Rise From the Humble

Chapter 839 Famous Masters and Confucians and Shuzi

When Zhu Ping'an arrived at the main hall, he discovered that he was not the only one who came to give lectures today.

There are five ministers waiting in the tea room of the main hall, all of them are famous teachers and scholars, and have a strong aura.

"Good morning, Mr. Gao..."

Zhu Pingan only recognized Gao Gong among them, so he took the initiative to step forward and greeted Gao Gong enthusiastically.

After all, they are all colleagues in the Hanlin Academy.

However, after Zhu Pingan took the initiative to say hello, Gao Gong still sat there motionless, as steady as a straight and towering mountain. He just nodded arrogantly, with a hint of surprise and contempt in his eyes.

Zhu Ping'an read his subtext from his eyes: Damn it, why did this idiot come to lecture?

Okay, this is high arched.

After greeting Gao Gong, Zhu Pingan also took the initiative to greet the other four seniors one by one.

Except for a white-haired old official who smiled and said a few words to Zhu Pingan and introduced everyone present to Zhu Pingan, the other three seniors were all aloof, and one of them looked at Zhu Pingan. His eyes were like those of an enemy.

After being introduced by the white-haired old man, Zhu Pingan discovered that there was a reason why these people were so cold and cold. Their wrists were much bigger than his own.

Needless to say, Gao Gong was famous in his hometown for his "Book of Rites" at the age of seventeen. Now more than twenty years have passed, and Gao Gong's attainments in the Four Books and Five Classics are even better than before, and he is famous in the current dynasty. Gao Gong is now a lecturer at the Hanlin Academy and the chief lecturer at Prince Yu's Mansion. Today he came to give lectures to the two princes. Not only is his name justifiable, but his level is more than adequate.

The white-haired old official who just smiled and spoke to Zhu Pingan is the minister of Honglu Temple, a fourth-rank official, Mr. Liu Boxing and Mr. Liu.

Although Mr. Liu's official position is too high, he can be said to be a leading figure in the literary world, and was the former imperial wine minister.

Opposite Gao Gong, the person with a strong sense of confrontation was Mr. Zhang Wentian, the chief lecturer of Prince Jing's Mansion.

King Yu and King Jing are in a competitive relationship, so it is normal for their chief generals to confront each other.

Zhang Wentian, Mr. Zhang, is a few years younger than Liu Boxing. He is also in his fifties and early sixties. He has gray hair, but every hair is combed meticulously. There is not a stray hair on his head. Outside the slightly sunken eye sockets , covered with crow's feet, but a pair of black eyes are still as lively as an eagle.

Mr. Zhang has a thin frame, but he has the temperament of a famous scholar, and even the folds on his face seem to reveal wisdom.

Famous scholars.

It's normal to look down on a latecomer like Zhu Pingan, so what Zhu Pingan saw most was Mr. Zhang's chin.

The person who bowed his head to Mr. Zhang was a handsome old official in his forties. He had a sharp face, a high nose, and a short beard. He looked a bit like Wu Xiubo. He was elegant in his handsomeness. The expression of this old handsome guy, who is both erudite and romantic, but has flaws in his ointment, is full of arrogance and arrogance.

This handsome old official is Master Yang Guoliang, a doctor of the Five Classics from the Imperial College.

Doctor of the Five Classics is from the eighth grade official position. Logically speaking, Zhu Ping'an is from the fifth grade, which is much higher than his official position.

But Mr. Yang looked arrogant, as if he had a much higher official position than Zhu Ping'an.

When Zhu Pingan met him just now, he seemed to be indifferent.

Maybe most talented people have character.

Those who can be doctors of the Five Classics in the Imperial College are all well-known figures in the academic world, and Mr. Yang is no exception. He is especially famous in the Five Classics. Many senior officials have asked him for the meaning of the Five Classics.

