Rise From the Humble

Chapter 814 King Jing

When Concubine Du Kang took Prince Yu into the inner hall of Rongfu Palace, Zhaoyang Hall, another harem dormitory two arrows away, also welcomed a young prince of the Ming Dynasty, Prince Jing Zhu Zaizhen.

Zhaoyang Palace is the bedroom of Princess Jing’s mother-in-law, Concubine Lu Jing. Concubine Lu Jing entered the palace during the ninth year of Jiajing’s national election for concubines. Just like modern Beijing Film, China Theater, and Shanghai Theater, they all have a proud "star" "Class", such as Beijing Film Academy's 96th grade, China Theater Academy's 96th grade, and Shanghai Theater Academy's 95th grade. Emperor Jiajing's harem also had a proud "Concubine Class". In the ninth year of Jiajing, it was the famous "Concubine Class" in the Jiajing Dynasty. ".

In the ninth year of Jiajing, nine concubines including Fang, Zheng, Yan, Wang, Shen, Du, Wei and Shen entered the palace in the same year as Concubine Lu Jing. They were also known as the famous "Nine Concubines". ".

Among them, the Fang family was the former empress, Empress Fang; the Zheng family was the first of the "Nine Concubines", Concubine Zheng Xian. If Zheng hadn't died early, given her popularity and ability, Empress Fang wouldn't have been able to become the queen.

The Yan family was the noble concubine of the Emperor of Hell, who gave birth to the emperor's eldest son. Unfortunately, the emperor's eldest son died young, and the concubine of the Emperor of Hell died of illness within a few years. Emperor Jiajing was very sad about the death of their mother and son. In the year of the death of the concubine of the Emperor of Hell, the Emperor Jin All the concubines in the harem who had given birth were granted the title of concubine. It can be said that the reason why Concubine Lu Jing and Concubine Du Kang were conferred the title of concubine by concubines was also due to this.

Mrs. Wang is now the royal concubine, and Prince Zhuang Jing, Zhu Zaihen, who passed away last year, is her son. Prince Zhuang Jing was Emperor Jiajing's favorite prince, no one else. When Prince Zhuang Jing was still there, Emperor Jiajing doted on Wang Guifei in order to respect Prince Zhuang Jing. However, since the death of Prince Zhuang Jing last year, the status of Concubine Wang in the harem has plummeted. In addition, due to the pain of losing her son, Concubine Wang's health has been very bad, and she is getting worse day by day.

Shen is the current Concubine Shen, and she has always been very favored.

Mrs. Du is today's Concubine Du Kang, the mother-in-law of Prince Yu. Although she has been quite neglected by Emperor Jiajing recently, Concubine Du Kang has outstanding beauty and quite ravines inside and outside her breasts. With Prince Yu by her side, her future possibilities are endless. .

Wei Shi was the concubine of Wei Hui, and could be said to be the green leaf in the "concubine class". However, no one dared to underestimate her as she had been able to sit firmly in the harem for more than 20 years.

Although the current concubine Lu Jing is not the highest ranked concubine, second only to the imperial concubine, she can be said to be the most favored in the harem, and the only one who has appeared recently is Shangmei. However, in Concubine Lu Jing's view, the emperor was just trying to be fresh, and Shangmei took advantage of his young age and fresh body. When the emperor was fresh enough, Shangmei would naturally become a common being in the vast harem. Maybe I won’t see the emperor even once a year.

Concubine Lu Jing is most afraid of and the most thorn in Concubine Du Kang's side in the harem, because now they are the only ones with princes in the harem. It can be said with certainty that the princes of them two will inherit the throne in the future.

However, Concubine Lu Jing is now looking very proud. In the fight with Concubine Du Kang, she now has a clear advantage and can be said to have won firmly.

The number of times she slept with her could tell everything. Concubine Du Kang had not slept with her for several months, while Concubine Lu Jing had slept with her no less than six times this month.

