Sit down again, pour tea again, out of five Fangya, two Fangya were specially set aside to serve Zhu Pingan. For a moment, Zhu Ping'an felt like a VIP customer in the bank, enjoying Fangya's super preferential service.

"Master Zhu, why do you come to our dental clinic? Don't dare to say anything else. If you want to sell or lease the property, we will definitely satisfy Master Zhu." Fang Ya, who was the first to entertain Zhu Ping'an, patted his chest Give Zhu Pingan a guarantee.

"I really want to trouble you, I think..."

Zhu Pingan bowed his hands to thank them, and then told them that he planned to rent a suitable shop for catering.

Considering his own economic conditions, Zhu Pingan did not plan to buy, but chose to lease.

Whether it is modern or Ming Dynasty, buying a house is not an easy task. Although the housing prices in Daming are much cheaper than those in modern times, it is impossible to buy a good store without more than a hundred taels of silver.

You must know that Hai Rui, who is still a county magistrate in the south, will continue to struggle for 18 years before he can buy a house in Hainan, the 20th ring road in Beijing, when he retires at the age of 58.

Therefore, buying a shop with a good location in Beijing, in the case of Zhu Ping'an's bankruptcy, is a no-brainer.

"Shop, Mr. Zhu, please wait a moment." Fang Ya said as he reached out to take out a book and a picture of fish scales from the bookshelf beside him.

This map of fish scales was made by Fang Ya himself. The houses to be rented in the Xinghuamen area are divided into residences and shops, and marked on the map one by one, just like the field fish scale map made by the government.

"Look, Mr. Zhu, all the shops for rent in the Xinghuamen area are here."

Fang Ya unfolded the fish scale map and placed it on the table, pointing out the rented shops on the fish scale map to Zhu Pingan one by one.

Zhu Pingan leaned over and looked along Fang Ya's fingers, and saw that it was displayed on the fish scale map.

"Look, my lord, how about this shop? It's located about 30 steps west of Xinghua Gate. There are many businesses nearby and the crowds are dense. Whether it's a teahouse, a restaurant or a restaurant, it's a rare and good location. This is A prosperous shop was originally a restaurant, but because the owner was transferred to the south, it changed hands." Fang Ya pointed to a shop on the fish scale map, and said to Zhu Ping'an.

Well, it is indeed a good location. Zhu Pingan nodded. Zhu Pingan has an impression of the location of this store. It is close to the city gate, beside the canal, and there is a residential area behind it. No worries about the traffic, it is indeed a Good location for dining.

"How much is the rent?" Zhu Ping'an asked.

"Look, my lord, this is our record and registration for this shop. This shop is three rooms wide, with a tax calculation of 25 steps and 2. The monthly rent is 18 taels of silver. If it is rented by an adult, we can follow After discussing with their owners, it is estimated that the monthly rent can be reduced by 5 renminbi, and the monthly rent can be won by 18 taels." Fang Ya found the shop just mentioned from the register, and pointed out the registration information to Zhu Pingan When it came to the rent, Fang Ya gave Zhu Pingan a very reasonable price, and gave Zhu Pingan a discount, saying that he could help Zhu Pingan lower the price from the lessor.

However, after this "real" and "preferential", the monthly rent is still as high as eighteen taels of silver! The imperial capital is really worth every inch of land.

Although there was a certain tone in his heart, after listening to Fang Ya's rent, Zhu Ping'an's heart was still cold.

Of course, to be honest, the rent of shops in the capital of the Ming Dynasty was much cheaper than in modern times.

This store is taxed at 25 bu 2, which means that the building area of ​​the store is 25 bu 2. The "step" here refers to "bow step". It is 70 square meters.

For a shop of 70 square meters, the monthly rent is eighteen taels of silver, which is about 10,800 yuan in RMB.

It looked very expensive, and indeed it was too expensive, too expensive for Zhu Pingan to afford.

But compared with modern times, this price is definitely the price of cabbage in the price of cabbage. If it is modern, for a 70-square-meter store in Beijing, according to the statistics of an organization in 2014, the average rent of a store in a shopping center in Beijing is 24 yuan per square meter per day, which is 720 yuan per square meter per month, and a 70-square-meter store One month's rent is 50,400 yuan, equivalent to silver, which is about 84 taels.

However, even though it was nearly five times cheaper in ancient times than in modern times, Zhu Ping'an still couldn't afford it. This month's rent was his salary for several months.

"In addition, the rule of our Fang Ya's fees is '30% breaks 2'. In Mr. Zhu's case, I can make the decision. I can reduce it by more than half for Mr. Zhu, and only charge half of the errand cost is enough." Fang Ya said again. Give Zhu Pingan a discount.

Fang Ya meant that the intermediary fee would be reduced by more than half for Zhu Pingan, and only charged 0.5 points. Fang Ya was giving Zhu Pingan a lot of face.

Whether it is leasing or buying and selling, Fang Ya acts as an intermediary. It is time-consuming and laborious to contact both parties before and after running, and to go through procedures in the government office.

In Daming Fangya, the rule is "Succeed three break two", "Success" refers to the seller and lessor, Cheng means that you have completed the transaction, which is called success; "Broken" refers to the buyer and lessee , Broken means that you have spent money on buying and renting a house, which is called broken. 3% and 2% means that after the transaction is concluded, Fangya collects 3% of the intermediary fee from the seller and lessor, and 2% of the intermediary fee from the buyer and lessee, a total of 100%. Fifth, intermediary fees.

The intermediary fee of "three parts and two parts" is more expensive than modern ones.

But the discounts given to Zhu Ping'an are indeed great.

Generally speaking, the "broken" party is charged a 2% agency fee, but now Zhu Ping'an is only charged 0.5%, which is almost like what Fang Ya said, only a fee for running errands.

"Ahem, thank you very much, it's just that I have a cyst recently and the rent is a little higher." Zhu Pingan coughed and said a little embarrassedly.

"Oh, my lord, look at this shop. This shop is about 50 steps away from the previous one, and the area is also smaller. The tax calculation is 20 steps. The monthly rent of the shop here is 13. Two." After hearing this, Fang Ya pointed out another shop to Zhu Ping'an.

The area of ​​this shop is more than ten square meters smaller, sixty to seventy meters inward, and the price is five taels cheaper.

However, there is still a big gap with Zhu Ping'an's expectations.

In the end, Fang Ya pointed one by one, and Zhu Pingan shook his head from time to time. Finally, he chose the store area from the prime location near Xinghua Gate to Santangkou, and then to Sitangkou, avoiding the bustling area. In the end, they settled down in the area east of the wall in the unloading and storage area, which is known for its clutter.

In the end, I chose a shop, which was newly registered. The location was not good, the area was about 70 square meters, and the monthly rent was only 8 taels.

Fang Ya asked Zhu Pingan to wait for a day, and let him communicate with the lessor first, and then notify Zhu Pingan to sign the contract, go to the yamen to pay taxes, etc. after finalizing.

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