Rise From the Humble

Chapter 840 Live to the end and laugh to the end

In about three to five minutes, King Yu also arrived, and he came to the tea room as soon as possible. After entering the door, King Yu rolled up his sleeves, clasped his fists in front of his chest, leaned forward slightly, and was about to bow. .

However, before King Yu could salute, King Jing, who had arrived early, took the lead and came over with a cup of tea. He enthusiastically stuffed the tea into King Yu's hand and said to King Yu with a concerned look on his face: "Brother, the emperor is coming from far away. It’s been a hard journey, drink some tea to moisten your throat.”

"Uh, thank you, Emperor brother."

King Jing was so enthusiastic that King Yu couldn't refuse. He took the tea cup and thanked King Yu, interrupting his bowing.

Emperor's younger brother


I like this title.

The corners of King Jing's mouth jumped up, and the smile on his face became more sincere. He looked at King Yu with stern eyes, "Brother and Emperor, why are you so polite? I heard that Brother Huang's voice is a little hoarse. Please drink some tea quickly to moisten your throat. "

Seeing King Jing's sincere smile, King Yu couldn't help but be startled, as if he had returned to the days when he was with King Jing as a child.


So King Jing also smiled, nodded, took the tea and took a sip.

Well, yes, Longjing before the rain leaves a fragrance on your lips and teeth. It is indeed a good tea.

The tea room is full of brothers and sisters.

"Excuse me for waiting, my dear brother. The emperor is also here, so let's get started." While King Yu was having tea, King Jing turned to face Zhu Ping'an and others, and said with cupped hands.

King Yu, who was drinking tea, made a move, and his eyes reflected in the tea suddenly became hazy, no longer as clear as before.

"Well, it's getting late, let's get started." Mr. Zhang Wentian, chief lecturer of Prince Jing's Mansion, nodded.

"Then let's get started."

Then, Ma Huating, a lecturer in Prince Jing's Mansion, also nodded, and Master Yang, a doctor of the Five Classics from the Imperial College, also stood up and agreed.


Mr. Liu, the white-haired minister of Honglu Temple, also nodded.

Then, Gao Gong also stood up.

Seeing everyone getting up, Zhu Pingan also put down his tea cup and stood up with everyone.

After Gao Gong stood up, he looked at King Yu and shook his head slightly without leaving any trace. He comforted King Yu with his eyes and signaled him to be calm. It was just a small movement, so don't take it to heart.

Under Gao Gong's relief, King Yu nodded, cheered up again, and his eyes became clear again.

Seeing King Yu regain his energy, Gao Gong nodded with satisfaction, then moved his lips forward to hint to King Yu.

"Masters, I have been tired of waiting for a long time, and it is just a mistake."

After receiving Gao Gong's hint, King Yu handed the tea cup to the attendant behind him, bowed to Mr. Liu and others, and apologized sincerely.

"No, no, His Royal Highness Prince Yu is serious. I and the others have just arrived." Mr. Liu returned the favor with a smile and shook his head.

"Your Highness, your words are serious." Zhu Ping'an followed Mr. Liu, Gao Gong and others, and bowed his hands to King Yu in return.

"Brother, your words are serious. Your residence is far away from Xiyuan. It's normal for you to come a little later, and all the masters will understand." King Jing smiled slightly and shook his head. He put himself in King Yu's shoes and helped him speak. He explained the reason for his late arrival for King Yu.

However, it seems that Prince Jing’s Mansion and Prince Yu’s Mansion are both on the same street. Everyone present knows this. When the two princes opened their mansions, these ministers all went to congratulate them.

This makes people wonder, since they are all far away from Xiyuan, why did King Jing come earlier and King Yu come later.

"Haha, please, my dear brother, please, ladies and gentlemen."

After King Jing explained to King Yu, he stood at the door, bowed slightly, and stretched out his right hand in a gesture of invitation.

"My dear brother, please invite all the masters." King Yu forced a smile and stood at the door, asking everyone to pass first.

The two princes are like two door gods, one on the left and one on the right. They extend their right hands to invite everyone to go ahead.

Do your best to serve Corporal Li Xian.

"How dare you? Your Highnesses please go first." Since the monarch and his subjects are different, everyone naturally did not dare to go first. They also bowed and asked the two princes to go first.

The two princes insisted on asking everyone to go ahead, their attitude was very sincere and resolute.

After everyone made some courtesy, they had no choice but to go out first, and then wait outside the door. After the two princes left the door, they went to the main hall together for lectures.

Zhu Pingan walked behind, looked at the backs of King Yu and King Jing, and smiled slightly.

Zhu Ping'an saw the overt and covert fight between the two princes just now. Generally speaking, King Jing had the upper hand, and he still had the upper hand steadily. He took the initiative from the beginning, although King Yu later moved back. Half a step, but King King soon regained the upper hand and maintained it until the end.

Zhu Ping'an knew that they would not simply gain favor in front of everyone, the most important thing was to show it to Emperor Jiajing.

Although Emperor Jiajing insisted that the two dragons not meet each other and rarely summoned the two princes for a year, he did not just let the two princes go free.

Zhu Ping'an believed that every word and deed of the two princes today would be recorded and would soon be submitted to Emperor Jiajing's case.

When they met today, Zhu Pingan found that King Jing was ahead of King Yu in all aspects such as "conduct", "manner", and "city". In some aspects, he was still far ahead. King Yu only had the character "长" .

However, because the two princes are not legitimate sons, the difference in longevity is not very big. There are many examples in the past dynasties of virtuous people but not elders.

The most important thing is that Emperor Jiajing liked King Jing more than King Yu. This has long been no secret.

Therefore, from a comprehensive comparison, King Jing is more likely to inherit the throne than King Yu.

What Zhu Ping'an could see, the old foxes in the court had naturally seen long ago, why Yan Shifan dared to deduct Prince Yu's welfare, and the attitudes of Dr. Yang and Mr. Liu from the Imperial College just now.


Zhu Pingan, who knows the development of history, knows who laughs last.

Zhu Ping'an cast his eyes on Prince Yu's back, raised the corners of his mouth slightly, and his eyes were burning, this was a rare thing to live in.

Although King Yu is better than King Jing in all aspects, there is one thing that King Jing cannot compare with, and that is his tough life.

It is estimated that only Zhu Pingan knew this in the entire Ming Dynasty. This was the advantage of knowing history well.

If you want to have the last laugh, you must at least live until the end.

Now, everyone knows that there are two princes competing for the position of crown prince.


It is clearly recorded in history that Emperor Jiajing only had one prince left, and that was Prince Yu.

Although King Jing looks much healthier now, Zhu Ping'an knows the power of the wheel of history. King Jing will die a year before Emperor Jiajing's death.

Emperor Jiajing had no choice.

We can only let King Yu inherit the treasure.

The fact that Prince Yu had a tough life was the magic weapon that gave him the last laugh. Emperor Jiajing's offspring were few and many died young, but he still left three princes, the second prince, Prince Zhuang Jing, the third prince, Prince Yu, and the fourth prince, Prince Jing.

Originally, King Yu had no chance. His brother, Prince Zhuang Jing, was granted the title of crown prince. As long as Prince Zhuang Jing survived Emperor Jiajing, he would be the emperor. Unfortunately, Prince Zhuang Jing died of illness, so the opportunity came again.

Although the opportunity came, King Yu actually had little chance, because his younger brother King Jing was competing with him for the throne, and he had a great advantage. Unfortunately, King Jing died first a year before Emperor Jiajing died of old age.

Therefore, King Yu relied on his life to laugh until the end.

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