Rise From the Humble

Chapter 854 Respect

"Haha, wonderful, wonderful... Take two rivers, arrange eight formations, six out and seven captures, five feet of original lanterns, forty-nine, only to fulfill three wishes; pacify Western Shu, conquer the southern barbarians, reject the east and the north, and change the plans of the Chinese army. The Golden Yao can be used to attack the water surface with fire. Dr. Yang's first couplet is wonderful, and Zihou's second couplet is so wonderful that it should be regarded as a good story."

Mr. Liu smiled and touched his palms, and praised Zhu Pingan's couplets profusely. He knocked on the table and recited the couplets once. When praising Zhu Pingan, he also praised Yang Guoliang.

Under Mr. Liu's show of respect, Yang Guoliang felt that his embarrassment was slightly relieved and his face was not so hot.

"No, no, Ping'an is not worthy of it. The main reason is that Dr. Yang's first couplet was good. I am a dog's tail." Zhu Ping'an shook his head with a smile and replied modestly.

Damn it!

On the side, Yang Guoliang, whose face had just subsided from the fever, felt his face was burning again and wanted to leave immediately.

"Haha, it's time for you to appear in the first couplet, Zihou." Mr. Liu reminded Zhu Ping'an with a smile.

"Oh, thank you, Mr. Liu, for reminding me. I almost forgot about Ping An."

Zhu Pingan smiled and cupped his hands to thank Mr. Liu. He closed his eyes and meditated for two seconds and then said with a smile, "Dr. Yang is in front of you. Then I will follow him and write a couplet of Wuhou Zhuge."

Also publish a first couplet by Zhuge Liang?

So brave!

Yang Guoliang was startled when he heard this, his face turned red, black and cold. He was embarrassed and annoyed, snorted and sneered.

Zhu Pingan, Zhu Pingan, my first couplet was inspired by reading "The Chronicles of the Three Kingdoms: Book of Shu" and I thought about it for more than ten days before I came up with it. You just closed your eyes and meditated for a breath, but you dared to say such arrogant words? A couplet about Wu Hou Zhuge? !

We are not afraid of not knowing the goods, but we are afraid of comparing goods.

Can the couplets you put together in just one breath compare with the couplets I put in for more than ten days? !

It’s true that if God wants you to perish, he will make you crazy first. Since you are not afraid of embarrassment, why should I stop you?


I want to see your first couplet

Yang Guoliang's embarrassed face rippled like a thawing glacier, and a smile rippled along the corners of his eyes across his entire face.

"My first couplet is: The bright moon shines on the screen window, everyone is bright and bright. I also ask for your enlightenment."

Zhu Ping'an stood up, bowed his hands to Yang Guoliang and others, curled his lips slightly, and slowly said the first couplet.

"Haha, that's it?!"

After listening to Zhu Ping'an's first couplet, Yang Guoliang couldn't help but shake his head and smile.

Seeing how confident you were just now, I thought your couplet was so powerful, but it turned out to be so short and so simple.

Haha, my couplet summarizes Zhuge Liang's life. What about your couplet? The bright moon shines on the screen window, why doesn't it shine on your brain? One sentence of the first couplet is half nonsense. Does the first half of the sentence have anything to do with Wu Hou Zhuge Liang? !

How dare you display such a simple couplet to be conspicuous? !

The brain is a good thing, Zhu Pingan, you should replenish it.

Just now you responded to my first couplet without even thinking about it. Now, I also respond to your first couplet in seconds, hum.

Yang Guoliang smiled contemptuously, straightened his clothes, stood up, and prepared to express his clever couplet to Zhu Ping'an to avenge his previous shame.

"The bright moon shines on the screen window, everyone is bright, Zhuge Liang, I am right. I am right."

Yang Guoliang smiled contemptuously, repeated Zhu Ping'an's first couplet, and was about to blurt out the second couplet.


one second

two seconds

Three seconds passed, and Yang Guoliang failed to blurt out the second line. His mouth was open dryly, unable to make a sound.

