Rise From the Humble

Chapter 815 Seeing Through

Inside Zhaoyang Hall.

King Jing took the initiative to take the place of a palace maid, stretched out his wrist, let Concubine Lu Jing hold her, and walked into Zhaoyang Palace together.

When he was about to enter the inner hall, King Jing suddenly stopped and his eyes fell on the garden on the side of the path.

Looking around, the peonies in the garden are blooming charmingly against the background of green leaves. They are red, purple and pink. The peonies stretch their petals to their heart's content, like dancing ladies. If you stir up the hem of your skirt, you will be so beautiful that you will be graceful and luxurious, you will be so beautiful that your country will be beautiful and fragrant, you will be so beautiful that your country will be captivated, you will be so beautiful that you will be gorgeous and charming.

In particular, two peonies are the most eye-catching. Half of their petals are deep purple and black, and the other half are as red as blood.

Familiar peonies.

Familiar memories.

When I was young, I was playing hide-and-seek with Brother Sanhuang and Ning An in the garden of Rongfu Palace. Brother Three Emperors accidentally trampled and broke a half-purple and half-red peony. I still remember that it made Concubine Du heartbroken for a long time.

"What's wrong, Zhen'er?" Concubine Lu Jing asked.

"Concubine, if I remember correctly, these peonies are from Concubine Du's palace, right?" King Jing asked in a positive tone.

"You remember it clearly, but not now." Concubine Lu Jing turned around and looked at the peonies in the garden. Her eyes were as clear as blue waves and filled with pride. The curve of her mouth was as perfect as a crescent moon. She looked back and smiled. .

Peony is the king of flowers. Isn't it a symbol of the master of the harem? Why does she, Concubine Du Kang, have a peony garden now?

"Concubine Mother likes begonias, and Concubine Du loves peonies. These peonies are not what Concubine Mother likes, so why should Concubine Mother be loved by others." King Jing shook his head slightly.

"Who gave birth to you? If you don't help my mother, how can you help that bitch?" Concubine Lu Jing glanced at King Jing and said angrily, "Concubine, I like peonies recently, I can't do that. ? Besides, I just mentioned that I like peonies, and your father had them transplanted from Rongfu Palace, so I am the one who has won people's love."

"Mother concubine." Seeing this, King Jing shook his head helplessly and smiled.

There is a study room in Rongfu Palace. The study room is elegantly decorated, has a guqin, a desk, and a boudoir-like room.

"Brother Imperial, do you understand?"

Princess Ning'an sat in front of the desk, holding her cheek in one hand, and her other pink hand was boringly pulling on a corner of the rice paper and scratching it back and forth.

The rice paper is very familiar. It was the rice paper on which Zhu Pingan wrote the poem "Wo Chun".

Opposite the desk, King Yu copied a copy of "Wo Chun" with a brush in his hand. He stood in front of the desk, looking at the copy of "Wo Chun" and thinking seriously. This was a habit he developed from studying when he was a child, and it also came from a lesson learned by Emperor Jiajing. During the Chinese New Year when he was a child, Emperor Jiajing had a whim and personally taught a Qingci poem to Prince Yu, Prince Zhuang Jing and Prince Jing. I understood it quickly, but King Yu didn't understand it at all. He asked Emperor Jiajing over and over again. Emperor Jiajing was annoyed by the questions and angrily asked King Yu to fire him a hundred times. He taught King Yu that reading a hundred times would make sense. See, if you are stupid, you can master it by copying it a hundred times. From then on, King Yu gradually formed the habit of using copying to promote understanding.

After listening to Princess Ning'an's inquiry, King Yu frowned and slowly shook his head.

"Giggle, is the sun rising in the west today? Didn't Ning An get dizzy when he saw eight-legged articles about poems, songs, and poems? Why did he take the initiative to ask your brother to study poetry today?" Du Kangfei looked at Ning with a smile on her face. Princess An joked.

