Rise From the Humble

Chapter 867 Surprises keep coming

The closer you get to Zhuji Fast Food, the stronger the smell of meat in the air. The tempting smell of meat penetrates into people's internal organs as if they are familiar with it, and then it can be teased vigorously, making people drool. Three thousand feet straight down.

By the time Er Lengzi and dozens of people arrived at Zhuji Fast Food, the Zhuji Fast Food Restaurant was already packed. It was really packed. There were more than 20 tables in the store, all of which were full. Some tables even had a few extra chairs.

In order to satisfy diners to the maximum extent, six sets of tables and chairs were temporarily placed outside Zhuji Fast Food Restaurant. They had just been set up, and in the blink of an eye, only two sets of tables and chairs were left empty.

In the distance, there were many people heading straight for Zhu Ji.

"It's just opening, and the business is so booming?!" Foreman Liu opened his mouth. In his impression, let alone opening, even when the business is at its peak, he has never seen any restaurant with such a booming business. Fire.

"Hurry, it's too late."

Watching a few waves of people coming from afar, they headed straight for the empty tables and chairs outside Zhuji's fast food restaurant. Er Lengzi, Tie Zhu and the others shouted and ran towards the empty tables and chairs.

The tendon muscles they had trained while resisting cargo at the dock came into play. At the critical moment, Er Lengzi and Tie Zhu jumped up, sat firmly on the chairs, and each occupied a table.

"Haha, I'm sorry, brother, we've reserved this table." Erluzi smiled at the visitor.

Just don't be half a step faster than the two groups of people opposite.

Although it occupies two sets of tables and chairs, the table is not big. Even with the chairs, one table can only seat eight people. There are twenty-eight people in Erlunzi's group, and there are still more than ten people who don't have seats.

"Wait a minute, we're late. Someone will finish eating later, and the table will be empty. The tricks are all highlighted." The foreman surnamed Liu scanned around and saw that some tables were half-eaten. With a wink, he reminded the standing Lifus.

"There are so many people, how long do we have to wait." A Lifu said worriedly as he looked at the store full of people.

"Yes, there are too many people here, and we arrived late. By the time we arrive, it won't be until the afternoon."

"If we don't get it, we have to wait for a long time."

Many people have the same feeling. They feel that there are too many diners at Zhuji today, and they may have to wait.

"Haha, no, just order without worry. Did you see what's written on the sign?!" Tie Zhu was not worried at all. He pointed at the two wooden signs hanging outside Zhuji and said .

"Tie Zhu, you are a bitch, you are deliberately trying to spite us. Don't you know that all of us are illiterate?!"

"Hey, Tiezhu, can you still read?! You sound like a scholar."

Everyone could not help but point at the iron pillars and laugh and curse.

"Hey, last time we ate here, a teacher read to us once." Tie Zhu scratched his head and chuckled.

"You are still laughing like a hammer, tell us quickly what is written on it?" everyone urged.

"I don't remember what it is specifically, but the general meaning is that if you eat at Zhu Ji's, you can eat well for six cents, and you can eat well for ten cents. They serve food very quickly. Hurry, the food will be served in the time it takes to make a cup of tea after ordering. If the food is not served after the time it takes to make a cup of tea, they won't charge you."

Tie Zhu scratched his head. He couldn't repeat the original words, but he still remembered the general meaning, so he said it to everyone in plain English.

"real or fake?"

"You can eat enough for six cents, but you can eat well for ten cents?"

"If the food is not served after a cup of tea, do they really not charge you?! Do they have more than ten chefs in the kitchen?! This is a lie."

Everyone was surprised and very suspicious.

"It's written in black and white on the little shopkeeper's paper that he won't default on his debts. If he dares to default on his debts, we will go to the Yamen to reason with him. Besides, I think the young shopkeeper is an honest person, not a defaulter." The second fool pointed at the store. The sign hanging outside said that he was not worried about Zhu Ji defaulting on his debt at all.

"Now that you have the time to talk, we have finished ordering the dishes. We will find out if we try to tell you whether it is a lie or not." The foreman surnamed Liu rubbed his hands and gently patted the head of the fool next to him. Grinning.

"What Liu Tou said is, order food, order food." When everyone heard this, they burst into laughter.

The menu of Zhuji Fast Food is similar to that of restaurants of this era. There are wooden signs hung at three eye-catching places inside and outside the store, each with a dish. But there are differences, and they are divided into two areas.

One area is the fast food area, with a line of big characters written on it: "Two vegetarian and one meat (six texts); Two meat and one vegetarian (ten texts)". The fast food area is divided into two parts. One part is the meat dish area, which is full of meat dishes. One section is the vegetarian area, which is full of vegetarian dishes. There are no individual prices marked on the back of the dishes.

The other area is the soup noodle and wine area, which includes stewed stew, pork offal soup, etc. Each dish has a separate standard price, ranging from six to ten cents. Zhuji currently offers three types of drinks, and the prices are based on The altar is also standard at the back.

"Isn't it? Two meat dishes, one vegetarian dish, and three dishes only cost ten cents? If you were in a restaurant like Sihai Restaurant, you wouldn't be able to pay more than tens of cents." After listening to the menu being read out, a man opened his mouth in surprise.

"But where are the steamed buns and rice? How much does it cost?" Another Lifu asked when he saw that the price of steamed buns and rice was not listed on the menu.

"After ordering, the steamed buns and rice are free. You can eat as much as you like, but you can't take them out." Liu Dadao happened to come out to greet the guests. Hearing Lifu's doubts, he said to them with a hearty smile.

At this moment, Liu Dadao was wearing a long-breasted work uniform customized by Zhu Ji, with a white towel on top and a white apron around his waist. He looked very presentable.

"Really or not, what should I do if I meet a man with a big belly?" Na Lifu was overjoyed when he heard this and asked.

"Haha, Shitou, you still have the nerve to ask a pot-bellied man. Aren't you a famous pot-bellied man yourself?!" The Lifus looked at Shitou who was asking the question and laughed.

Under the cheers of everyone, Shi Shi's dark and fat face turned red with embarrassment.

"Hahaha, our young master said, no matter whether you are a big-bellied man or a small-bellied man, you are all the distinguished guests of our Zhuji when you come in. Since you open a restaurant to do business, there is no reason to let the distinguished guests not be full. So, you just Eat with your belly open, our Zhu Ji's rice and steamed buns are available in unlimited quantities." Liu Dadao replied with a hearty smile.

"Haha, this is what you said. Don't blame us for eating too much then."

After listening to Liu Dadao's words, the laborers were all happy. No one who does hard work like them is a pot-bellied man. The difference is how big the problem is. After all, only when you are full can you have the strength to work.

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