Rise From the Humble

Chapter 845 Ping An is confused, please give me some advice

Haha, you still know that you are vulgar and your remarks are vulgar, so you are still somewhat self-aware.

However, you flatter yourself at one moment and laugh at yourself at the other, so what on earth are you doing? !

It’s already this time, is there any point in using these methods? Wouldn't it be over if we just made a fool of ourselves? !

Ma Huating and others twitched their lips and revealed a hint of sneer.

Zhu Ping'an took in everyone's expressions on the stage and still had a simple and honest smile on his face.


I guess you won’t be able to laugh anymore.

The style of a king? The virtue of a concubine?

It's so nonsense and has no respect for basic facts.

Who in modern times would believe that "Guanyong" talks about "the style of a king and the virtues of a concubine".

When he just listened to Dr. Yang's talk about "the style of a king and the virtues of a concubine", Zhu Pingan couldn't bear it enough. He drank tea to hold it back. When he heard the compliments from the people behind him, Zhu Pingan almost stopped laughing. The pig noise made me almost spit out the tea I drank.

"Master Zhu is being too modest. I am willing to listen to your opinions." Ma Huating looked at Zhu Pingan with a half-smile and urged.

"In my opinion, this "Guan Ju" is a simple folk song about the love between a man and a woman. It probably describes the blind date activities in ancient times." Zhu Ping'an glanced at the crowd and said with a simple face.

Well? !


what did he say? He said "Guan Ju" is a folk song describing the love between a man and a woman? Are you talking about a blind date? !

After Zhu Pingan's remarks came out, the lecture hall became quiet and silent. Everyone's eyes almost popped out of their eyes when they were shocked by Zhu Pingan's remarks.

one second

two seconds

three seconds

It was quiet for three seconds, and then there was a burst of jeers from the sermon, and the noise became louder.


"It's so vulgar!"

“It’s as vulgar as grandma’s house!”

"It's really dirtying my ears!"

From Dr. Yang's "the style of a king and the virtues of a concubine" to Zhu Ping'an's "folklore ballads about the love between men and women", the gap between the two is more than a thousand miles. It has simply fallen from the sky to the earth. One is a crane flying in the sky, and the other is a toad rolling in the mud.

Originally, it was vulgar enough for Zhu Ping'an to say that "Guan Ju" was a "simple folk song about love between a man and a woman", but in the end, it was not surprising and he continued to hold a "blind date event"!

There is simply no lower limit for vulgarity...

After hearing Zhu Ping'an's remarks, King Yu reached out and covered his forehead, "Dating activity"

"Haha." King Jing couldn't help but laugh out loud. He really didn't expect Zhu Pingan to make such a conclusion.

"It's all nonsense." Mr. Zhang, who has always been rigid, heard Zhu Ping'an's "blind date theory" that was not shocking, his eyes darkened, and he almost fainted from anger.

Mr. Liu, who was stroking his beard and listening carefully. After listening to Zhu Ping'an's "Theory on Blind Dating", he accidentally pulled off a handful of white beard, and the corners of his mouth twitched in pain.


Are you sure you are here to give a lecture? You're obviously here to make fun of me. Male and female love affairs, and even blind dates.

Ma Huating laughed so hard below that he couldn't straighten up. He couldn't be more satisfied with Zhu Pingan's remarks. I believe that Zhu Pingan's talk about blind dates today will soon spread, and Zhu Pingan will also It will definitely become notorious for this.

"That's nonsense!"

Dr. Yang had a dark face the whole time. After hearing this, he couldn't help but flutter his sleeves, stood up suddenly, pointed at Zhu Ping'an and refuted.

He studied "Guan Ju" seriously for more than a month. In addition to eating and sleeping, he studied a few words a day. It can be said that he worked hard and worked hard to come up with such a theory of "the style of a king and the virtue of a concubine".

He has devoted so much to "Guan Ju", so of course he cannot accept Zhu Ping'an's irresponsible and vulgar remarks.

