Rise From the Humble

Chapter 832 Amazing everyone

Zhuji Fast Food has a connected stove set up in the backyard next to the kitchen. There is a large iron pot with a diameter of more than one meter on the stove. The low flame under the stove is licking the bottom of the pot. The pot is gurgling, and the clean and bright pigs are dripping with the meat. The soup floats and sinks.

The meat is not yet cooked, but the aroma of meat has already begun to overflow, and wisps of meat aroma are carried by the wind outside the courtyard.

"Oh, no, I really can't stand it. The smell is too fragrant. Where did it come from?"

"It smells so good. Who is cooking here? Why does it look so similar? It must be cooking dragon liver and phoenix marrow, right? Otherwise, why would it be so fragrant?"

"There must be an imperial chef cooking dragon meat nearby. Old man, I have never smelled such delicious meat in my life."

As the aroma of meat floated outside the hospital, more and more people waiting under the shade of the trees outside Zhuji Fast Food smelled the aroma of meat.



The sounds of swallowing saliva sounded one after another in the shade of the trees, as if they were contagious.

"Where did this fragrance come from? Hey, why do I think this fragrance comes from Zhu Ji?"

Someone sniffed along the scent, looked at the direction where the scent came from, and couldn't help but utter a sound of surprise.

"Well, not to mention, I also think this smell comes from Zhuji Fast Food Restaurant, and it is getting more and more fragrant."

Others quickly echoed.

"Well, the only one with smoke coming out of Zhu Ji's backyard is Zhu Ji's. Who else could it be if it wasn't Zhu Ji's?"

"What is Zhu Ji cooking? It smells so good?"

"What else can you cook? It's just pigs in the water. We looked here early in the morning. Apart from pots and pans, the only one who went in was the young owner and his men, carrying a piece of pork and two pairs of pigs in the water."

"Pig in the water? How can it be so fragrant? Didn't the shopkeeper secretly hide the delicacies in advance and cook them in the backyard?"

"That's right, why does pig's water smell so good?"

"If you have any questions about this, Zhu Ji is right here. Let's go ask and see, and we'll know."

"Why are you so anxious? The shopkeeper said he would treat us to lunch. It's almost noon. When the shopkeeper brings it out, won't we know?"

Outside Zhuji Fast Food, stimulated by the aroma of meat, the people waiting under the shade of the trees seemed to have taken drugs and became more and more excited. You swallowed a sip of saliva, I swallowed a sip of saliva, and you said something to me. As soon as I said it, all kinds of opinions couldn't help but collide. Some couldn't help getting up and walking around as if their buttocks were on fire. Others couldn't help but get up and brave the scorching sun to go to the door of Zhuji Fast Food Restaurant and look inside.

"Princess, look, what's going on with those people opposite?"

In the delicious pastry shop opposite Zhuji Fast Food, the little palace maid who was fanning Princess Ning'an suddenly noticed the people waiting under the shade of the trees opposite. She seemed to be restless for some reason, and she couldn't help but curiously told Princess Ning'an.

"Huh? Let me take a look."

When Princess Ning'an heard this, she stood up with great interest and looked outside. Then she saw people walking around like burning buttocks outside Zhuji and people looking in outside the entrance of Zhuji Fast Food. They seemed to be still there. Arguing excitedly about something.

Seeing them blushing and thick-necked, looking extremely excited, Princess Ning'an's eyes lit up, then her big eyes curved into a crescent shape, and then she stretched out her pink and white hands to cover her small mouths and giggled.

"Look, these people are as jealous as rabbits. They must be waiting in a hurry. Haha, it's almost noon now. The person named Zhu hasn't made any movement yet. Can these people not wait in a hurry? Haha, later When Zhu brings out a pot of smelly pig water, these people will be even more excited, haha."

As Princess Ning'an spoke, she couldn't help but giggle. You could already see Zhu Ping'an being pushed into the smelly pig sewer by the angry people.

Princess Ning'an was happy, and the two little palace maids were naturally happy too. They held their little faces and giggled along with their master.

Suddenly, the atmosphere in the delicious pastry shop was filled with joy, and the giggles were like silver bells.

"Hey, what does it smell like?"

The little palace maid who was smiling carelessly after her master suddenly smelled a fragrance. It was not an ordinary fragrance, but the kind of fragrance that made people want to drool. She couldn't hold it back and cried out in surprise.

"Well, yes, it smells so good. It reminds me of the smell of stewed bear paws with golden swords in the imperial kitchen last time. No, it seems to be more fragrant this time." Another little palace maid also smelled it and moved her little nose. He praised in a salivating voice.

At the reminder of the two little palace maids, Princess Ning'an also smelled the fragrance. The scent of meat lingered in Princess Ning'an's nose. It was really fragrant, and the fragrance was very attractive. It seemed like it had little hands. It goes from your nose to your throat, from your throat to your abdomen, and then it starts to tease your stomach and intestines, making you want to get closer to it.

Princess Ning'an was influenced by Emperor Jiajing. Although she also ate meat, she was more inclined to be vegetarian and did not like meat very much. But now that she smelled this fragrance, Princess Ning'an suddenly felt that it would be better to eat meat for lunch today. impulse.

"Yeah, yes, it smells pretty good."

Princess Ning'an nodded, then raised her chin and told the little palace maid Xi'er, "Go and see which restaurant has researched the new dish. It's so fragrant. Bring one over later and let's try it. If it tastes like this, when you get back to the palace, bring a few more copies to give to the Emperor Father, Concubine Mother, and Concubine Du to taste."

"I obey, princess. Don't worry, I will handle it well."

Hearing that the princess said that she wanted to bring a portion back to try, the palace maid Xi'er was so happy with her round face, she nodded her head vigorously, and then ran out of the door.

The little palace maid Xi'er is a little chubbier than the average girl because she is a foodie. When she was a child, her family was poor and there were many children, so she couldn't open the pot. It happened that the palace was selecting a palace maid, so her parents asked someone to send her to the palace. , within a year, she went from being a bean sprout to a fleshy little palace maid.

Thinking that she would be able to eat the delicious food later, Xi'er's little face was filled with a happy smile, because the princess didn't have a big appetite, and every time the princess couldn't finish the meal, she would give it to them.

After going out of the door and onto the street, the scent became even stronger. The little palace maid Xi'er moved her little nose and determined the direction of the scent, and then walked along the scent. This was her potential as a foodie. An innate instinct.

After taking a few steps forward, the little palace maid Xi'er stopped suddenly because a group of people appeared in front of her. They were the people who were despised by her and the princess just now and were waiting to eat free pig sex outside Zhuji Fast Food. Short-sighted people.

Move your little nose


The source of the fragrance is right in front of them

Therefore, the little palace maid Xi'er couldn't help but stretched out her chubby hand to cover her mouth.


This direction seems to be Zhuji Fast Food? !

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