Rise From the Humble

Chapter 844 Layman Zhu Pingan

"It is better to be happy alone than to be happy together. Mr. Zhu, please don't let the jade become dusty. We are willing to listen to Mr. Zhu's opinions." Ma Huating followed Yang Guoliang, looked at Zhu Pingan with a smile, and praised Zhu Pingan again.

The higher you hold it, the harder it falls.

Ma Huating and Yang Guoliang are familiar with this truth. They want to hold Zhu Ping'an up so high that he can't refuse even if he wants to. Haha, the next step is to admire the way Zhu Ping'an fell down.


The posture when someone falls must be very handsome and the sound must be loud.

Ma Huating and Yang Guoliang looked at Zhu Pingan with burning eyes and kept extending their hands to greet him, making Zhu Pingan unable to refuse even if he wanted to.

Since you are so restless and dishonest, you can't blame us for sneaking you out.

that's all.

Zhu Pingan suddenly became the focus of the lecture hall, and everyone focused their attention on Zhu Pingan.

Gao Gong glanced at Zhu Pingan and then turned back, as if looking at him one more time was a waste of time.

King Yu looked at Zhu Ping'an with a somewhat unbearable look. In his opinion, Dr. Yang's theory of "the style of a king and the virtues of a concubine" is the best interpretation of "Guan Ju" in the past hundred years. No one can surpass it in the foreseeable decades. If Zhu Pingan is asked to interpret "Guan Ju" at this time, it will probably only be a show of shame.

King Jing looked at it with interest

Mr. Zhang, the chief lecturer of Prince Jing's Mansion, stroked his beard and said with a mature smile, "Guan Guan Jiujiu, in Hezhizhou, there is a fair lady, a gentleman likes to be a queen. Mr. Zhu is exactly the kind of lady who is a 'good queen'." Depending on your age, perhaps there is something unique about "Guan Ju" that young people have. If so, Mr. Zhu might as well share it with us."

"Well, in this case, I have become curious. Zihou, if you have unique insights, you might as well tell me." Mr. Zhang looked at Zhu Pingan and smiled, his eyes full of encouragement.

Zhu Pingan glanced at everyone and twitched the corner of his mouth slightly, already understanding.

This is because they want to make themselves embarrassed, especially the words and deeds of Ma Huating and Dr. Yang are very obvious.


In fact, I didn't want to say it.


Since you are like this, then I can only be respectful rather than obey.

Zhu Ping'an stood up, bowed his hands to everyone, shook his head with a simple and honest smile, "Actually, I don't have much to say."

"Hey, young people, don't be so humble."

How could Ma Huating let Zhu Pingan off so easily? As soon as Zhu Pingan finished speaking, Ma Huating looked at Zhu Pingan with a smile, and persuaded him to come in with a long tail tone.

"That's right, Mr. Zhu, please stop being modest."

"I've already had my ears cleaned, don't let me down."

Seeing that Zhu Pingan wanted to retreat, Ma Huating and others chased and intercepted him one after another, not giving Zhu Pingan any chance or space to retreat.

"Ahem, I haven't finished speaking yet. In fact, I don't have much to say, just some vulgar thoughts. If Your Highness and your lords are not afraid of dirtying their ears, Ping An would like to ask your lords to correct me."

Zhu Pingan smiled honestly, and first bowed his hands towards King Yu and King Jing, then towards Ma Huating and others, and finally towards Dr. Yang on the podium, his tone and tone were similar to Dr. Yang's. In the discussion of "Guanyong", it is exactly the same as what he said: "I can't talk about teachings. They are just some immature ideas. Please correct me."

When they first heard Zhu Pingan's words, everyone had an inexplicable feeling of déjà vu. Soon everyone knew where the source was, because Zhu Pingan's words were so similar to what Dr. Yang said when he started Guan Ju's theory.


When Dr. Yang said these words, it was with extraordinary bearing and high-spirited meaning.

But as for you, everyone glanced at the honest and smiling Zhu Pingan, and shook their heads in their hearts, it was too far off.


Just some vulgar ideas

Are you being modest?

Or do you still have self-awareness?

Do you know that your remarks are far inferior to Dr. Yang's "Guan Ju" theory, so you are slandering yourself in advance to resolve the dilemma?


What a scheming boy.

However, what is black is black and what is white is white. Even if you are cunning and cunning, you cannot change the essence. When you come to power, in full view of the public, your cunning and machinations will have nowhere to be used.

The ugliness that needs to be made will still happen, so stop struggling.

"Master Zhu is so humble. We are willing to hear the details."

As soon as Zhu Pingan finished speaking, Ma Huating and others blocked Zhu Pingan's last escape route and looked at Zhu Pingan with a smile.

"Master Zhu, please."

Dr. Yang came down from the podium and took the initiative to give up the podium.

The arrow is on the string.

Ma Huating and others looked at Zhu Ping'an calmly.

"Well, then I'll show my shame."

Under the gaze of everyone, Zhu Pingan slightly raised the corner of his mouth, smiled honestly, stood up from his seat, and bowed to everyone calmly, without pushing or dragging, without any sloppiness, and walked slowly towards the podium. .

A gust of breeze blew from the window, fluttering Zhu Pingan's sleeves and lifting his robes, which instantly gave people the illusion that Zhu Pingan was riding the wind onto the podium, which was quite the style of the Wei and Jin Dynasties.

I must have been blinded. Everyone was secretly complaining.

However, Zhu Pingan walked onto the podium without pushing or delaying, which was somewhat beyond the expectations of Ma Huating and others.

This saves trouble.

Ma Huating and others raised the corners of their lips slightly.

In the sight of everyone, Zhu Pingan walked up to the podium, stood facing everyone, and said with a simple smile:

"Guan Guan Jiu Jiu, in the river island, a graceful lady, a gentleman is very good. Haha, Dr. Yang just said that the common people see it as a poem of love for the villagers, and the wise see it as the virtue of a couple, well, Dr. Yang's "Gewu" After more than a month of "Guanyong", I took a step further and realized the 'king's style and the concubine's virtue', which made Ping An feel ashamed."

When Zhu Pingan said this, he sighed and looked ashamed.


Is this a sign of flattery on stage? !

Ma Huating and others looked at Zhu Ping'an and smiled disdainfully, asking you to come on stage to speak about "Guan Ju", but you flattered him and you were so embarrassed.

"Thank you, Mr. Zhu." Dr. Yang said expressionlessly from below, without even raising his eyes.

"Ping'an is ashamed. Ping'an is what Dr. Yang calls a vulgar person. Well, no, it's actually more vulgar than what Dr. Yang calls a vulgar person. It's simply unbearably vulgar. Haha, it's the same as Dr. Yang's "King's Style, Concubine's Virtue" In terms of comparison, my understanding of "Guan Ju" can only be described as 'vulgar'."

Zhu Pingan glanced at everyone calmly, and finally turned his attention to Dr. Yang, smiled honestly, and then said calmly what he just said.

He calls himself a layman. He stands upright and elegant on the podium. Although he is not tall, he gives people the illusion of standing tall on the sky and on the earth.

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