe that the Zhejiang Army had not discovered them.

In fact, the Zhejiang Army had already discovered them. The two Zhejiang Army scouts were just to confuse them. Oh, yes, it was also to delay time.

In addition, the Zhejiang Army buried the pot to cook and eat, which was also to delay time, to delay time for their fire attack trap.

Such a blazing fire was definitely not just the reed marsh that was easy to ignite. The Zhejiang Army must have poured kerosene behind it!

Damn Zhejiang Army!

Damn Zhu Ping'an! It's so insidious!

In the reed marsh, the Japanese pirates were surrounded by fire. The old Japanese couldn't help but think of the fire in the woods during the Suzhou War.

That fire was so similar to this fire!

The blazing fire was getting closer and closer; the temperature in the reed marsh rose sharply. The temperature in the reed marsh in the cold winter was like spring and summer. Not only that, the intense smoke swept in, and the Japanese pirates choked and cried.

In the thick smoke and fire, visibility dropped sharply, and they could no longer tell the east, south, west and north with their naked eyes.

"What should we do, what should we do, there is fire everywhere, we are surrounded by fire, we are going to be burned to death?!"

A group of Japanese pirates cried and cried.

"Run, run."

The Japanese pirates jumped up and screamed, shouting and running around like headless flies. They didn't care about hiding. They were exposed. What's the point of hiding? If they didn't get up and run, they would be roasted pigs!

How to survive in a fire, the old Japanese have more experience than the new Japanese. They escaped from the fire in the battle under Suzhou City. After returning, they couldn't help but turn pale and feel lucky every time they recalled the fire. When they encounter a fire attack again, how to escape from the fire has become a must-think for them after dinner and before going to bed.

After the fire started, Ma Ye and the old Japanese immediately tore a piece of cloth from their clothes, untied their belts and started to urinate.

After the urine soaked the rags, they didn't care about the urine smell and directly covered their mouths and noses with the wet rags. (End of this chapter)

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