Last night, Concubine Lu Jing had sex with Emperor Jiajing. Although Emperor Jiajing was a bit rude and had a habit of sadism, Concubine Lu Jing's pink buttocks were not dared to sit on her today. However, Concubine Lu Jing's face was as shy as a peach blossom. The appearance said it all, both painful and happy.

"Fourth Master is here."

"Fourth Master is here."

The arrival of King Jing made the entire Zhaoyang Palace feel like it was a festival. The maids and eunuchs in the palace saw King Jing and rushed to tell each other happily.

They like King Jing from the bottom of their hearts. You can tell from the name they call King Jing, Fourth Master, this is a very intimate title.

The maids and eunuchs in the Rongfu Palace not far next door addressed King Yu as His Royal Highness King Yu. They respected him, but they were obviously not as close to him as the people in Zhaoyang Palace did to King Jing.

King Jing is humble and polite, King Jing is gentle and elegant, King Jing is kind and generous, King Jing is considerate of his servants, King Jing is approachable and open-minded, King Jing is talented but never arrogant, King Jing is handsome, and he always has a smile on his lips when he speaks. (Of course this is the view of some nymphomaniac maids)…

In their opinion, no matter how many complimentary words are used on King Jing, it is not an exaggeration, and King Jing can bear the responsibility.

"Eunuch Li, little Eunuch Zhang, Aunt Wang, Aunt Xiaolan... I am very relieved that Zhaoyang Palace and my concubine are under your care."

King Jing entered the Zhaoyang Palace and greeted the maids and eunuchs in the Zhaoyang Palace one by one with a smile on his face. Even if she is an inconspicuous court lady sweeping the courtyard, he can accurately call her by name and greet her politely.

The moment their name was called, everyone in Zhaoyang Palace felt honored, their chests were high, and their whole body was full of strength.

Especially when King Jing was relieved that he/she was taking care of Zhaoyang Palace and Concubine Lu Jing, the blood in Zhaoyang Palace's maids and eunuchs' bodies was boiling. If anyone criticizes King Jing at this moment, he/they will fight that person to the death.

That's what it means to say that a scholar dies for his confidant.

After greeting everyone in Zhaoyang Hall, King Jing walked into Zhaoyang Hall with a smile. King Jing was tall and straight, walking like a dragon or a tiger. He was very imposing and graceful, giving people a feeling of stability and vitality.

It makes people feel safe just looking at the back.

Concubine Lu Jing, who was in the inner hall of Zhaoyang Palace, couldn't help but smile with joy after hearing the palace maid's report. Her pretty face, which was originally proud of the spring breeze, was now even more beautiful. As she walked out quickly, she ordered the palace maid to prepare King Jing's favorite food. refreshments.

"Zhen'er is here. Why don't you send someone to deliver a message to the concubine in advance?" Concubine Lu Jing came over with a happy face and an extremely gentle voice. Although she was over thirty, she could not conceal her beautiful appearance. , the face is radiant.

Compared with Concubine Du Kang, Concubine Lu Jing may be a little less beautiful, but she is much more beautiful than Concubine Du Kang. Let's put it this way, maybe Concubine Lu Jing can't compare to Concubine Du Kang in the selection of the most beautiful woman, but Concubine Lu Jing is definitely far ahead of Concubine Du Kang in the selection of the woman she most wants to sleep with.

"Mother concubine." King Jing stepped forward quickly, saluted respectfully, and explained, "The harem has its own rules, and I dare not violate them."

"Why are you such a boring kid? My mother still liked your mischievous ways of climbing trees to catch birds and going up to the house to lift tiles when you were a child." Concubine Lu Jing looked at King Jing with a smile.

"If the mother and concubine like it, I can now climb the tree to catch birds and go up to the house to lift the tiles." King Jing smiled slightly and as he spoke, he rolled up his sleeves and pretended to climb the tree to the house.

"Bullshit~" Concubine Lu Jing said with a smile.

The palace maids and eunuchs on the side also lowered their heads and smiled, and Zhaoyang Palace was filled with a cheerful atmosphere.

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