At the same time, the contemptuous and relaxed smile on his face began to wither slowly and quickly.


how so? !

Yang Guoliang's breathing became heavier, his face became more and more serious, and wrinkles slowly climbed up his brow, corners of his eyes and forehead.

The time for a cup of tea has passed.

Yang Guoliang also failed to blurt out the second line.

More than that, let alone blurting it out, he didn't even have a clue about the second line.

Ma Huating, who was opposite Yang Guoliang, was half standing up, and he was also preparing for a wonderful couplet against Zhu Ping'an.


Halfway through standing, Ma Huating suddenly opened his eyes wide with a surprised expression.


I sat down silently again and rubbed my waist without leaving a trace, pretending that my waist was sore and I didn't want to get up to answer the couplet.

The entire teacher appreciation banquet was quiet.

Everyone frowned and started thinking. While thinking, some people dipped their fingers in wine and wrote and drew on the table. For a long time, their eyes lit up, as if they had made a breakthrough. Then they shook their heads and let out a disappointed sigh.

"The bright moon shines on the screen window, and everyone is bright and bright."

Everyone was an expert on couplets. At first, they thought Zhu Ping'an's short couplet was quite simple. However, after thinking about it, they realized that this couplet was not as simple as they thought, but rather difficult to correct.

However, the more they thought about it, the more their views were subverted, and the frown became tighter.

In the end, they discovered that Zhu Ping'an's first couplet was not very difficult to deal with, but very, very, very difficult to deal with.


The bright moon shines on the screen window, and everyone is bright and bright.

Every word in Zhu Ping'an's first couplet is not redundant. There are at least six traps in a couplet, and the difficulty increases exponentially. If you ignore any trap, your efforts will be in vain.

Kong Ming Zhuge Liang, this is the first trap that is easiest to see in Zhu Ping'an's first couplet.

The word "Ming Yue" in the first half of the sentence is the same as the word "Kong Ming" in the second half of the sentence, and there is a causal relationship. Because "Ming Yue" means "Kong Ming", this is the second trap.

In Zhu Ping'an's first couplet, in addition to the causal relationship between "Ming Yue" and "Kong Ming", the first half of the sentence "The bright moon shines on the screen window" and the second half of the sentence "Kong Ming Ge Liang" are also causal relationships. Because the bright moon shines on the screen window, Kong Ming Ge Liang, This is the causal relationship between the first half and the second half of the first couplet.

"Ge" is not only Zhuge Liang's "Ge", but also Ge ​​gauze, which is a translucent thin cloth used for window screens in ancient times. The "screen window" in the first half of the sentence, if you look at it, is composed of "Ge" and "hole", so when the "screen window" is illuminated by the bright moon, the "hole" is also bright, and the "Ge" is also bright.

In the second half of the sentence, "ming" and "liang" are synonymous, both meaning bright, and "gege" and "zhu" are also synonymous, both meaning everyone.

Therefore, if you want to compete with Zhu Ping'an's second line, you can't fall into any of these six traps.

廄仄仄平平, 仄仄平平仄仄; 平平平任仄, 平平任仄仄平平.

I understand the truth, but I just can’t get it right.

However, the more difficult it is, the more interested everyone becomes.

Including Master Liu, everyone at the Master's Appreciation Banquet was gearing up and eager to try, as if they were going to write the second couplet in the next second.


Time for a cup of tea has passed

The time for two cups of tea has passed

The time for three cups of tea has passed

Before we knew it, the sun had already set in the west, and the teacher appreciation banquet also came to an end with a joyful and peaceful farewell.

Everyone said goodbye in the afterglow of the setting sun, and then headed home eagerly without looking back.

Home is a warm harbor, home is the source of happiness, and home is the home of the soul.

There is a lamp at home

have a roof

have a soft bed

Have a virtuous wife who knows both coldness and hotness


A pot of tea to quench your thirst! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

Damn it!

I almost died of thirst at the teacher appreciation banquet!

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