Rise From the Humble

Chapter 819 Enemies meet on a narrow road

At dawn, the rooster steps forward with its tail feathers spread out, fluttering its wings and flying up to the treetops. Facing the white fish belly in the eastern sky, it sings loudly, driving away the stars and waking up the rising sun.

Qihua Gate faces the east, facing the rising sun and welcoming the first ray of sunshine in the capital.

When the first ray of morning light appeared, two teams of armored officers and soldiers lined up and entered the urn gate with grain ears carved on it, and opened the gate.

With busy traffic and crowded streets, Qihua Gate, which had been silent all night, became full of life again.

The river in the inner city has also become busy. Cargo ships loaded with grain, fruits, vegetables, meat and other goods are rowed to the dock, where Lifu unloads the goods, and then is loaded into trucks and sent to various morning markets in the capital. On the household dining table.

There was a bustle of people in front of the pier, and the chants of Lifu and trackers kept coming and going. The entire pier became the busiest place in Qihua Gate.

There were more people on the street in front of the pier.

There are aunties who get up early and go out to buy groceries, maids and boys who buy ingredients, small families who take their whole family out for breakfast, old men who walk with birdcages, and men who stay home all night after being hungover... …

Shops also opened their doors early to welcome the patrons.

Princess Ning'an's delicious restaurant is like this. It opens the door early in the morning and puts out fragrant pastries. Princess Ning'an only wanted to run the pastry shop prosperously, make a lot of money, and impress her royal brother.

I don’t want to rent it out, especially to that exhibitionist named Zhu, hum! Never! I want to use this store to prove myself, Princess Ning'an thought as she sat in the store and clenched her fists vigorously.

"We are selling pastries, delicious pastries." Two palace maids dressed in ordinary maid clothes were outside soliciting customers.

Old customers who are familiar with this street just glance at the store and then leave without looking back. They knew that the prices in this store were too high, and the pastries were much more expensive than meat, so they couldn't afford it.

However, the palace maid's beauty, sweet voice, and fragrant cakes are still attractive.

Several curious passers-by were attracted, but when they asked about the price, they all shook their heads and left.

Early in the morning, only one pack of pastries was sold, and it was the cheapest osmanthus cake in the shop.

"We are selling pastries, delicious pastries, fragrant, sweet, crispy and soft pastries." Affected by the poor performance, the two palace maids' hawking voices became weak.

I don't blame them. They have been hawking so early in the morning, their throats are dry, but they have no effect at all. How can they have the energy?

"You want to rebel. I didn't see you eating less this morning. Why are you so quiet? Do you have a problem with this princess?" Princess Ning'an, who had a bad start, had nowhere to vent. When she heard the weak voices of the two little palace maids, she As if he had found a breakthrough, he vented his anger all at once.

The two little palace maids were as frightened as quails. They lowered their heads and admitted their mistake again and again, and the voices behind them became much louder.

But it obviously has no effect.

Few of the people coming and going stopped in front of the shop. Instead, many people became interested in a shop that was being renovated opposite the pastry shop. They stopped to watch, and even tended to watch.

"What are you doing? A shabby shop that has been closed for more than half a month, what's the point of renovating it..." Princess Ning'an sat in the pastry shop, glanced at the shop opposite that was being renovated, and glanced dissatisfied.

Princess Ning'an knew about this shop. It used to be a drug store, but the business was very poor and it closed down half a month ago.

I heard that this store has bad feng shui.

No joke, this store seems to be on bad luck. Counting this time, this store has changed its owners three times in the past two years, changing owners once and changing business once, from a cloth shop to a grocery store. Then go to the drug store, but no matter who the owner is, no matter what the business is, it closes and changes hands every time at a loss.

So, how ignorant are these people? They don’t pay attention to the pastries made by the imperial chef, but they are actually interested in a store that is destined to close down soon. !

It's really unreasonable.

Humph, the pastries made by the royal chef, if it weren’t for me, you might not be so lucky even if you burn incense for eight lifetimes.

Princess Ning'an became indignant.

Compared with the deserted pastry shop, the shop opposite is obviously much more lively, not that the business is busy, but that there are more people.

Normally, people like to watch the excitement, but they don’t watch all the excitement. What’s so good about a store decoration?

But the decoration of this store is an exception. Its decoration style is very different from the stores on this street.

From the outside, its windows are twice as big as those of other stores, and its shape is also different from other stores. It is very simple but very coordinated, and it looks very comfortable. Looking inside, the interior paint is mainly clean and bright off-white, supplemented by bright red, which is a sharp contrast and very eye-catching.

Two carpenters were busy laying wooden floors inside the store.

There are three other carpenters doing carpentry work outside the store, and they have already made a set of finished tables and chairs. The tables and chairs are also very different from the tables and chairs commonly used by people. They are simple, but the shape is very novel. They look very comfortable and make people feel comfortable. I couldn't help but want to sit down.

From the inside to the outside, the modern and simple decoration style gives a strong impact to the onlookers.

This shop was one of the shops that Little Maid Bao Zi said was purchased by Li Shu. After Little Maid Bao Zi went back to learn from Li Shu, with a wave of her hand, Li Shu turned this shop into a rice field for Zhu Pingan to experiment with the tertiary industry— —Zhu Ji Fast Food.

The modern and simple decoration style of Zhuji Fast Food is naturally designed by Zhu Pingan.

Early this morning, Zhu Ping'an brought Liu Mu, Liu Dadao, and Liu Dachui to the store, and arranged for the carpenters and bricklayers appointed yesterday to start the decoration. In order to highlight the characteristics of Zhuji's fast food restaurant, Zhu Ping'an adopted the common style of modern fast food restaurants - modern minimalist style.

The common modern style is unique in Daming. Although the decoration has just begun, this decoration style has already attracted the attention of many people.

"Hey, princess, isn't that guy across the street the one who came to rent a house yesterday?"

When Zhu Pingan walked out of the shop and inspected the outdoor decoration, he was spotted by the palace maid who was soliciting business from the pastry shop opposite. She opened her mouth in surprise and pointed at Zhu Pingan to report to Princess Ning'an.

"Huh? Are you really that exhibitionist?!"

Upon hearing this, Princess Ning'an followed the maid's finger and recognized Zhu Pingan at once.

It’s really a narrow road between enemies!

As soon as she saw Zhu Ping'an, Princess Ning'an couldn't help but think of the poem "I'm stupid" given by Zhu Ping'an. She was furious, her pretty face suddenly turned livid, and her eyes were as red as a rabbit.

Do you still dare to show up? !

I really wanted to go up and spit on Zhu Pingan's face, then point at his nose and curse, and then let the guard secretly protecting Zhu Pingan give Zhu Pingan a lesson.

However, thinking of the instructions given by Concubine Du and the Emperor yesterday, Princess Ning'an had no choice but to endure it.

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