Compared to the excited reactions of everyone, Zhu Pingan, the initiator of the shocking words, was very calm and calm, as if he was not the one who said those words just now, and his face still looked honest.

"Master Yang, please be patient." Zhu Pingan looked at the excited Yang Guoliang and said calmly.

"A folk song that simply describes the love between a man and a woman? Or is it a blind date activity of the ancients? This is simply nonsense! How can Yang be calm and calm? You are misleading people!"

The more Zhu Pingan said to be calm and don't be impatient, the more excited Dr. Yang became. His saliva flew everywhere, his face was as dark as the bottom of the pot, and he pointed at Zhu Pingan's hand, which was still trembling with excitement.

"Would this be misleading? Dr. Yang, please listen to what I have to say before drawing a conclusion." Zhu Pingan looked at Yang Guoliang calmly and gently cupped his hand.

"Okay, let me hear how you misled your disciples!" Dr. Yang laughed angrily, snorted, and stared at Zhu Pingan for a long time.

"What I just said was not nonsense, nor was it a weird talk to gain attention. I have verified it carefully." Zhu Pingan stood on the podium and said slowly while looking at the crowd.

"Research? If you have done research, you won't be talking nonsense in this group." Yang Guoliang snorted.

Seeing Dr. Yang targeting him everywhere, Zhu Ping'an couldn't help but laugh. It was disrespectful to come and go, so he raised his hands and asked Dr. Yang, "Excuse me, Dr. Yang, have you verified your 'king's style and concubine's virtue'? "

"I've proven it through research." Yang Guoliang raised his chin.

"Where is it said that the gentleman is Jichang, King Wen of Zhou? Where is it said that the lady is Queen Taisi of Zhou?" Zhu Pingan asked.

""Guan Ju" comes from "Guo Feng Zhou Nan", which refers to the Zhou Dynasty. A lady is a name for an unmarried woman. It refers to the concubine of King Wen, so a gentleman refers to King Wen of Zhou." Yang Guoliang glanced at Zhu Ping'an, showing everyone's demeanor. replied.

"It is true that "Guan Ju" comes from "Guofeng Zhounan", but there are 11 chapters in "Guofeng Zhounan", are they all about King Wen of Zhou? "Lady" is a title for unmarried women, there is no doubt about this , then, why does it refer to the concubine of King Wen? Can only the concubine of King Wen be called a lady? Can only the concubine of King Wen of Zhou be called a gentleman? "

Zhu Ping'an stared at Yang Guoliang with burning eyes and asked questions one after another.

Because "Guan Ju" comes from "Guo Feng Zhou Nan", the lady refers to the Queen of Zhou, and the gentleman has to be King Wen of Zhou?

Zhu Ping'an's question goes to the root of Yang Guoliang's theory of "the style of a king and the virtue of a concubine".

If Yang Guoliang cannot answer Zhu Pingan's question, then his theory of "the style of the king" is a tree without roots and water without a source. Since he was not King Wen of Zhou, how could he behave like a king? ! Since she is not the Queen of Zhou, how can she have the virtue of a concubine? !


Under Zhu Ping'an's repeated questioning, Yang Guoliang had cold sweat on his forehead, his face was dark and red, and he opened his mouth several times, but no sound came out.

how to answer? !

Scripture, scripture, where is it? Where does it come from?

Yang Guoliang's head was as big as a bucket, and his brain was running rapidly. He was reading the Four Books and Five Classics, a collection of classics and history, page by page...

However, I could only break into a cold sweat...

These are seemingly simple questions.

It’s so tricky!

Only then did I realize that the conclusion I had drawn after studying things for more than a month could not stand up to scrutiny.

"Ping'an doesn't understand. Please give Dr. Yang some advice." Zhu Ping'an followed closely and bowed to Yang Guoliang. It is better to chase down the poor bandits with the remaining brave men, and not to be known as the overlord. Zhu Ping'an knows this truth.


Under Zhu Ping'an's burning eyes, Yang Guoliang's eyes collapsed at the first touch. His ten fingers pinched back and forth, and they were soon wet with sweat.

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