Rise From the Humble

Chapter 2050 Hemp leaves are numb

Ma Ye was really numb this time.


He was also numb, his hip was injured, and one of his legs was numb. There had just been a fire in the reed field, and his face was almost scorched, and the skin on his face was burned off, leaving him numb and unconscious.

But his life was really tough. A fire in the reed marsh burned away his hair, but not his life. Due to his hip injury, he walked with a limp, and his escape from the reed marsh was slowed down. Although they fell behind, they also avoided the Zhejiang Army's bridgehead obstruction and the Japanese pirates' chaotic stampede.

With the help of five confidant Japanese pirates, he successfully swam across the river in the cold winter and relied on his decades of battlefield experience to avoid being hunted by the Zhejiang Army's rangers. He stumbled out of Jiashan County and set foot on South Zhili. An unknown deserted village.

These days there are natural and man-made disasters, including floods, droughts, and Japanese pirates slaughtering villages. It is not uncommon to find abandoned villages.

After finally escaping, Maye sat down on the ground. As soon as she sat down, she jumped up from the ground with a cry.

Forgetting that his butt was injured, he sat on the ground with his butt. The severe pain was unforgettable in his heart, and he bounced up reflexively.

"Damn it Zhu Ping'an, if I don't eat your meat, I can't get rid of the hatred in my heart!"

Ma Ye covered her buttocks, with a stiff, scorched face, and roared like an evil ghost emerging from the fire.

"Leader, please keep your voice down, don't attract the Zhejiang Army's rangers." The confidant Japanese pirate warned cautiously.

They were really afraid that Maye would curse Zhu Pingan. Every time Maye cursed Zhu Pingan, they Japanese pirates would be in bad luck.

From the more than five thousand people when they set out, there were now only six people left. They could no longer afford misfortune.

If they were unlucky again, I'm afraid none of the six of them would be left.

"This is Southern Zhili, and he, Zhu Ping'an, is the governor of Zhejiang. If he dares to cross the border, he will be punished!"

Maye was familiar with the Ming Dynasty's military system and said without any worries.

"Leader, rules are dead, people are alive. Don't be afraid of 10,000, just be afraid of what might happen. What if some Zhejiang troops come here because they can't tell the difference between Zhejiang and Southern Zhili? How can there be only six of us and we are still silent? Sounds good.”

The confidant Japanese pirate advised.

Maye frowned, but out of the corner of his eye he noticed the expressions of the Japanese pirates who were his confidants. After thinking about his situation and having to rely on these confidants now, he held back his temper that was about to explode and snorted, "Look at what you are afraid of." Yes, Zhu Pingan is not a trivial person. Forget it, I will settle the score with Zhu Pingan someday! "

Seeing that Maye no longer cursed Zhu Pingan, several close Japanese pirates finally breathed a sigh of relief.

"Leave two people on guard, and the rest will search the village to see if there is anything to eat to fill their stomachs."

Maye commanded.

Two Japanese pirates left a warning, and three Japanese pirates dispersed to the village to find food.

It's a pity that this is a deserted village. There are only abandoned houses with air leakage on all sides and yards overgrown with grass. The three Japanese pirates went from east to west, but they didn't find a grain of food. They only found it on the abandoned wooden door. A bunch of fungus and a bunch of unknown wild vegetables picked from an abandoned yard.

Thanks to this being the south, even in the dead of winter, there is no grass growing like in the north, and there are still wild vegetables.

The village was deserted, but there was still an old well with a manhole cover. The Japanese pirates found a broken earthenware jar, made a rope with vines, and hung the earthenware jar into the well to draw water. After checking the water quality, it was very clear.

So I was relieved.

I built a simple stove with three green bricks, used a rotten earthen pot as a pot, and cooked a pot of vegetable and fungus soup.

In order to prevent the smoke from leaking their whereabouts, Ma Ye and the others cooked in a relatively intact house and blocked the windows with thatch.

It was like a cloud in the sky inside, and the Japanese pirates who were cooking were choking and coughing repeatedly. Naturally, Ma Ye would not be exposed to the smoke in the house, he had already taken refuge in the yard.

Finally, a pot of vegetable, fungus and fungus soup is ready.

"You protected me and carried me all the way. Thank you for your hard work. You drink first and I drink last."

Maye said enthusiastically to several of her confidants Japanese pirates.

Damn, this pot of fungus and wild vegetables. Who knows if the wild vegetables are edible? If they go bad, let them eat them first. I will eat them after I make sure they are fine.

Ma Ye thought so.

"The leader is injured and needs to take care of himself. Let's use the leader first." Several confidants burst into tears of gratitude and asked Ma Ye to use it first.

"Stop pushing me. You are my savior. I need your help to return to Tuolin's lair. Eat quickly. Only after eating can you have the strength to carry me back to Tuolin's lair." Maye insisted.

"Thank you, chief. Let's use it first." The five confidant Japanese pirates thanked Maye, and then used broken tiles as bowls. Each person filled a tile, and drank without caring about burning their mouths. They had already Hungry, my chest is pressed against my back.

Kazuma Maya was watching them. From the first sip to the time they finished drinking it all, it took about the time it took to cover the tea.

Seeing that they were fine after drinking, Ma Ye made sure that the fungus and wild vegetables they picked were all edible, so he also poured a watt for himself, and drank the same hot sips. Well, the taste was not bad.

"Hey, you also got some salt. This soup is salty, not bad." Maye wiped her mouth after drinking.

"Ah? There's no salt. We didn't bring any salt, and we didn't put any salt in the soup." Several Japanese pirates rubbed the backs of their heads with confused expressions.

"No salt? Why does the soup taste salty?" Ma Ye was stunned, then picked up the broken jar filled with water, reached out and took a handful, and tasted, "This water is salty."

"I've heard that the well water in some places is salty before. Today I saw that the well in this village is a saltwater well."

A Japanese pirate said.

"Yes, it's a saltwater well." Ma Ye nodded, and without thinking any more, he poured himself another pot of wild vegetable and fungus soup and started to make it.

The other Japanese pirates followed closely, and they poured several large pots and made a lot of it.

In fact, what Ma Ye and his friends didn't know was that the most important and direct reason why this village was abandoned was the problem of groundwater. No matter where the well was dug, the groundwater tasted salty. At first, they didn't care and thought it was a good thing. They could save salt in the future. Some people even wanted to make salt for profit. Later, the saltiness of the well water became heavier, and more and more people in the village got strange diseases, including men, women, young and old, and the symptoms of the diseases were surprisingly similar.

The people in the village realized later that this was caused by the well water. There was a problem with the water under the village.

Water is the source of life. Both humans and livestock cannot live without water. The water in the village is not drinkable, so they can only go to other villages to fetch water. However, going to other villages to fetch water is not a solution. The whole village unanimously decided that this village is no longer habitable. They moved to another place and built a new village. This old village was abandoned. (End of this chapter)

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