Rise From the Humble

Chapter 811 Made the headlines

Originally, Zhu Ping'an was going to give the troubled girl a poem called "Three Lotus Roots Floating in the Blue Pond", but firstly, the poem was a bit too rhetorical, and secondly, it is estimated that no one in the Ming Dynasty would understand it in another hundred years. It lost the meaning of giving poems, so Zhu Ping'an chose this poem "Wo Chun" adapted from Han Han Sanzhongmen's "Washing Stone". Although this poem has long been ruined in modern times, for the Ming Dynasty, it is a new poem It cannot be newer.

It must be very interesting when the troubled girl finally cracks the true meaning of "Wo Chun" with all her efforts and exhaustive means.

Zhu Ping'an thought about the scene of someone going crazy with amusement. He couldn't help but curled up his lips and walked out of the pastry shop's backyard with his hands behind his back.

As soon as he walked out of the store, Zhu Ping'an noticed a familiar figure opposite him. Well, it was the bun-faced girl who turned around awkwardly and covered her face with half a pancake.

He recognized it at a glance. This girl was Li Shu's personal maid Hua'er.

"Bless your uncle, you can't see me. Bless your uncle, you can't see me..." Hua'er stretched out her chubby hands nervously and pinched half of the pancake, trying hard to remove the baby's fat bun full of collagen. Hidden behind half a piece of cake, the eyelashes of her closed eyes trembled, and she kept praying in her little mouth.

This scene reminded Zhu Ping'an of the ostrich that would bury its head in the sand in later generations to avoid danger.

You are really talented.

How big is the sesame cake? It's not even as big as a palm, let alone half a sheet.

Half a piece of sesame cake can't even cover half of your little face, but you still want to hide your whole face behind the cake? !


"What are you doing here?"

Zhu Ping'an walked forward funny, stretched out his hand to push away half of the cake in front of Hua'er's little face, and asked with a smile.

"My, uncle, have you recognized the wrong person?" Hua'er, Baozi's little maid, showed her acting skills at this moment.

It's a pity that his IQ is not up to the mark. He clearly called me "uncle" and pretended not to recognize the wrong person.

"Oh, you got the wrong person." Zhu Ping'an snorted, then nodded, as if he hadn't seen through the little maid Baozi.

Hearing this, Little Maid Baozi thought that her acting skills had eluded Zhu Pingan, and she was extremely excited. Thank God for the gods and gods who heard her prayers. When she heard Zhu Pingan said that she had admitted the wrong person, Little Maid Baozi The maid's little face nodded hurriedly like a chicken eating rice, indicating her agreement. Well, you just got the wrong person.

"Hey, what did you just call me?" Zhu Pingan asked casually as if nothing had happened.

"Uncle." Baozi's little maid blurted out without thinking.

Then Zhu Pingan looked at Baozi's little maid Hua'er with a slight smile.

one second

two seconds


Under Zhu Ping'an's gaze, the little maid Baozi slowly reacted after two seconds, and then she let out a cry, and her baby-fat little face instantly turned red like a monkey's butt. It was so red that she was so ashamed. Got a fever.

"Hehehe, it turns out to be my uncle."

Baozi's little maid's face turned red, she lowered her head in embarrassment, and spat out her pink tongue shyly. She put her little hands in front of her belly with nowhere to rest, and twisted her little buttocks, and she lengthened her voice shyly. .

It’s too shameful not to want it.

Xu Zhimo said, "The most gentle thing is the gentleness of the lowered head, like the shyness of a water lotus that cannot bear the cool breeze." He probably describes this kind of shyness.

Seeing this, Zhu Ping'an smiled silently, "Now you recognize me."

"Haha, of course Hua'er recognizes my uncle." The little maid Baozi stretched out her chubby hands and rubbed the back of her head, blushing uncontrollably.

"What are you doing here?" Zhu Pingan asked again.

"Here I come. What did I do for cakes? Yes, I came to buy cakes." The little maid Baozi said while thinking, then she saw the cake in her hand, then she raised the cake in her hand, and then raised another Like a medal.

"Come so far to buy cakes?" Zhu Ping'an couldn't help but laugh after hearing the reason that the little maid Baozi had been thinking about for a long time.

"Hmm, the pancakes here are delicious. I like to eat them the most." The little girl said, and to prove that she loved eating, she stuffed the pancakes in her hand into her mouth, just like a rabbit eating a radish, and she ate it in one bite. Stuffed in.


I choked in embarrassment and patted my sizable chest with my small hands. It took a while before I swallowed it.

"Miss, miss, you haven't paid yet." The shopkeeper on the side couldn't help but remind her.

Blushing again.

The little maid Baozi wanted to find a hole to crawl in. It was so embarrassing, and it was in front of her uncle.

"Well, I was afraid that my uncle didn't have his money bag, so I followed him here." Baozi's little maid lowered her head and said, and then added superfluously, "I'm not following my uncle."

"Didn't you just say buy cakes?" Zhu Pingan smiled.

"Uh, I'm here to buy cakes." The little maid Baozi lowered her head so low that it was almost buried in her chest. Her voice was as low as a mosquito buzzing, and it was almost hard to hear clearly.

Zhu Pingan smiled and said nothing.

"Oh, I know I can't hide it from my uncle, so I followed you secretly." The little maid Baozi seemed to think that her excuse was too childish, and she didn't even believe it, so she confessed with a blushing face.

"Next time you want to come, just follow him openly." Zhu Pingan smiled slightly.

"It's true." The little maid Baozi smiled happily when she heard this, with her two dimples exposed. She originally thought she would be scolded by her uncle, but she didn't expect that her uncle not only didn't scold her, but also asked her to follow him generously next time. Just like a child who has scribbled graffiti on the wall, instead of scolding him, his parents praise him for his artistic talent.

"Uncle, we don't need to rent the shop of that rude young lady who just had her eyes wide open in her head."

On the way back, the little maid Baozi was holding a bag of sesame cakes in her hand. She shook her little hands and said something incoherently.

"Well, we don't rent." Zhu Pingan nodded.

"No need to rent." Baozi's little maid corrected.

"Oh, why?" Zhu Pingan asked casually.

"Because we have a shop on this street. Just a few days ago, the lady took over a few shops. I remember that one of them was on this street. That shop is still empty now. Yesterday, the lady was there. What kind of business do you want to do?" The little maid Baozi nodded her head and said seriously, "That shop seems to be quite big."

Uh, is this just a situation where there is no way out of the mountains and rivers, and there is a bright future in another village? !

Zhu Ping'an felt as if he was given a pillow when he fell asleep.

Slowly, two figures, one tall and one short, disappeared into the sea of ​​people.

On this day, although Zhu Pingan did not rent a house with Fang Ya's help, the news about Zhu Pingan renting a house and doing business was spread from one to ten, and from ten to ten, following Fang Ya's mouth.

Zhu Pingan was fined and bankrupted, and was forced to start a business to support his family.

It became a joke for a while.

The most popular topic among officials in many yamen chats. In addition to Yan Song and Xu Jie's fines for pawn sellers, the hottest topic is Zhu Ping'an's being fined for bankruptcy and doing business. To be precise, Zhu Ping'an's topic is more popular than that of Yan Song and Xu Jie. It's several times hotter.

It can be said to be the number one hot search list in ancient times. If it were modern, it would be on the headlines.

A certain official who had been fined money and had not thought about food or food for several days and was depressed, after hearing the news, happily ate five more bowls of rice. If his family had not held him back, this official with a good appetite could have eaten a bowl. rice.

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