Rise From the Humble

Chapter 868 Full of Praise

There were more diners here today, but Zhu Ji had limited manpower. Liu Daqiang served as a cook for Old Man Liu in the back kitchen, Liu Dagang was responsible for lighting the fire, and Liu Mu helped collect money at the counter. Only Liu Dadao and Liu Dachui served as store clerks. The diners, serving tea, water and food, etc. were all a bit busy.

Just now, Liu Dadao came over and gave two pots of free hot tea to the two tables of Foreman Liu and his friends. He also gave them four extra chairs for each table. Before they could order, they were called to the store by diners who wanted wine. The wine went.

"Let's see, there are many people there, Zhu Ji, so there are many of us. Zhu Ji has added four chairs to each table for us. There are still nearly half of the people without seats, so we will order in two batches. Those without seats will go first. When ordering, those who have seats should sit first. On the one hand, they occupy the seats, and on the other hand, they also keep an eye on the other tables that are about to finish, and grab the table for us in time. "

The foreman surnamed Liu sat on his seat and poured himself a cup of tea provided by Zhu Ji for free. After pouring a large cup into his stomach, he clapped his hands to attract the attention of all the people. He reached out and made gestures while making arrangements.

"Liu Tou is right."

"Okay, then let's go order food first. You all have sharp eyes. If there is space, take it."

Everyone agreed with the arrangement of the foreman surnamed Liu. After Lifu, who was standing, told Lifu who was sitting to help grab a seat, they turned around and went to the store to order food.

"Zhu Ji isn't afraid of losing money. Not only are the rice and steamed buns free, but the tea is also free. I taste this tea and it's better than what our family drank during the Chinese New Year."

Sitting Lifu imitated the foreman surnamed Liu, drank a cup of hot tea provided by Zhu Ji for free, and asked worriedly.

"That's right. Among other restaurants outside, which one doesn't charge for rice and steamed buns? A penny for a bowl of rice is a reasonable price. We can't eat two big bowls. And which one doesn't charge for tea?"

"Take Sihai Restaurant as an example. Not to mention hot tea, just boiled water. They won't pour it for you without paying."

"No, is this boss Zhu Ji a kind man or a fool? If we keep doing this for free, aren't we afraid of losing money?"

Others feel the same way.

Although Zhuji has just opened, although it is their first time here, and although they have not tasted Zhuji's food yet, Zhuji's service has exceeded their expectations, and they could not be more satisfied.

You can eat rice and steamed buns for free, and you can drink tea for free until you are full. The food is not expensive. You can eat one meat and two vegetables for six cents, and you can eat two meat and one vegetable for ten cents.

For the hardworking people, this is not too beautiful. They never dreamed that there would be such an affordable restaurant.

It's so affordable, of course they want to enjoy it every day.

Therefore, they couldn't help but worry about Zhu Ji. They had plenty of rice and steamed buns to eat, vegetables were cheap, and tea was free. They couldn't lose money if this continued. If they had to lose money every day, wouldn't Zhu Ji be able to continue operating? Zhu Ji Kai If they don't go on, then they won't be able to enjoy this benefit.

"They are fed with free rice and free tea. Could it be that the food is too unpalatable?!"

"Uh, no, right?"

"No, we had it last time. It was so delicious that my tongue almost swallowed it."

"No?! If the food is delicious, why does he offer free rice and free tea? It's not necessary. Unless the food in his restaurant is too bad, so he has to attract diners like this."

"I think what Ergen said makes sense. A lot of the meat dishes in his shop are made from pig waste. What is pig waste? It's so smelly, how can it be delicious?!"

While we were chatting, suddenly another Lifu mentioned it worriedly, which caused controversy among several Lifus.

"Haha, everyone you are sitting on should give up your seat for us."

Just when they were arguing, Lifu, who had just gone in to order, five or six people came out of the store carrying a rectangular metal multi-functional dinner plate, laughing and shouting loudly at Lifu who was sitting from a distance.

"Give up your seat?! What are you in a hurry for?"

"Order a dish and I'll give it to you."

The person sitting smiled and replied while turning his head to look.

When they turned around and saw Lifu holding a multi-functional dinner plate, their faces suddenly brightened.

"Oh, what you are carrying is food."

"No, how come you guys came out with the dishes so quickly?!"

"Is the master chef Zhu Ji a relative of yours?! Did he cook it for you so quickly?!"

The sitting Lifu were all stunned when they saw Lifu coming with the dishes, their mouths opened like the mouth of a box.

Even the calmest foreman named Liu opened his mouth in surprise at this moment.

The sign hanging outside Zhuji's said that Zhuji's food is served quickly, and the dishes are served in just a cup of tea. But this is too fast. After you entered, we only said a few words. Not only did you finish your order, , and came out with the dishes.

"Haha, if you don't give us a seat, how will we eat?" Lifu, who came over with the dishes, was all red and smiling like a flower.

"Bah, look at your proud faces."

The two idiots took a sip of envy and gave up their seats to the Lifus who came over with the dishes.

"Zhu Ji is really thoughtful. This dinner plate is so clever. It can hold both rice and vegetables."

"What you are serving are just two meat dishes. It looks like there is a lot of meat, and it smells quite fragrant. I just don't know how it tastes."

"Heitan, let's talk about it. How about I help you taste it?"

After Lifu, who was carrying the dishes, sat down, Erlunzi and the others stretched their necks to look at the clean and bright intestines and other meat dishes on the table, and spoke with drooling voices.

Looking greedy

It smells even more slanderous.

Lifu, who said that he wanted to give Heidan a taste after discussing it, quickly pinched a piece of fat intestine with his hands and stuffed it into his mouth without waiting for Heidan to agree.

That’s right, I didn’t even use chopsticks, I just pinched it with my hands.


After one sip, my mouth was filled with oil.


Just after taking a bite, the man made a sound like he was constipated and had a bitter look on his face.

"What's wrong? Does it taste bad?!"

This man's reaction immediately made other Lifu who were about to eat put down their chopsticks and asked worriedly.


The next second.

Just watch this person make a sound, then chew the fat intestines in his mouth continuously. While chewing, his mouth is still open and he keeps exhaling, and his hands keep fanning his mouth.

It turns out it’s hot!

Everyone was speechless, "It's hot, just spit it out."


The man glared and spoke vaguely. Even though he was grinning and grinning, he was reluctant to spit it out. He even caught the oil and water that flowed to the corner of his mouth with his fingers and licked it back with his tongue.

"Depend on!"

It was so worthless and everyone was speechless.

After the man finished eating, he wanted to eat again, but Hei Dan knocked him back with a chopstick.



"too delicious."

Lifu, who soon had the food, took a bite of the food. Everyone felt like they had found a treasure and praised it so much that they couldn't stop using their chopsticks.

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