Rise From the Humble

Chapter 816 It turns out you are such a poem

"Concubine, what's wrong with you?" Prince Yu looked at Concubine Du Kang who was smiling and trembling, and asked with a confused look on his face.

"That's right, Concubine Du, why are you smiling like this?" Seeing Concubine Du Kang smiling like this, Princess Ning'an opened her mouth in surprise and asked softly in stunned silence.

In Princess Ning'an's memory, Concubine Du Kang had always been elegant and well-mannered, and she had always paid attention to her image. There was no time like today when she was smiling so wildly that she almost couldn't stand up straight. This was the first time Princess Ning'an had seen Concubine Du Kang who had lost her composure, so she was so surprised.

"Giggle, giggle, because of this poem." Du Kangfei covered her mouth and laughed so hard that she couldn't stand up straight.

"This poem?" Prince Yu and Princess Ning'an were even more confused, "Is this poem so funny?"

Not only is it not funny, it is simply not funny at all.

Prince Yu and Princess Ning'an looked at each other, wondering why this poem had nothing to do with being funny.

"Read it again and take a look." Du Kangfei tried her best to stop her smile, but as soon as she finished speaking, she couldn't help but burst into laughter.

"Read it once?" King Yu was a little confused. Could it be that by reading it once, he could discover the secret.

"Huh? Okay." Princess Ning'an was stunned for a moment, then nodded and read "Wo Chun" softly.

"The dark plum blossoms are smelling in the dark, lying on the branches and feeling sad at the bottom. The distant smell is like water, and the spring green is easily revealed. The bank seems green, the bank seems green, and the bank seems dark green."

Princess Ning'an's voice was very nice, and her tone of voice was ups and downs. She read the song "Wo Chun" softly.

Concubine Du Kang had already stopped laughing, but when she heard Princess Ning'an reading "Wo Chun", she couldn't help but laugh again.

Prince Yu originally listened very seriously and wanted to discover the secret, but he was soon affected by Du Kangfei who was covering her mouth and couldn't help laughing.

"Mother Concubine." Prince Yu touched his forehead, feeling helpless.

"Empress Du Fei." Princess Ning'an prolonged her voice and pouted her mouth slightly to express her dissatisfaction.

You are studying well, why are you smiling like this? Is it because Ning An is not studying well?

Princess Ning'an thought a lot in her heart.

"Giggle, giggle, haven't you noticed yet?" Du Kangfei had a hard time holding back her laughter, her face was so red that the dimples on her face were exposed when she smiled, and her long eyes narrowed into crescent moons were smiling.

"What did you find?" Prince Yu and Princess Ning'an shook their heads, confused.

"Xiao Ning'an, um, that person gave you this poem. Geez, have you offended him?" Du Kangfei looked at Princess Ning'an with a smile and asked.

"Huh? How did you know, my dear?" Princess Ning'an was startled, then turned to Prince Yu with her big eyes, seeming to ask if Prince Yu had told Concubine Du Kang.

King Yu shook his head innocently.

"It's not what Ge'er said, it can be seen in the poem..." Du Kangfei chuckled.

Princess Ning'an looked suspicious.

"Read it a few more times and see." Du Kangfei blinked.

Princess Ning'an read "Wo Chun" again suspiciously, and then read it twice more carefully, ""Wo Chun". The dark plum blossoms are smelling in the dark, and the branches are filled with sadness. The distant smells are like water, and it is easy to reach them. Spring green..."

"It's nothing..." After reading it twice, Princess Ning'an shook her head.

Du Kangfei smiled and said nothing, and used her eyes to signal Ning An to read it again.

Still want to read? !

Princess Ning'an pouted her little mouth unhappily, with a little emotion, and she didn't read it properly. She read it out of tune, ""Wo Chun". The dark plum blossoms are smelling in the dark, and the branches are full of sadness. Listening in the distance Lying like water, it is easy to reach the spring green..."

King Yu on the side saw this and shook his head with a smile.

Why? !


wrong? !

What do I really want to hear? !

