Rise From the Humble

Chapter 812 The artistic conception is extremely beautiful

From that day on, when the officials who were working in Yingmao met at the Yamen, their first words were no longer "Did you eat it, but did you hear it?" Then the news that Zhu Ping'an was punished, bankrupted his entire family, and was forced to do business part-time, would Being lifted up again.

"Are you kidding? If he sells calligraphy and paintings, he might be able to make a profit of three melons and two dates, so he won't have to drink northwest wind all day long. But if he is doing business, I heard that he still needs to open a restaurant to run it. I can guarantee that he will Zhu Ping’an even lost all the Dubisan (ancient underwear) left.”

"Confucius said that there is no distinction between education and distinction. There is no distinction between high and low in reading and writing. But when it comes to running a restaurant, Zhu Ping'an, a country bumpkin from the countryside, has no knowledge in eating. He will not think that small restaurants in the countryside are casual. You can make a lot of money by frying a few dishes that are not suitable for the table. You just take it for granted that you can make money in the capital. What is the quality of restaurants in the capital? Can restaurants in the countryside compare with it? If you want to make money, just dream."

"Zhu Ping'an must be out of his mind. There is a beauty like jade in the book, and there is a golden house in the book. If you don't study the knowledge carefully with the book lying there, you have to let yourself down and be stained with the smell of copper. I think the Holy Spirit will punish him. Still too light.”

"Young people are still too young. Don't look back until you hit the wall. Doing business and studying are two different things. Alas, young people just don't listen to advice."

"Haha, I still want to open a restaurant to make money... I think he can make him cry..."

"You can't say for sure. Maybe Zhu Ping'an can make money, right? Hahaha..."

"Make money? Hahaha, if he can make money, I will write my name upside down."

What people say are basically voices that badmouth Zhu Pingan. It can be said that nine and a half out of ten people are not optimistic about Zhu Pingan. The remaining half did not express their opinions out of self-cultivation. In fact, in their hearts It’s also not pretty.

A period of bad-mouthing and a period of laughter.

It is no exaggeration to say that Zhu Ping'an's news brought half of the laughter to the official power in the capital, and cured many difficult and miscellaneous diseases such as loss of appetite and poor mood.

In the deep palace of Xiyuan, the incense of burning incense filled the air, and the breeze brought bursts of sandalwood. A group of people crossed the Jinao Yuqiao Bridge and went straight to the harem.

If Zhu Ping'an were here, he would have recognized that the young man in the four-clawed python robe who left first was the young man with a lush beard who was in the backyard of the pastry shop in the morning. However, the only difference is that at this time, the young man's face is fair and clean. What a lush beard, it's just a light velvet beard on the lips.

This person is one of the only two remaining princes of the Ming Dynasty, the third prince of the Ming Dynasty - Prince Yu Zhu Zaihe.

Following closely behind King Yu was a lively and willful girl, wearing a bright red phoenix dress, with pearls on her head, a small face full of arrogance and defiance, and a piece of rice paper in her pink and white jade hand, rolled into a paper tube. inside.

If Zhu Ping'an were here, he would recognize this girl as the troubled girl in the backyard of the pastry shop this morning.

Being able to walk freely in the palace is certainly not an ordinary person. This girl is the third princess of the Ming Dynasty and the most beloved eldest princess of Emperor Jiajing (the eldest among the existing princesses) - Princess Ning'an Zhu Luyu.

"Brother Emperor, please stay in the palace for a few days. Empress Du has told Ning An several times that she misses Brother Emperor." Princess Ning'an stepped forward, stretched out her little hand and pulled Prince Yu's sleeves. , said in a coquettish tone.

King Yu was slightly startled when he heard this, paused, then shook his head, with a sad and helpless look on his face, and said softly: "It's not like you don't know, Yu'er, I have already opened my palace and cannot stay in the palace. Besides, father The emperor has never been happy for me to come to the palace, but today my mother and concubine are slightly ill, so I was able to enter the palace to visit my mother and concubine."

"It's all the fault of Tao Lao Niuzi, who deceived my father by telling nonsense about two dragons not meeting each other, and made his brother unable to enter the palace." Princess Ning'an said angrily.

The palace maids and eunuchs behind them all lowered their heads and stood aside with their hands down, as if they were deaf and mute, silent.

"Your Majesty, be careful." Prince Yu had a nervous look on his eyebrows. He quickly glanced around and approached Princess Ning'an and whispered softly, "Be careful that walls have ears. Master Tao Tianshi is deeply trusted by his father. If his father finds out, It would be bad for the imperial sister to slander Master Tao behind her back."

"What are you afraid of? These are all servants that the Imperial Sister can trust. If anyone dares to gossip, we will pull him out and beat him to death." Princess Ning'an glanced at the palace maid and eunuch behind her, pursed her lips, and struck a sentence.

"Slaves (minions) don't dare."

All the palace maids and eunuchs knelt down and responded tremblingly, with humility and respect.

"Get up. As long as you stick to your duties, I will not treat you badly. Do you know why you went back if my mother asked you about it?" Princess Ning'an said lightly, and then asked nonchalantly. road.

"The princess is copying scriptures and praying for the imperial concubine in Qingyizhai." All the maids and eunuchs replied in unison.

Hearing this, Princess Ning'an nodded with satisfaction, and her lips raised a beautiful arc.

King Yu on the side smiled and shook his head.

The group continued moving forward.

"Brother Imperial, what do you mean by the poem that exhibitionist Zhu Pingan gave me?" When she mentioned the poem written by Zhu Pingan, the smile on Princess Ning'an's lips gradually faded, she frowned and tilted her head. He said with a disgusted face: "What does my innocence have to do with him? I rush to give people poems. Humph, who does he think he is? Who cares about his bad poems?"

Of course, although Princess Ning'an said this with a look of disgust, a somewhat smug look could not help but appear on her face.

Just like when a little girl received a love letter from a little boy in school, no matter whether she tore it into pieces or threw it in the trash can, she still couldn't help but feel a little proud and happy in her heart, and her vanity was also greatly improved. satisfy.

Humph, this girl is so beautiful, talented, and so lovable.

I didn't give Zhu Ping'an any good looks just now. Even so, he rushed to give me poems.

If you give him some good face, then he will have to dig his nose and face, and I don’t know what kind of attentive behavior he will do.


Who cares!

After Princess Ning'an finished speaking, before waiting for King Yu's reply, she quietly recited to herself:

""Luch Spring"

dark plum flower

Lying on a branch with sorrow

Smells from a distance like lying on water

Easy to reach spring green.

The shore is green

The shore looks green

The shore looks like a deep green. "

After reciting silently, Princess Ning'an shook her little head, with a look of disgust on her face, "What kind of bad poem did he write? The artistic conception is good, but the poems don't rhyme, the rhythm is wrong, and the words are too heavy. It's really I don’t know how he got into the top spot.”

"Well, this poem is a bit weird. The rhyme and rhythm are all taboos in poetry, but the artistic conception is extremely beautiful." King Yu nodded and said softly.

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