The last official, like Master Zhang Wentian, is also a lecturer in Prince Jing's Mansion. His name is Master Ma Huating. He is in his forties, has thick eyebrows and big eyes, has a handsome demeanor, and always has a smile on his face.

But only when facing Zhu Pingan, there was no smile on his face, more of a look of being ashamed to be with you.

This Mr. Ma is also famous in the academic world, especially in education and writing. His annotations on Zhu Xi's "Collected Commentary on the Four Books" became an important reference book for the imperial examinations at that time, and were also appreciated by Emperor Jiajing. He praised him, and therefore transferred Master Ma to Prince Jing's Mansion to serve as Prince Jing's lecturer.

Zhu Ping'an, who was vaguely rejected by everyone, became a little transparent in the tea room. He sat calmly in the corner, poured himself a cup of tea, and watched several adults chatting and laughing.

I just poured myself a cup of tea.

Someone came into the tea room again.

It's King Jing.

Although Zhu Ping'an didn't recognize him, he could tell from his clothes that he was a prince, but he didn't know whether he was Prince Yu or Prince Jing.

"Zai Zhen has met all of you, and I am very grateful to you for taking the trouble of your busy schedule to come to the main hall to lecture on scriptures."

King Jing walked into the tea room and did not go further in. Instead, he stood respectfully at the door, bowed and saluted, and said hello to Zhu Ping'an and the other six people sitting in the tea room.

"Prince Jing is really offending me."

Master Liu and others in the tea room stood up and returned the courtesy, as if Uncle Liu had visited the thatched cottage three times. Their faces were flushed and excited. A prince who might succeed to the throne in the future treated them with such respect and courtesy, how could they not? So emotional.

Zhu Pingan also stood up and returned the courtesy.

"Teacher, Lord of Heaven and Earth, all of you who come to the main hall to lecture are all teachers from Zai Zhen, so you naturally deserve this gift from Zai Zhen. Master Zhang, Master Ma, Master Liu, Master Yang, Master Gao." King Jing insisted and only smiled after finishing the salute. Then he walked into the tea room, first said hello to Zhang Wentian and Ma Huating, the two bachelor's lecturers of Prince Jing's Mansion, and then said hello to Liu Boxing, Yang Guoliang and Gao Gong in order of age.

"This must be Mr. Zhu Ping'an. Zai Zhen has heard Mr. Zhu's name for a long time. His father has used Mr. Zhu to inspire me and my brother many times. Mr. Zhu is about the same age as Zai Zhen and his brother Huang. He comes from a poor family and studies. The conditions are far inferior to those of my brother and I, but we have relied on our own abilities to become the number one scholar in high school at a young age, and now we are a fifth-grade Bachelor of the Hanlin Academy. This really makes Zai Zhen ashamed. Today, I would like to ask Master Zhu to give me some advice. Zai Zhen I will definitely listen.”

After King Jing said hello to Gao Gong and others in turn, he came to Zhu Pingan again, smiled and bowed his hands in greeting, and his words were elegant and polite.

Zhang Wentian, Ma Huating and Yang Guoliang on the side couldn't help frowning when they saw King Jing thinking so highly of Zhu Pingan, and their faces darkened. They felt that Zhu Pingan was so virtuous and he was completely unworthy of King Jing's treatment. They looked at Zhu Pingan's His eyes were even more unkind.

"King Jing is so complimentary. I feel ashamed for Ping An. I don't dare to give you any advice. Today I just hope to communicate and learn from Prince Jing and Prince Yu."

In full view of everyone, Zhu Pingan calmly stood up and bowed in return.

Seeing this, the faces of Zhang, Ma, Yang and others became even more gloomy, and the looks they looked at Zhu Ping'an were even more unkind. King Jing is so polite to you, but you are not grateful and shed tears! ! !

You're a kid who relies on flattery, opportunism, and opportunism to get to the top, and you're so greedy for money that you don't even hesitate to mess with pigs!

Who gave you face! ! !

Shuzi! ! !

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