Rise From the Humble

Chapter 829 Become famous instantly (Part 1)

In midsummer, when the sun pours down, the entire capital is like a brick kiln that has been burned through, making people unable to breathe due to the heat.

Zhu Ping'an and the people outside the store cupped their hands and once again invited them to come over for a taste at noon, then turned and walked into Zhuji Fast Food. Liu Dadao and Liu Dachui carried the pig into the water and followed Zhu Pingan into the store.

In the middle of summer, the smell of pig waste is very strong.

Liu Dadao and Liu Dachui both carried pig sesame into the store, and the smell of pig sesame lingered in the breath of everyone outside the store.

"Can it really be handled cleanly?"

Smelling the stinky smell lingering in the air, everyone was filled with questions.

"Haha, we'll find out if it's a mule or a horse at noon. Anyway, it's free, so we can't suffer any loss." Someone said with a smile.

"Well, that makes sense. Anyway, it's free. If it's delicious, then we'll have a place to save money and eat well in the future. If it's not delicious, then we won't come to his store in the future. Let's eat, too. No loss."

People nodded in agreement.

Zhuji Fast Food is a front store with a backyard. People can live in the backyard and there is a well in the yard.

"Boy Mu, bring me another basket of bricks. Daqiang, have you mixed up the mud? Don't forget to mix some straw into it. Let's set up a simple stove next to the kitchen. Let's move over to the kitchen. They keep doing it."

Zhu Ping'an just walked into the backyard when he heard Old Liu's angry voice, and then saw Old Uncle Liu who had changed his clothes and was rolling up his sleeves to build a stove in the yard. The stove was already taking shape.

Liu Mu was putting baskets in the basket, Liu Daqiang and Liu Daxe were kneading mud, and Liu Dagang was washing pots, pans and other cooking utensils by the well.

No wonder I didn't see Liu Mu and the others just now. They were all being manipulated by Old Man Liu in the backyard.

"Mr. Liu, why don't you take a rest in the house for a while? Just leave it to us here." Zhu Pingan quickly came to Mr. Liu and said with concern.

"The master is here."

When Mr. Liu saw Zhu Ping'an coming back, he stood up and saluted.

"The master is back."

Liu Mu, Liu Daqiang and the others also stepped forward.

"No, just sit still." Zhu Pingan hurried forward, helped Old Liu sit down, and then waved to Liu Mu and the others, indicating that they were busy with their work.

After helping Old Man Liu sit down, Zhu Ping'an said with a wry smile, "You are tired from traveling all the way. Why don't you rest at home for a few more days? We can just keep an eye on you here. When the store opens, you will come again." It’s not too late to leave the mountain.”

"Haha, don't worry, sir. We are in good health. When I was young, I went hunting bears in the mountains. I was fine after walking around in the mountains for three days and three nights. This journey is nothing. If you lie down again, my body will be like this. It's just rusty, cough cough." As he spoke, Old Man Liu patted his chest bravely, trying to prove that he was still strong. As a result, he coughed and turned red.

When Liu Mu and the others saw this, they couldn't laugh or cry.

"Huh? What does it smell like?"

Liu Daqiang smelled a relatively strong smell, couldn't help but move his nose, and asked in surprise.

"Yeah, it feels like a pig in water." Liu Dagang also sniffed.

"Ahem, it's just a pig in the water." Liu Dadao coughed and raised the pig in his hand. Liu Dachui also shook the pig in his hand.

"Why are you buying pigs for sewer? You bought so many of them. You can't clean them." Liu Daqiang shook his head.

"Young master, you don't know, don't you know? Why did you buy so many pigs?" Liu Mu stepped forward to question Liu Dachui and Liu Dadao.

"That's right, it's not like you haven't eaten this pig before." Liu Daqiang and the others also agreed.

"Ahem, this is what I want to buy." Zhu Ping'an touched his nose and relieved Liu Dadao and Liu Dachui.

"Ah? The young master may not know something. Although the pig's water is cheap, it is not clean and the cooking is not delicious." Liu Daqiang explained.

"What Daqiang said is that when there was a famine before, I tried to clean it up once, just like cleaning up a sheep in the water. I also processed it several times, but when it was finally made, the smell was still very strong. If we weren't really hungry, the villagers wouldn't be able to force themselves into it." Old man Liu shook his head as he spoke.

"Haha, Mr. Liu, don't worry. If it can't be dealt with cleanly, I won't buy this pig."

Zhu Pingan said with a smile.

"Can pig waste be treated cleanly?" Liu Daqiang and the others were surprised when they heard this.

"Yes." Zhu Pingan nodded vigorously, "Our family has an ancestral secret recipe that can clean pig waste."

In order to increase his persuasiveness, Zhu Pingan only had to borrow the secret recipe passed down from his ancestors again.

Under the guise of an ancestral secret recipe, Zhu Pingan directed Liu Dadao and the others to start dealing with pig waste.

In fact, Zhu Ping'an was originally planning to take action, but Uncle Liu, Liu Mu, and Liu Dadao didn't agree with anything they said. With no other choice, Zhu Ping'an had no choice but to use his mouth and instruct Liu Dadao and the others to deal with the pigs.

Old man Liu was also curious about how to deal with the pig waste, so he asked Liu Dachui and Liu Mu to continue working on the stove, and he himself came over to help deal with the pig waste.

"Different parts of the pig's body are treated in different ways. The pig's heart is relatively simple, and most people can do it. Just cut the pig's heart, clean the pig's blood, and remove the white tendons."

"The smell of pig lungs is also relatively small. Most people wash them several times and cook them directly. However, the texture and taste are not very good. This is because pig lungs are one of the organs of pigs that detoxify. They contain a lot of dirt and must be cleaned. That's good. When processing pig lungs, pay attention to a few steps, and the texture and taste will be much better. First, cut off the lard attached to the pig lungs, and then pour more water into the throat of the pig lungs. If the pig lungs are bulging, then pat and squeeze the pig lungs with your hands to squeeze out the blood and water inside. Repeat this three or four times and it is almost done. Then you can put it in the pot. When you put it in the pot, add more water, and then put it on the side of the pot. Put another basin, put the pig lungs in the pot, put more water in the throat of the pot and put one end into the basin. When the fire boils, a lot of foam will overflow from the rear throat. , when there is no foam, put the throat into the pot. When the pig lungs completely change color, you can take them out."

While Zhu Ping'an was instructing Liu Dadao and the others to clean pig lungs, he also gave Mr. Liu and Liu Daqiang a detailed introduction to the precautions for cooking pig lungs.

"After taking out the pig lungs, slice the pig lungs into slices, put it in a pot under cold water, add ginger, peppercorns and cooking wine. After the water boils, a lot of foam will form, then turn down the heat and continue to cook for a while before turning off the heat. Take out the pig lungs and wash them several times with clean water until all the foam on the pig lungs is washed away. The pig lungs are considered clean."

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