Rise From the Humble

Chapter 813 Concubine Du Kang

"Brother Emperor, Ning'an will go to Rongfu Palace to pay his respects to Empress Du later. Don't leave in a hurry." When they parted in front of Changchun Palace, Princess Ning'an waved her little hand and specifically warned Prince Yu.

Changchun Palace is the palace where Concubine Shen lives. When Princess Ning'an was 3 years old, her mother-in-law, Concubine Cao Duan, was involved in the "Renyin Palace Incident" and was executed by Queen Fang. After that, Princess Ning'an was adopted by Concubine Shen and has been living in the palace. In Changchun Palace.

"Well, go back quickly, and don't forget to say hello to the imperial concubine for me." Prince Yu nodded, and then watched Princess Ning'an and her entourage enter the Changchun Palace.

After Princess Ning'an entered Changchun Palace, King Yu and his party continued forward, passing through a garden and arriving at Rongfu Palace.

"His Royal Highness Prince Yu is here, go and report back to the empress."

Rongfu Palace was originally quiet, but when the maids and eunuchs of Rongfu Palace saw Queen Yu, they were all happy and rushed to tell each other, and Rongfu Palace became lively.

Corridor, flower garden, rockery, screen.

King Yu stood at the entrance of the palace, looking at the familiar and unfamiliar plants and trees in Rongfu Palace, and was involuntarily stunned.

The sunny corridor was my favorite place to read when I was a child, because the sun there was the best and it was warm on my body. I remember that one time when I was reading in the corridor when I was a child, I was praised by my father who came to see my mother and concubine. What was the praise at that time? Oh, I remember. My father said that a horse can't take ten steps with one leap; a horse can't take ten steps. Ten drives, the merit lies in perseverance.

The old tree root on the rockery is still there. When I was climbing the rockery when I was a kid, I slipped and fell off the rockery. Thanks to grabbing the old tree root on the way, my head was saved from being smashed.

There is also a flower garden. When I was a child, I, Zhendi and Ning'an loved playing hide and seek in it.

However, the plants and trees here looked familiar, yet strange at the same time.

Take the flower garden for example. I remember that in the past, the most peonies were planted in the flower garden. My mother-in-law loved peonies the most. Every summer, the flower garden was filled with red, purple and pink peonies. The whole garden was filled with colorful peonies.

During the flower season, the father came to Rongfu Palace more often, and empresses and nobles often came to Rongfu Palace to ask for flowers.

It can be said that "the peonies are blooming in the spring, and we have decided not to enjoy the flowers this year. We cut three hundred flowers from the gold plate and gave them to the families of the ministers in batches."

But now, why are the peonies in the flowerbed gone? Instead, there are so many chrysanthemums planted.

It’s not that chrysanthemums are preferred among flowers. There will be no flowers even after all the flowers have bloomed. Although chrysanthemums are also good, when did the mother-in-law change her preferences?

"His Royal Highness Prince Yu is here. Please come with your servants. Your Majesty was talking about Your Highness just now."

While King Yu was thinking, a woman in blue palace clothes walked over quickly. She was about twenty years old, gentle and capable. She walked in front of King Yu and said a thousand blessings with an excited look on her face. said.

"Thank you Aunt Jinyu." King Yu couldn't help but smile on his face when he saw the person coming, and he bowed with his hands.

"Your Highness has broken this slave." Palace Maid Jin Yu turned sideways to avoid it.

"When I was a child, I made trouble, and Aunt Jinyu had to cover up for me many times and take the blame for me. Others can't bear it, but Aunt Jinyu can. Oh, by the way, auntie, doesn't my mother-in-law love peonies the most? When will she change her species? Chrysanthemum?" Prince Yu had been familiar with Palace Maid Jinyu since he was a child, and when he spoke, his tone was much more affectionate than with other people.

"It's all Lu Jing." Jinyu heard this and thought about the reason why the flower garden was replanted with chrysanthemums. Her eyebrows couldn't help but frown slightly. Just when she was about to explain the reason, she heard Du Kangfei's voice coming from behind her, so she swallowed her words before she spoke. Went back.

