Rise From the Humble

Chapter 808 Unexpected Joy

"Master Zhu, the owner of the shop that he took a fancy to yesterday agreed to change hands, and even offered to reduce the rent by one tael per month. You can sign the contract now."

Early in the morning of the second day, Fang Ya ran to Huaihou Mansion with a blushing face, and told Zhu Pingan the good news with spittle.

"Is there such a good thing?"

Zhu Pingan came to the outer courtyard from the inner courtyard, and after hearing the news Fang Ya said, he was surprised. There are still people who take the initiative to lower the rent these days?

Then Zhu Pingan nodded with a smile, hung the money bag in his hand on his waist, and followed Fang Ya out of Linhuaihou's mansion.

In the yard far away, Baozi’s little maid Hua’er poked her head out from behind a bush of blooming roses, showing half of her head, a pair of big eyes rolling around, a bun face full of collagen, curious and nervous, Like a little lady catching an adulterer, she looked at the direction Zhu Pingan was leaving.

The uncle just asked the lady to borrow a hundred taels of silver.

Why did the lady give it to the uncle without asking, what if the uncle learns badly from others and goes out to drink flowers and wine, or go to some dubious places?

Now everyone in the Hou Mansion said that my uncle is now the youngest fifth-rank official in Daming, and that my uncle's future is limitless. Many girls in the mansion don't look right at my uncle.

Even Zijuan, the big girl next to the old lady, seems to be a little bit wrong recently.

That's one hundred taels of silver, the lady is not worried at all.

If the uncle goes out to flirt with women again, the lady will definitely be sad.


I have to go and see, and help the lady to watch the uncle.

Uncle can't be allowed to do wrong.

With the idea of ​​curing diseases and saving lives, the little maid of Baozi firmly nodded her head, and then clumsily dropped far behind Zhu Ping'an and Fang Ya.

Although clumsy, but fortunately the distance is far enough, Zhu Pingan did not notice.

Of course, it is also a loss that Liu Mu and Liu Dadao went to the gate of the city to pick up Liu Dachui and the others early in the morning, and did not follow Zhu Pingan. The old hunters who have been hunting in the mountains all year round have found it more than ten times.

It was already past eight o'clock in the morning, and the gate of Xinghua Gate was wide open, and no traffic was allowed. There were a lot of cars and people, and it was a bustling place.

Fang Ya was half a step behind Zhu Ping'an, and they walked towards Xinghua Gate together, planning to go to that shop to sign a contract. This shop has the layout of the front shop and the backyard, where the owner lives.

Fang Ya had already negotiated with the landlord yesterday afternoon, and the agreement was that the three parties would meet this morning and then directly sign the contract.

After finalizing the contract, Fang Ya was in a happy mood, and introduced nearby shops to Zhu Pingan along the way.

For example, the owner of this shop is very stingy, not only deducting the wages of the shop assistants, but also often selling goods short of catties, so you must pay attention to this shop in the future.

For example, the shop was stolen last time, and even the vases in the shop were stolen, all of them were emptied.

Another example is the opening of this restaurant the day before yesterday. Five or six orchids with big breasts and big butts were invited from outside the Great Wall. They danced with their bare feet and navels exposed, twisting their buttocks. While speaking, Zhu Pingan obviously saw his Adam's apple swell, and swallowed a mouthful of saliva, obviously salivating at the scene of Orchid dancing.

Zhu Pingan nodded and responded softly while walking.

Orchid dancing, um, it’s probably the belly dance of the Western Regions, it’s an Arabian style dance in the Middle East. Even in modern times, this kind of sexy and charming belly dance can easily be associated with sex. In ancient times, it was only normal for people to be considered immoral.


Orchids were invited to dance when they opened, hehe, it seems that the ancient restaurants were also well versed in some marketing methods.


Still rough.

It seems that it is time for you to experience real marketing.

Zhu Pingan slightly hooked the corners of his lips, and stepped forward. Under the sun, the young man's sunny smiling face almost dazzled people's eyes.

This is the street where the finalized shop is located. There are shops on both sides of the street. There are taverns, inns, cloth shops, teahouses, pen, ink, paper and inkstone shops, etc. In front of the shop, there are small stalls selling farm products, selling Fruit sellers, candied haws, fortune-tellers... Although the stalls are small, the business is good, and the stall owners are vying to attract customers.

At the foot of the imperial capital, he was full of energy.

There are a lot of people on the street, high and low, and everyone's face is full of yearning for a better life.

Next to the street is a Beijing-Hangzhou canal leading to the inner city river in the city. Boats come and go on the wide river, end to end. The boatman shouts and shakes the oars. It was full of goods, and the laborers carried the goods barebacked, and unloaded them nervously and orderly.

There is a stone arch bridge in front of the dock area, which spans the inner city river and connects the two banks. The stone arch bridge is not as magnificent as the Zhaozhou Bridge, but it is taller, and the bridge opening is high enough and wide enough to not affect the passage of ships in inland rivers at all.

There are people coming and going on the bridge, and boats coming and going under the bridge, which makes the traffic on this side of the arch bridge extraordinarily large.

Just a few steps past the arch bridge, Fang Ya pointed to a shop and reminded Zhu Pingan, "Lord Zhu, look, this is the shop."

Zhu Pingan stopped and looked along Fang Ya's fingers. It was a shop with a width of two rooms, about sixty square meters.

This is a pastry shop.

You can smell a sweet and greasy smell from a long distance. This smell reminds Zhu Ping'an of the Fujialin pastry shop not far from the gate of the university when he was in college.

This is a very classical pastry shop with antique decoration. The shelves of the shop are full of various pastries, such as steamed short cheese with sugar, steamed chestnut powder cake with sweet-scented osmanthus sugar, ruyi cake, acacia cake, auspicious fruit

However, although there are many tricks, the business of this pastry shop is relatively deserted. In the Xinghuamen area where people come and go, this shop seems out of place.

Zhu Pingan took a look at the wooden signs stuck behind all kinds of pastries, and he probably understood why the business of the shop was deserted.

The price is too expensive.

The price of any kind of pastry is more expensive than beef and mutton, obviously only the upper class can enjoy it. However, most of the people who come and go on the street are common people, as well as hard-working laborers and trackers. There are only a small number of passing merchants and wealthy people.

The object is positioned wrong.

In Beijing City, the east city is rich and the west city is expensive! Xuanwu is poor, and Chongwen is broken!

If this pastry shop opened in the wealthy districts of Dongcheng and Xicheng, the business might be quite different.

Zhu Pingan shook his head slightly, followed Fang Ya across the main entrance of the store, and walked into the backyard of the store from the corner door on the side.

The backyard is clean and tidy, with flowers, grass, and a clump of bamboo.

As soon as he entered the backyard, a touch of red came into Zhu Ping'an's eyes.

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