Rise From the Humble

Chapter 817 Zhu Ping’an and Flippa

"Eh, Zhu Pingan? You mean this poem was written by Zhu Pingan?"

After hearing the three words Zhu Pingan, Du Kangfei's long eyelashes trembled slightly, her eyes lit up, she couldn't help but let out a sigh, and asked in surprise.

"Why, have you ever heard of Zhu Ping'an? Oh, yes, he is this year's top pick. But don't be deceived by his reputation. That person named Zhu is a swindler."

Seeing that Concubine Du Kang was very interested in Zhu Pingan, Princess Ning'an quickly gave Concubine Du Kang eye drops and insulted Zhu Pingan.

"Oh, are you someone who deceives the world and steals your reputation?" Du Kangfei had a smile on her lips.

"Yeah." Princess Ning'an nodded repeatedly, like a chicken eating rice, and finally poured a bucket of dirty water on Zhu Ping'an, "His reputation is bad outside."

"Oh?" Du Kangfei said softly.

"It's true. Your Majesty, you haven't left the palace. I don't know. I heard people say, yes, listen to people." Princess Ning'an said and gave King Yu a look, letting King Yu understand it for himself, and then said with a The deputy said in a tone of voice after hearing about it, "I heard that he was very cowardly. It seems that when he was running errands, in broad daylight in full view of everyone, he, he took off his clothes completely naked."

As she said that, the scene of Zhu Pingan's shocking escape that day couldn't help but appear in Princess Ning'an's mind. Princess Ning'an couldn't help but blush, she spat in a low voice, and then continued, "That's not all, listen. He said he has a bad character and does not respect the teacher."

"He is also a guy who is greedy for money and bullies others. The reason why he wrote this cryptic poem to me is because I did not rent the store to him."

In short, Princess Ning'an tried her best to slander him and pinned all the rumors on Zhu Pingan's head.

However, looking at Concubine Du Kang's smile, she knew that Princess Ning'an's efforts were obviously in vain.

Princess Ning'an said that Zhu Ping'an took off his clothes in broad daylight. Concubine Du Kang had long known about it, and she also knew that what Princess Ning'an said was incomplete.

The way Zhu Ping'an took off his clothes was not a coward's act, but a noble one. He simply became famous by taking off his clothes.

In future history books, Zhu Pingan will definitely be remembered in detail. In a certain month of a certain year, the Taicang inspector Zhu Pingan, who was only 16 years old, in order to block the obstruction and slander of his political opponents, publicly exposed himself. He took off all his clothes, walked into the Taicang bank naked, checked the treasury, and uncovered the biggest corruption case since the founding of the Ming Dynasty - the Taicang theft case.

From this incident, it can be seen that Ning An has a problem with Zhu Pingan.

Therefore, Concubine Du Kang didn't believe what Ning An said later about Zhu Pingan's bad character, disrespect for teachers, etc.

Well, Concubine Du Kang also knew about the hidden-word poems. Some time ago, she heard that Que'er and Ning'an had set up a shop outside the palace, but it seemed that not only did they not make any money, but they also paid a lot of money into it, using Que'er for stability. With his character, he would definitely sell the store to stop losses, but Ning An would definitely not agree. Concubine Du Kang knew Ning An's temper well. When Zhu Pingan came to take over the store, Ning An pointed his nose and scolded him, so Zhu Pingan gave Ning An a poem in return.

Haha, I guess this is what happened in all likelihood. Du Kangfei has this confidence because she has watched Prince Yu and Ning An grow up, and she knows them best.

As for why we are so sensitive to the three words Zhu Ping'an, we have to start with the "brand-turning" system that has recently become popular in the harem.

The "turn over brand" system has been popular in the harem for about a month.

The unified understanding in the harem is that the system of "turning cards" was created by Feng Bao.

Feng Bao took over the task of recording the history of Tong in the library. This was the task of recording and arranging the sleeping arrangements for the concubines in the harem. Then Feng Bao was constantly intimidated and lured by the mistresses of the harem. His days became more and more difficult every day, and he walked in the harem step by step. Difficulties and hardships, life and death are precarious, and I am always worried about my head.

However, what no one expected was that Feng Bao, who had been struggling in this desperate situation for more than a month, actually invented a system of "turning the brand", and relied on such a system to complete a great turnaround from the desperate situation.

With the help of the sign-turning system, Feng Bao not only escaped from the desperate situation, but also firmly established a foothold in the harem. Not only that, he also went a step further and showed his face in front of the Holy Emperor. By turning the signs and the clerk's room, Feng Bao Bao gained a lot of power and status in the harem, and was in the limelight for a while.

No one can deny that the system of flipping cards is a system that perfectly suits the harem.

Each concubine was marked on a sign, and each sign represented a concubine. The sign also contained information such as the concubine's specialty and origin. Before the emperor went to bed, Feng Bao presented the sign to the emperor. The emperor would turn over the sign to see which one he liked. If he turned over that sign, the emperor would be happy with the concubine. Afterwards, Feng Bao would go to the palace where the concubine was staying to inform the concubine in advance.

As a result, the clerk's office, which was originally the most painful and dangerous job, became the hottest, fattest and safest job.

Feng Bao has profited the most from it.

Although many people do not believe that the "brand-flipping" system was created by Feng Bao and want to know who the mastermind behind it is, Feng Bao is very tight-lipped and has always insisted that he introduced this system in order to share the worries of the Holy Father.

However, although Feng Bao was very tight-lipped to the outside world, Du Kangfei knew the inside story and knew that the system of turning over brands was Zhu Ping's idea for Feng Bao.

Feng Bao had a female concubine in the palace who was a soul mate and a nominal couple.

What people don't know is that Concubine Du Kang had saved the life of this maid before entering the palace. This maid has been Concubine Du Kang's secret eyes and ears since entering the palace.

The news that the system of flipping cards was created by Zhu Ping'an was when Feng Bao told the palace maid after being drunk, and the palace maid secretly told Concubine Du Kang.

That's why Concubine Du Kang is so sensitive to Zhu Pingan's name.

It's been a long time since he slept with her. Although she doesn't have many physical needs, for the sake of Ge'er, she has to sleep with her. Only by sleeping with her can she be favored.

A prince with a favored concubine in the harem.

A prince who was neglected by his concubine in the harem.

Outside, these are two situations.

Why does Hubu Taicang dare to suppress the welfare of the prince of Geer?

Why not suppress King Jing’s princely welfare.

Wasn't it that Concubine Lu Jing was favored, but she was ignored by the Holy Emperor? ! Try it when you were favored back then and see who dared to deduct Geer's benefits.

From the different treatment given by Taicang of the Ministry of Finance to Ge'er and King Jing, we can see how unhappy things were for Ge'er outside the palace.

This rises and then falls.

If this continues, King Jing will be getting closer and closer to that position, while Ge'er will be getting further and further away from that position.

Therefore, for the sake of Ge'er's future, he had to sleep with her.

If you want to go to bed, you have to start with turning cards. Since turning cards was written by Zhu Pingan, no one knows about turning cards better than Zhu Pingan.

That's why Concubine Du Kang is so sensitive to Zhu Ping'an's name.

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