"Ge'er is here, hurry up, let me take a good look at my G'er."

Concubine Du Kang called, pushing away the palace maid's support, and walked over quickly with a gold silk phoenix pattern handkerchief in her hand.

Concubine Du Kang was dressed in a luxurious pink palace dress, embroidered with a golden phoenix. The pleats of her skirt were like peony petals blooming on the ground. Her black silk hair was rolled up into a fairy bun, and she wore a step embroidered with small round pearls. Shake, a pair of eyes looked at King Yu full of joy. Although he was very excited, his demeanor was still in full swing, and there was a sense of luxury in his every move.

Although she is already over thirty years old, Concubine Du Kang takes very good care of herself. Even if there is no trace of wrinkles at the corners of her eyes, her appearance remains the same and her elegance is still there.

"Mother Concubine." Prince Yu hurried forward to greet her, with worry on his face, "Mother Concubine is slightly ill, why don't you keep her in the house? It's not good to be exposed to the wind."

"Giggle. My son has grown up and I know that I feel sorry for my mother-in-law." Du Kangfei chuckled and joked.

"Concubine, I have grown up a long time ago." Prince Yu blushed. He was very embarrassed when Concubine Du Kang teased her in front of all the palace maids and eunuchs. He half changed the topic, and half seriously questioned Du Kangfei. A palace maid said, "How do you take care of your mother and concubine? Why don't you give me some advice?"

"Your Highness, forgive me." The two maids bowed their heads and apologized.

"Don't do their business. Okay, I won't tease you anymore. To tell you the truth, my mother-in-law is in good health." Concubine Du Kang waved her hand, smiled slightly, and said softly.

King Yu was startled when he heard this, his eyes full of doubt.

"My mother-in-law just misses you too much, so she calls herself sick. Otherwise, why would your father be willing to let you come into the palace to see me." Concubine Du Kang blinked her eyes, her eyes as clear and bright as amber, and said with a slight smile.

"If you don't believe me, ask Jin Yu." Concubine Du Kang pointed at the palace lady Jin Yu beside her.

Under the gaze of Prince Yu and Concubine Du Kang, Jin Yu nodded slowly.

"You see, right? Jin Yu never lies." Concubine Du Kang smiled sweetly, then reached out and took Prince Yu's wrist, just like when she was a child leading him to walk, and pulled Prince Yu to the palace. Go inside.

When passing by the flower garden, Concubine Du Kang stretched out her slender hand, pointed at the chrysanthemums in the flower garden, and introduced them to King Yu one by one, "Look, look, this cluster of chrysanthemums that are as red as red as peonies and as majestic as peonies is called "Chrysanthemums". Black peony; over there, that clump of pure white peonies, like an independent fairy, is called white peony; here, you can see that there is only one tree, but it is the most precious one. It belongs to a century-old flower cultivation family in Lingnan. I present it to your father. Your father gave me no more than a hundred flowers in the entire Ming Dynasty. It is called Yaotai Yufeng. Look at the white petals surrounding the yellow flower center. Is there a flower? It has a graceful beauty, just like a Yaotai fairy, so it is called Yaotai Jade Phoenix and it is truly worthy of its name; and, there."

After Du Kangfei introduced the last kind of chrysanthemum, her eyes rubbed a gentle light, and her face showed a shy blush like a newly married woman. She said softly to Prince Yu, "So, the emperor treats me - he is also the emperor." It’s about my heart. Geer, you only built your mansion outside. Pay more attention to the errands assigned to you by your father, and don’t worry about your mother and concubine.”

Palace Maid Jinyu who was following Concubine Du Kang and Prince Yu couldn't help but blush after listening to Concubine Du Kang's words. A tear almost fell down. She hurriedly stretched out her hand to wipe it away, squeezed out a smile on her face, and agreed, "Yes. Your Highness, the Emperor is very fond of the Empress."

"Your Majesty." Prince Yu nodded under Concubine Du Kang's gaze.

The smile on Concubine Du Kang's face became even more beautiful when she heard this. She was more charming than a flower. She pulled Prince Yu up the stairs and slowly walked into the palace.

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