Rise From the Humble

Chapter 833 The stunned Ning An

"That fragrance just now came from Zhu Ji?"

After discovering the truth, the little palace maid Xi'er felt completely unwell. She felt like her head had been hollowed out all of a sudden. She stood there like a piece of wood and stared blankly in the direction of the backyard of Zhuji Fast Food...

This truth was so impactful that she couldn't accept it...

It had been all morning, and the princess had been looking forward to it. At noon, Zhu Ji brought out a pot of smelly pig water, and then the angry people smashed up the shop. However, she never expected that the alluring fragrance that had just attracted the princess would actually Is it the smell of pig waste that Zhu Ji was supposed to "stink"? !

How should I tell the princess this? !

The little palace maid Xi'er was like a frost-beaten eggplant, holding her head and muttering to herself in a low voice, and moved back to the delicious pastry shop step by step.

A figure blocked the sunlight at the door of Weixinju.

Princess Ning'an thought that a guest was coming, and she was overjoyed. She was about to speak, but when she looked up, she found that the little palace maid Xi'er was back.

"Eh? Why are you back so soon? Where is the packed food box?" Princess Ning'an glanced at Xi'er and asked with obvious dissatisfaction.

I must be dissatisfied. I thought it was a guest at first, but I didn’t expect you to come back, which made me happy in vain. In addition, I just asked you to bring back a piece of this fragrant dish, but you didn’t show up. The work is back! Can't even handle this little thing!


At first, she was confused about how to tell the princess, but now that Princess Ning'an asked her, the little palace maid Xi'er stuttered even more, and her face turned pale from nervousness.

"Put your tongue straight and speak."

Princess Ning'an glared at Xi'er unhappily, "Why can't I even speak if things can't be done well?"

"Xi'er, didn't you go shopping for groceries? Why did you come back empty-handed?" Huan'er, another maid on the side, couldn't help but ask.

Hearing the questions from Princess Ning'an and Huan'er, Xi'er's face turned even paler, and her round face turned into a bitter melon. She opened her small mouth and tried several times, but no words came out.


When Princess Ning'an saw this, her face became even more confused and she couldn't even say a word. She was so stupid. This Xi'er couldn't do anything except eating.

"Princess, I just went out, that smell, that smell."

Xi'er raised her head and glanced at Princess Ning'an, uh, the princess is waiting to glare at me... She was so frightened that she quickly lowered her head, her heart beating like "Put Dong, Putter Dong".

"What's the matter with that fragrance? Let's talk." Princess Ning'an was very stubborn and stretched out her little hand to pinch Xi'er.

The whole pastry shop has a stormy atmosphere!


Xi'er almost shed tears. She gritted her teeth, smashed the jar, and said the key point directly, "Princess, I just went out to buy groceries, but, I found that the smell actually came from Zhu Ji from the opposite side. It came from fast food.”


After Xi'er revealed that the scent came from Zhuji Fast Food, the entire delicious pastry shop seemed to have entered the apocalypse. Everything was completely silent. You could hear a needle drop and could only hear your own breathing.

one second

two seconds

It took a full three seconds for the delicious house to feel a little alive.

Princess Ning'an was stunned by Xi'er's words. Her big eyes were out of focus. Her little mouth opened in an O shape in surprise. She couldn't say a word for a long time. After a while, she shook her head. , said in a trembling tone with a decisive tone: "Impossible, how could that scent come from the other side? You must have made a mistake."

Princess Ning'an never believed that the smell came from Zhuji Fast Food across the street. How could she believe it? The smell of this smell made her mouth water. How could it be made by the smelly pig waste?

Huan'er on the side also had a look of disbelief, but she knew in her heart that the smell should have come from Zhuji Fast Food opposite.

the reason is simple.

Because Xi'er would never dare to lie to the princess, especially the news that the princess didn't like to hear. Even if Xi'er was given the courage to be ambitious, she would not dare to lie to the princess on such an issue.

Now Huan'er understood why Xi'er was hesitant and speechless just now. It was because Xi'er knew that the princess didn't like to hear the news, so she was in such a difficult situation just now.

"Maybe Xi'er made a mistake."

Facing Princess Ning'an's questioning, Xi'er lowered her head like an ostrich and said submissively.


Princess Ning'an snorted, turned around and walked out. She didn't believe it, or she didn't want to believe it, so she wanted to confirm it herself.

This time the fragrance is stronger than before...

Princess Ning'an felt it as soon as she walked out of the door. The fragrance was more fragrant and alluring than before, and her internal organs seemed to be drawn out.

In the past, when Princess Ning'an showed up, even though she sometimes wore a curtain hat, there would still be a lot of annoying eyes coming to her. There was nothing I could do about it, she was too beautiful and her figure was too good...

But today, Princess Ning'an walked out for a while, and no one noticed her.

Everyone's attention was on Zhuji Fast Food, staring at Zhuji Fast Food almost intently. The entrance of Zhuji Fast Food was overcrowded, and everyone was vying to look inside. It was better than a certain store opening some time ago. When dancing, you have to work hard.

Although she didn't want to believe it, Princess Ning'an now had to accept the reality that the smell was probably coming from the damn Zhuji Fast Food opposite.

The nose doesn't lie.

The closer you get to Zhuji Fast Food, the stronger and more tempting the aroma becomes.

If it didn't come from Da Zhuji Fast Food, where could it have come from?

This juicy fact made Princess Ning'an go crazy and wanted to shout to the sky.

How could this happen? It was obviously a smelly and coquettish pig's urine, but how could it smell so good? !

Will not.

The scheming Zhu Ping'an must have cooked other things secretly, hoping to use the taste to suppress the smell of pig sewer. Well, that must be the case...

Although Princess Ning'an herself has been in the store today, she only saw Zhu Pingan and the others carrying pig offal and a small piece of pork in. However, Princess Ning'an believed that the scheming Zhu Pingan must have secretly stolen the food yesterday. The ingredients that give off this aroma are hidden in the store.

Princess Ning'an still couldn't accept that Zhu Ji could make pig water so delicious, so she forcefully found a reason for herself.

Although she herself knew that the possibility of this reason was almost zero, it was better to have a reason to numb her heart that was full of holes and despair, than to have nothing at all.

"I just went in and took a look. Zhu Ji built a big pot in the backyard, which contained a pot of pig heart, liver, lungs, and pig intestines. Didn't you see that the pig water was clean and bright? , floating up and down in the pot, you can see my water dripping..."

A voice reached Princess Ning'an's ears.

"I didn't hear it, I didn't hear it..."

Princess Ning'an swayed, stretched out her little hands to cover her ears, and murmured to herself as she quickly walked into the delicious house.

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