Rise From the Humble

Chapter 831 Become famous instantly (Part 2)

As time went by, the scorching sun in the sky moved more and more towards the top of the head. The sun was blazing and the heat waves were steaming. The streets were like steamers, and the earth was also steaming hot. Only the shade of the trees felt the slightest coolness.

There are two ancient trees in front of Zhuji Fast Food, with lush branches and leaves, like umbrella canopies, forming patches of shade. Dozens of people squat or stand under the shade of the trees, chatting and paying attention to the movements of Zhuji Fast Food.

Zhuji Fast Food, which has been mentioned the most, is open to everyone for free tasting at noon.

A man who was unloading goods passed by here. After hearing about it, he couldn't wait to go back and share it with his coworkers. Soon, there were seven or eight men in short shirts under the shade of the trees.

"Princess, can Zhu Ping'an really clean up that smelly pig waste? He said he has a secret recipe passed down from his ancestors."

The delicious food was crowded in the pastry shop. The palace maid Xi'er was fanning Princess Ning'an while curiously looking at the people waiting in front of Zhuji's fast food.

"Listen to his deception. Even the royal chefs in the palace can't do it. How could he do it? He's giving back the secret recipe handed down from his ancestors. Well, he's just deceiving those short-sighted people outside. Look, how many people outside now have. I look forward to it, but then I will be disappointed. Haha, there will be a good show later, a pot of smelly pigs in the water."

Princess Ning'an rolled her eyes and was very disdainful of everything on the other side. Thinking of the time when the other side brought out a pot of smelly pig water at noon, Princess Ning'an couldn't help covering her little mouth and giggling. stop.

As for Zhu Ping'an's words about ancestral secret recipes, Princess Ning'an didn't believe it at all.

What is the secret recipe passed down from generation to generation? !

It's a country way of doing it.

Huh, can you believe the local methods in the countryside? I heard that when the country people are hungry, they still eat tree leaves and chew Guanyin soil. Their taste is so bad, haha.

As time goes by, it is getting closer and closer to noon.

Princess Ning'an's eyes became more and more playful as she looked across from her, as if she was waiting for a good show to start.

In fact, not only Princess Ning'an, but also many people on this street are paying attention to Zhu Ji Fast Food, waiting for the Zhuji Fast Food show to take place at noon.

Of course, those who pay the earliest and most attention are colleagues, such as "Sihai Restaurant" not far away, "Shilixiang" a little further away, and "Cyclamen".

When they heard that a restaurant on this street was being renovated, these restaurants of different sizes and grades began to pay attention.

At the beginning, they were quite worried. After all, they are colleagues and enemies. If one more restaurant opens on this street, it will take away a little more of their customer flow and take away a piece of the pie that originally belonged to them.

However, when they heard that the owner of Zhuji Fast Food came back with two pairs of pigs in the water, and threatened to focus on pigs in the water, their worries were wiped away.


Zhu Ji’s fast food specializes in pig waste, pig waste. Who doesn’t know this? It’s stinky and stinky, and it can’t be cleaned no matter how you deal with it. You can imagine the smell of cooking with pig waste. Haha, Zhu Ji didn’t do this by himself. Die.

I originally thought that I had a dark heart, but I didn't expect that the owner of Zhu Ji Fast Food had an even darker heart. He actually wanted to make money by cooking with pigs that were given away for free.



I heard that the owner of Zhuji Fast Food is a minor official. Haha, it turns out that the official has a darker heart.

Haha, do you think you can do business if you can be an official? There are many ways to do this business.

Doing business is much more difficult than being an official.

If you don’t believe it, look at it. Lu Buwei, a great businessman in the Spring and Autumn Period, was so good that he could easily become the prime minister, inferior to one person and superior to ten thousand people. However, he may not necessarily be an outstanding businessman even though he is the prime minister inferior to one person and superior to ten thousand people. .


Only a nerd can come up with such an "amazing" idea to use pig water to cook.

In the eyes of peers such as Sihai Restaurant, Shilixiang, and Cyclamen, Zhuji Fast Food is a joke.

"Hey, Lao Qian, have you heard that Zhuji Fast Food over there is making pig waste for people to eat at noon?"

"Hahaha, I just heard about it. I thought I had an opponent worth looking forward to, but I didn't expect that he would commit suicide himself."

"Maybe people can really turn pig offal into delicious dishes. Well, it's possible, hahaha."

"It's a delicious dish?! If he cooks the pig's slop so well that everyone can eat it, I'll eat the swill for lunch today."

"Haha, this is what you said."

"That's what I said, let's leave it at that."

So not only are they no longer worried, but their mood has also improved inexplicably. They moved a stool and sat at the door of the store, poured a cup of tea, grabbed a handful of peanuts and melon seeds, and joked about Zhuji Fast Food with the nearby shopkeeper. Waiting leisurely for the "good show" at noon.

As early as they were waiting to see the "good show", the backyard of Zhuji Fast Food was busy in an orderly manner.

Zhu Ping'an was on the side to guide, Liu Laobo and Liu Daqiang were responsible for simply cutting the pigs into the water, and Liu Dadao and Liu Dachui were responsible for lighting the fire.

"Sir, do you think this bone soup is ready?" Liu Dadao asked.

"Well, that's enough." Zhu Pingan looked at the bone soup boiling in the pot and nodded.

If there is no old brine, the only way is to make bone soup with large pig bones first, so that the stewed pig offal will be more fragrant.

In the future, just like those hundred-year-old braised pork restaurants in modern Beijing, the old soup will be retained, so that the braised pork will become more and more fragrant and delicious. Even if someone later makes pig meat, it is guaranteed not to be as delicious as Zhu Ji's. .

Put the pig into the water, add the condiments, and start cooking.

It is worth mentioning that Zhu Pingan prepared this ingredient according to the recipe of a well-known modern stew restaurant. It was a coincidence that Zhu Pingan knew this recipe at that time.

The firewood licked the bottom of the pot, and the soup in the pot gurgled.

"It's almost noon, why is there still no movement at Zhuji Fast Food?"

"Yeah, didn't the little shopkeeper just say that Zhuji Fast Food is famous for its fast food? How long has it been, why is it still not good?"

"Is it possible that the shopkeeper is coaxing us?"

"That won't work. We are not easy to fool. If he breaks his promise, we will destroy his store."

"Just wait a little longer. People just decorate the store. If they can't keep the pots clean, they have to put them up first. Just wait and see."

People were waiting outside Zhuji Fast Food. They waited for a long time and saw no movement. They all became impatient.


As he was talking, someone suddenly made a sound, then closed his eyes and sniffed his nose intoxicatedly against the direction of the wind.

"Hey, why does it smell so fragrant? Can you smell it? Where did this fragrance come from?"

After the man took a sniff, he was even more sure that it was correct, and couldn't help but praise it with a salivating voice.

"Huh? Don't tell me, it really has a very fragrant fragrance. Just smelling it makes your mouth water."

Immediately afterwards, someone also smelled the fragrance and couldn't help but praise it.

"Gudong. Damn it, no, I can't stand it anymore. Smelling this fragrance, the glutton in my belly can't help but want to come out. I want to eat meat."

Soon, more and more people smelled the increasingly strong fragrance.

Some people sniffed and couldn't help but swallowed dryly, patted their stomachs hard, and cursed.

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