Prince Yu, who was smiling and shaking his head, was suddenly startled. He suddenly seemed to recognize it from Princess Ning'an's out-of-tune recitation of "You can hear it from afar like lying on water, and it can easily reach the spring green".

If Princess Ning'an hadn't deliberately read it out of tune with a little emotion, Prince Yu really wouldn't have discovered this secret.

I smell like lying on water in the distance, and it is easy to see the spring green - you want to ask who I am, a big stupid donkey? !

Well? !

Isn't it? !

King Yu was as surprised as a piece of wood. He simply couldn't believe his ears. His original understanding was overturned. What he thought was a very beautiful poem just now turned out to be such a "poetry"? !

Ning An on the side was still saying out of tune with a little emotion: "The shore seems green, the shore seems green, the shore seems dark green."

What Ning An read to King Yu's ears was, "I am a donkey, I am a donkey, I am a big stupid donkey."

Then, King Yu couldn't help but blush. After Ning An finished reading, King Yu couldn't help laughing loudly.


Princess Ning'an was completely confused.

what happened?

Brother Huang, why are you smiling like this? ! What happened? Could it be that there is something wrong with my reading?

Princess Ning'an was confused for a while.

"Brother Imperial, why do you smile like this? Huh?" Princess Ning'an couldn't understand, so she chose the most direct way, showing her little tiger teeth, and looked at Prince Yu with a half-threatening, half-coquettish look.

"Mei Yu, hehehe, just read it again in the same tone as before and you will know, hehe..." King Yu tried hard to hold it in, but he still laughed out loud.

Princess Ning'an looked at Prince Yu suspiciously.

King Yu nodded.

So, Princess Ning'an began to read in a low voice in the same tone as before, ""Wouchen". The dark plum blossoms smell the flowers, and the branches lie in sadness..."

This time, Princess Ning'an paid special attention when reading. While reading, she criticized Zhu Pingan's poems in her heart.


What a stupid name, it sounds like I'm stupid...

Well? !


Am I stupid? !

Princess Ning'an just read a sentence, and suddenly stopped, her little face suddenly turned dark. Then she turned around and read it again in a low voice. The more she read, the darker her pretty face became. In the end, it was almost as dark as the bottom of the pot.

""Wo Chun" - I'm stupid"

"The dark plum blossoms are heard in the dark (I am uneducated), lying on the branches is sad (I have a very low IQ). The distant smells are like lying in the water (ask who I am), and the spring green is easy to reach (a big stupid donkey). Shore It's like green (I'm a donkey), the bank is like piercing green (I'm a donkey), the bank is like piercing green (I'm a stupid donkey)..."

Although Princess Ning'an doesn't quite understand what the word IQ means, she generally understands it as wisdom.

However, other cultures, stupid ass, Princess Ning'an know everything about them.

Culture, this word mostly means knowledge in modern times. To say you are uneducated generally means that you have no knowledge, no connotation, and no knowledge or skills.

In ancient times, saying you were uneducated was much more serious than in modern times. There is a sentence in "Shuo Yuan Zhi Wu" that "the rise of martial arts is due to dissatisfaction and the culture does not change, and then he will be punished." In ancient culture, it mostly meant "enlightenment after hearing it". In general, ancient Central Plains people often said that ethnic minority barbarians And so on, it is to ridicule them as uneducated and outsiders, saying that they are uneducated.

So I am uneducated, and the first sentence of this poem is extremely damaging to Princess Ning'an.

I'm furious? !

You are uneducated, you are a big stupid ass!

It turns out that Zhu Pingan, an exhibitionist, sent me poems to humiliate himself. I was so angry that I thought it was that bastard toad who wanted to eat swan meat! It turns out that I am being sentimental, and I am so angry! That bastard Zhu Pingan must be snickering!

"Zhu Pingan, you big bastard! You are uneducated, you are a big stupid donkey! I want to report to my father and ask my father to chop off the head of Zhu Pingan, a big stupid donkey..."

The more she thought about it, the darker her face became. Princess Ning'an was going crazy. The sound of her gnashing her teeth almost broke through the roof of Rongfu Palace.

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