Rise From the Humble

Chapter 2049: No way to escape

The fire in the reed marsh was raging, and it swept like a dragon under the howling cold wind. The light snow in the morning did not affect the fire much, but the water from the melted snow added more smoke to the fire. The billowing black smoke seemed like countless black mountain monsters were born.

In the fire, few people were burned to death, but many were choked to death by the smoke, reaching about 80%.

The thick smoke added by this light snow increased the mortality rate of the reed marsh fire by more than one level.

"Help, help"

"Kiyuumei, Kiyuumei, Odosan, Ojisan, I miss the cherry blossoms in my hometown."

One by one, the Japanese pirates cried for their parents, and in the fire and smoke, they walked to the end of their sinful lives.

Even though many Japanese pirates covered their mouths and noses with wet cloths, they continued to die in the thick smoke of the fire. The rolling fire and smoke made it difficult for them to distinguish the direction. The carbon monoxide and sulfur dioxide in the smoke made it impossible for them to cover their mouths.

The place where the Japanese pirates were ambushing was about 100 meters away from the path. This 100-meter distance became an insurmountable road of death for the Japanese pirates.

Of course, there were also many Japanese pirates who could not see the direction in the thick smoke of the fire, but they fled to the side of the road based on their memory.

The Japanese pirates who finally escaped from the sea of ​​fire did not dare to flee to the south. There were Zhejiang troops in the south, so they only dared to flee to the north. After crossing the bridge, they escaped from Jiashan County, which was Nanzhili, and they escaped.

This account will be settled with the surname Zhu and the Zhejiang troops later.


It’s better not to settle it.

In the future, if you encounter the Zhejiang troops again, hide as far as you can. The Zhejiang troops are too damn good for us Japanese pirates!

Run north

Run, run again, run again, we are going to get on the bridge, we are going to escape, there will be good things in the future.

The smile on the face of the Japanese pirates, "There will be good things in the future after surviving a disaster", withered quickly before it bloomed. In the sight, to the north, under the bridge, there were rows of Zhejiang soldiers in full cotton armor, the first row squatting, the second row bowing, and the third row standing.

"There is an ambush ahead! Zhejiang Army, it's the Zhejiang Army!" The first few Japanese pirates shouted in panic.

Before they turned around, they saw a flash of fire on the opposite side, followed by the neat and dense sound of "bang bang bang".

Severe pain, screaming, falling to the ground

The Japanese pirates in the front had almost shouted that there was an ambush, but they were beaten into a bloody sieve by a round of musket volleys and fell to the ground and died.

The Japanese pirates who escaped behind them had no time to brake, and they continued to rush forward by inertia, stepping on the bodies of the fallen Japanese pirates.

The first three rows of Zhejiang troops retreated after firing their muskets, and the three rows behind them stepped forward again, holding their muskets in the same squatting, bending, and standing positions. The neat and dense "bang bang bang" sound rang out again.

The Japanese pirates who had no time to brake were almost all shot into sieves under the dense muskets and fell to the ground dead.

Only two Japanese pirates were tripped by the bodies of the Japanese pirates in front and escaped.

The Japanese pirates behind realized that the Zhejiang army was ambushing in front of them amid the "bang bang" of the muskets, the screams of the Japanese pirates being shot, and the shouts of "Zhejiang army is ambushing", and they turned around and ran back, but unfortunately they collided with the Japanese pirates running forward behind them. A group of Japanese pirates turned around and rushed forward and collided with each other. Under the great fear of life and death, they refused to give in to each other and rolled on the ground, and naturally trampled.

"Fuck, I fell down, don't step on me, don't step on me, ah"

Screams rang out one after another, and I don't know how many Japanese pirates were trampled on the ground. There was only exhalation, no intake of air.

"Don't run forward, you bastards. The Zhejiang Army is ambushing ahead. It's a dead end!"

"Quick, the reed marsh over there is not on fire, hurry in."

"You are crazy. If you go into the reed marsh, they will set it on fire again. I just escaped from the sea of ​​fire, which is already a blessing from my ancestors. If there is another fire, I don't have the confidence to escape. Whoever wants to go in can go in. I won't go in anyway."

"If you don't go into the reed marsh, there is only one way to die. There are Zhejiang troops in front and behind. There is a fire over there. Whether it is a fire or the firearms of the Zhejiang Army, they will not be merciful to any Japanese pirates!"

"Don't go too deep into the reed marsh. The Zhejiang Army is ambushing at the bridgehead, but the river is long. Let's go from the reed marsh to the riverside and cross the river to the other side of the river."

After the Japanese pirates were trampled, the surviving Japanese pirates became anxious and chaotic. They didn't know where to run.

Just as the Japanese pirates were making a fuss, a few "bangs" of cannons were heard, and the tiger squat cannons of the Zhejiang Army opened fire in this direction.

The range of the fire guns could not reach them, but the tiger squat cannons had a long range, enough to cover the position of the Japanese pirates.

The tiger squat cannon fired scattershot, and one shot could cover a large area.

The dense iron balls and gravel exploded in the group of Japanese pirates, piercing the bodies of one after another.


A scream sounded again, and the Japanese pirates fell to the ground, dead and injured.

"Everyone, don't worry about each other. Run wherever you want. It's too conspicuous for us to gather together. It's better to flee separately."

"That makes sense. If we gather together, the possibility of being targeted by the Zhejiang Army is too high. Everyone take care of yourselves. I'm going to escape first."

The surviving Japanese pirates dared not stay where they were. They shouted and fled in groups of three or five, or alone. They didn't care whether the reed marsh here would catch fire or not, and ran into the reed marsh to escape.

"Sir, the Japanese pirates who escaped from the fire have gone into the reed marsh again. They are probably going to go to the river and cross the river to escape."

Liu Mu saw from a distance that some Japanese pirates had entered the reed marsh again. He guessed the intention of the Japanese pirates and hurriedly reported to Zhu Ping'an.

"Send people to set off rockets and light up all the reeds on the river bank."

"In addition, quickly send rangers to search on the other side of the river and on the roads leading to South Zhili. If the Japanese pirates cross the river to escape, they must escape back to Tuolin's lair! There are ten households with armor protection methods, and the Japanese pirates want to hide in Zhejiang , It’s as difficult as climbing to the sky.”

Zhu Pingan immediately ordered.

Soon, the reeds on the river bank also burst into flames. The Japanese pirates who had just escaped into the reed marsh were once again faced with the smoke of the fire.

The Japanese pirates who had just escaped from the fire and smoke, many Japanese pirates fell down in the fire and smoke this time.

Only a few Japanese pirates were able to escape.

After escaping the fire again, the Japanese pirates came to the river. No matter how deep or shallow the water was, how cold the water was, or whether they could float, they jumped into the rolling river one after another under the threat of death.

The river was very big and deep. Japanese pirates who didn't know how to swim jumped into the river and disappeared. Others were so stimulated by the ice water that they cramped up just after jumping into the river. They couldn't use their floating skills and were gradually swallowed up by the river water. .

Finally, some Japanese pirates crossed the river, but before they could be happy, the Zhejiang Army's rangers came to kill them.

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