Rise From the Humble

Chapter 820 Princess Ning'an gloating over misfortune

You don’t have to listen to the words of the imperial brother, but you still have to listen to the words of Concubine Du. Concubine Du loved me the most when I was a child. Thinking of Concubine Du’s instructions yesterday, Princess Ning’an resisted the urge to teach Zhu Ping’an a lesson.

But just when he resisted the impulse, he saw Zhu Ping'an looking high-spirited while directing the decoration across the street, just like a general who would command his soldiers to clean up the battlefield after winning a battle.

The more high-spirited Zhu Ping'an became, the more angry Princess Ning'an became, and she couldn't get angry at all.

It's almost unbearable.

In Princess Ning'an's view, Zhu Ping'an was so high-spirited that he was pretending to be so high-spirited, and he was deliberately provoking himself by doing this.

Why? !

It can be seen from the location of his shop that this exhibitionist, this arrogant bastard deliberately chose the shop opposite his pastry shop.

He did it on purpose.

He just wanted to take revenge on himself for not renting a shop to him last time, so he deliberately chose the shop opposite his own shop. He was deliberately mocking himself!

What's the decoration of an ordinary store? Why do you deliberately look so high-spirited to show someone? !

Not just for yourself! Not just to ridicule myself!

Zhu Ping'an's high-spirited look seemed to be sarcastic to himself: Haha, thank you for not renting me a store. Thanks to you, I rented a better and bigger store. I didn't expect it. Haha, thank you. .

This bastard!

The more she looked, the angrier she became, and the more she thought about it, the angrier she became. Princess Ning'an almost couldn't help but drop the tea cup in her hand to the ground. At this moment, Princess Ning'an really wanted to let people burn Zhu Pingan's shop and interrupt Zhu Pingan's dog legs. Relieve anger.

The two palace maids who were soliciting business in the shop felt that the temperature of the shop suddenly dropped by more than ten degrees, and their backs felt a little cold. They subconsciously turned their heads and glanced, and saw Princess Ning'an's face twisted with anger. The two little palace ladies were so frightened that their legs and stomachs cramped. After noticing that the angry gathering point of Princess Ning'an was Zhu Ping'an across the street, the two little palace ladies took a breath as if they had escaped from death, and then worked harder to solicit business. When they came, they were afraid that the city gate would catch fire and they would be treated like a fish in the pond.

The angry Princess Ning'an did not notice the little actions of the two little palace maids. Otherwise, with Princess Ning'an's temper, the two little palace ladies' wishes would definitely come true.

Angry, angry, an idea flashed in Princess Ning'an's mind, and a piece of information suddenly came to her mind.

Huh? !

Princess Ning'an seemed to have been enlightened. After she uttered a sigh, her face, which was about to explode with anger, seemed to change its face. Suddenly, a smile appeared, and then slowly fainted, rippling across her entire face, and the smile also appeared. More and more, there is a sense of pleasure in getting revenge and a sense of happiness in schadenfreude in the smiles.


Zhu Pingan, Zhu Pingan, how proud you are now, how miserable you will cry in the future.


Let you rent a shop opposite my shop to ridicule me!


Unexpectedly, the feng shui of the shop you rented is not good, and it is not just bad in general, it is very bad. Everyone who does business in this store will suffer huge losses. Three stores have closed down in two years. Oh, no, if you include yours, four stores will close down soon.

Be proud of yourself, there will be times when you cry.

Princess Ning'an seemed to see Zhu Ping'an working hard to open a shop with his wife's money, and borrowing a lot of debt to renovate it. As a result, there was no business on the first day of opening. From then on, the shop was crowded every day, and he lost all his money. There are no crotch pants left.

Bah bah bah

Why do you think of this exhibitionist, big bastard with his bare butt again? Bah, bah, bah, what am I thinking? Princess Ning'an shook her head vigorously, as if she wanted to shake some disgusting scenes out of her mind, but , but it seemed that the picture was getting clearer and clearer, so Princess Ning'an became even more crazy.

Isn't the princess crazy?

Princess Ning'an's sudden action made the two maids in the shop even more trembling and nervous.

Across the street, Zhu Ping'an was observing the tables and chairs made by the carpenter, and nodded with satisfaction. I have to say that the craftsmanship of the carpenters of this era is incredible. I just recalled the four-person simple table and chair combination in modern KFC and other fast food restaurants, and simply drew a few pictures with a brush. The carpenter master made it in such a short period of time. I copied it and it was almost exactly as I imagined.

"Young Master is a great talent. This set of tables and chairs made according to your design is not only generous and durable, but also saves more than 30% of the materials used compared with ordinary tables and chairs. You can make two sets of ordinary tables and chairs. I'm making three sets of this kind of tables and chairs. At first glance, this set of tables and chairs looks very simple, but the more you look at them, the more attractive they become." The master carpenter, with an ink stick pinned to his ear, was looking at the set of tables and chairs designed by Zhu Ping'an. Full of praise.

"The master's skills are good, and the effect is better than I imagined." Zhu Pingan smiled slightly.

"Haha, when it comes to craftsmanship, I, Lao Zhang, am really not good at it. In the capital, my carpentry work is also ranked among the best. I remember back then." When the carpenter master heard Zhu Pingan's praise, he rubbed his hands with joy. He rubbed his hands together as if he had found a soulmate.

here we go again.

The two apprentices led by Master Zhang couldn't help but blush when they heard the master say that they remembered back then. How could their master's craftsmanship be ranked among the best in the capital? This bragging habit was actually ranked among the best. Of course, it’s not that the master is not good, it’s just that he’s not good enough to be ranked high in the list. But every time they hear the master boasting to others without blushing and out of breath that his craftsmanship is ranked high in the capital, they will Can't help but blush.

If the craftsmanship can really be ranked high in the capital, where will it be to make tables and chairs for small shops, not to make furniture for the emperor in the palace, or to make furniture for the princes and nobles?

Zhu Ping'an listened patiently to the master carpenter bragging about his great achievements, nodded with a smile, and then asked softly: "With the master's skills, how long will it take to complete thirty sets of such tables and chairs?"

"Other people can finish it in four or five days, but if you leave it to me, Lao Zhang, 30 sets of tables and chairs will be enough in two days. I guarantee that every set of tables and chairs will be better than this one." Master Zhang patted. Chest guaranteed.


Hearing this, Master Zhang's two apprentices smiled helplessly. It seemed that they were quite busy at night.

"Haha, then there are Master Lao Zhang and two more. In addition to wages, I will give you a big red envelope." Zhu Pingan smiled and cupped his hands.

The two apprentices, who were originally looking helpless, became excited after hearing Zhu Ping'an say that he would give them a big red envelope when the time came.

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