"Empress Du Fei~~ I am so ignorant and incompetent." Princess Ning'an blushed slightly and put the poem in her hand on the table. She ran over and hugged Concubine Du Kang's arm and started to play coquettishly. Come.

"Giggle, I'm afraid your father will be worried in the future." Concubine Du Kang suddenly chuckled.

"Why?" Princess Ning'an raised her face and asked in confusion.

"Giggle, because our little Ning'an is not only naturally beautiful, but now he is also educated and sensible. So what kind of consort can be worthy of our little Ning'an? I'm afraid it will not only be the number one scholar." Du Kangfei embroidered the handkerchief. He opened his mouth and chuckled.

"I don't want to marry that exhibitionist named Zhu~~ Ning'an will ignore you." Princess Ning'an heard Du Kangfei say that only the number one scholar is worthy of her, and she suddenly thought of someone who took off his pants in public. The exhibitionist Zha Yinku felt a chill all over his body, and every cell in his body was in opposition. He couldn't help blurting out subconsciously. After finishing speaking, he met Du Kangfei's gossipy eyes, and his pretty face suddenly turned red like a ripe apple. He was so angry. With a cry, she turned around and lowered her head in shame and annoyance, ignoring Du Kangfei.

"Okay, okay, I won't tease you anymore." Du Kangfei coaxed with a smile.

Princess Ning'an then turned around and said, "Concubine Du, please don't make such jokes with Ning'an again."

"Yeah." Du Kangfei nodded, obviously not sincerely speaking.

After the place became quiet, Wang Yu, who was opposite the desk, seemed to have figured out some clues and spoke slowly:

"If you put aside the rhythm of this poem, it is a very good poem. Perhaps, this is a poem that does not pay attention to rhythm. It was influenced by Liu Zongyuan's opposition to parallel prose, and the artistic conception of Su Dongpo and Liu Yong's Song poetry. It is catchy and easy to sing, and seems to be a new genre. The dark plum blossoms and the quiet smell of the flowers are like the plum blossoms. Well, there is also the distant smell lying like water, using the sense of smell to write the vision, this kind of The technique is superbly used. From a distance, the plum blossoms in full bloom look like a red lake. The bank behind seems green, the bank seems green, and the bank seems dark green. It is also very good. Since ancient times, autumn has been sad. Loneliness, I say that autumn is better than spring. Everyone uses green leaves to line up red flowers, but this poem is uncharacteristically, using red flowers to line up green leaves, highlighting the strong feeling of spring. This artistic conception is really beautiful, comparable to "Spring River Flowers" "Moonlight Night" is comparable."

"Is that exhibitionist's writing so good? I don't care about his bad poems." After listening to King Yu's interpretation, Princess Ning'an stretched out her little hand to take the rice paper in her hand, and then patted the rice paper with disdain. on the table.

It turns out that he writes so well, huh, but even so, I don't care. Do you think that just because you put in the effort to write a good poem, I will be impressed by you? You must have read too many drama scripts, so go ahead and dream, huh. !

Of course, although Princess Ning'an didn't care about it, her vanity was still satisfied.

"What poem is so good? Let me see it. The dark plum blossoms are smelling in the dark, and the branches are lying on the branches with sadness. The distant smells are like water, and the spring green is easy to see."

As she spoke, Du Kangfei took the rice paper on the table into her hand, read it in a low voice and then looked at it again. She looked at it again, as if she was thoughtful, and immediately went back to look at it again, and whispered in a low voice. She slowly and silently recited it again, her pretty face suddenly turned red, and she almost burst into laughter. She stretched out her slender hand to cover her mouth, her shoulders trembled, and her big eyes curved into crescents.

When King Yu saw this, he looked at Concubine Du Kang in confusion.

The same is true for Princess Ning'an.

Seeing the confused expressions on their faces, Concubine Du Kang couldn't help but cover her mouth like this, and giggled loudly, her branches trembling with laughter, as if she was about to die from laughter.

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