Rise From the Humble

Chapter 870 Stunned

"That's natural. Only people with unique tastes like our number one scholar can tolerate such things as pigs in the water."

Ouyang Zishi nodded with a smile, his mouth still wearing a standard mocking smile, mocking Zhu Ping'an's mud-legged background.

In fact, at this point, Zhu Pingan's experience is a bit similar to Liu Bei during the Three Kingdoms.

Although Liu Bei claimed to be from the Han clan, after Liu Sheng, Prince Jing of Zhongshan, his family had fallen into decline long ago. By Liu Bei's generation, the only title left with no real value was the title of nobility. Liu Bei's daily living expenses were I have to make a living by weaving straw sandals and straw mats with my mother and selling them in the market.

Therefore, this experience also led to Liu Bei being often scolded as a "mat weaver and a weaver" during his entrepreneurial journey.

For example, when Yuan Shu heard that Liu Bei had gone to court and wanted to take over his fortune, he got up and scolded Liu Bei for weaving mats and selling shoes.

There is also Lu Ji of Soochow. When Zhuge Liang came to negotiate with Soochow on Liu Bei's order to form an alliance to fight against Cao Cao, Lu Ji insulted Liu Bei and said, although Cao Cao used the emperor to command the princes, but after Cao Cao is the Prime Minister, Cao Shen, you As for Liu Bei, he claimed to be Uncle Liu Huang, but there is no trace of him. All we see is a man who weaves mats and sells shoes. How can he resist Cao Cao?

There is also Cao Cao. Although Cao Cao was drinking wine and talking about heroes, saying that the only two people in the world who could be called heroes were you, Liu Bei, and me, Cao Cao. But when he heard that Liu Bei had established himself as the King of Hanzhong, he truly expressed his feelings and cursed Liu Bei for being a mat weaver and a footwear seller. If someone like you dares to claim the title of king, I will definitely destroy you, Xiao Liu.

Zhu Pingan, who came from a farm in Xiahe Village, was in a similar situation. Ouyang Zishi was not the only one who mocked Zhu Pingan for his poor background.

"Haha, that's very good. Then let's drop by and check out our Mingtou family's original Zhuangsui shop."

Ma Huating also had a smile on his face. When he thought of the bleak business in Zhu Pingan's store, he couldn't help but feel very good. The depression he felt at Zhu Pingan's during the last lecture was completely gone.

"Master Ma, please."


The two of them bowed their hands to each other, smiled at each other, and walked hand in hand towards Zhu Ji's fast food.

They just heard that Zhu Ping'an's Zhu Xiushui shop was on this street. It was said to be near a pier, but the specific location was not very clear. However, the street was not very long, not to mention the pier as a reference. , Haha, if there are two or three on the dock street, and considering the standard of a new store with poor business, you should be able to spot it at a glance as long as you pass by on the street.

The two of them were joking and talking about the embarrassing story of King Yu San asking for the welfare of the county king but not getting it.

I also saw several shops on the way, including a shoe shop called "Zhu Ji Shoe Shop". The business was very bleak. Ma Huating also laughed and joked about this. Just looking at the name, he thought this shoe shop was opened by our champion scholar. Woolen cloth.

"Haha, if this shoe store is the number one scholar, the number one scholar will definitely wake up laughing. Although the business of this shoe store is not very good, it will be better than the business of pigs in the water. Pigs in the water, haha, like the number one scholar. With such a unique taste, our Ming Dynasty probably can't surpass it." Ouyang Zishi twitched the corner of his mouth.

It's not like Ouyang Zishi has never seen pigs in the water. He was playful when he was a child. When he followed the housekeeper to a farm to collect rent, he encountered a family killing pigs on the way and dumped the pig intestines and other pig wastes on the roadside. In the ditch, even across a long distance, one could smell a foul smell.

People in the countryside dump pig intestines and other things into ditches. How can anyone in the capital eat pig intestines? !

Selling pigs for sale? !


Zhu Pingan's head must have been sat on by a pig. Ouyang Zishi was slandering and ridiculing Zhu Pingan in his heart.

"Hey, it smells so good. Mr. Ma, I don't know if you smell it. I just smelled the smell of meat at Qihua Gate. Now that I walked into this street, the smell of meat became stronger. And the further you go, the stronger the smell of the meat becomes.”

As he walked, Ouyang Zishi smelled the tempting fragrance of meat floating in the air, and couldn't help but said to Ma Huating beside him.

"Haha, Ouyang, you smelled it too. To be honest, Ma has never heard of such a fragrant meat smell." The purple camel's peak emerged from the green cauldron, and the water essence was coiled with plain scales; The knives cut through the air; Huangmen's flying hawks are immovable, and the royal chefs are sending eight delicacies. This kind of fragrance is probably only dragon liver, phoenix marrow, camel fetus, carp tail, rat tongue, fish lips, bear paws and crispy cakes. Only top ingredients like cheese cicada can be made. I didn't expect that there is such a top-notch restaurant hidden on this street." Ma Huating moved his nose, sniffed the fragrance in the air, and said with emotion.

"Haha, then we really came to the right place today. Zishi has been taking care of Master Ma a lot these days. Today, I would like to ask Master Ma to give Zishi a chance. Zishi will be the host and invite Master Ma to try the eight delicacies today. Delicious food.”

Ouyang Zishi stopped and extended his hand to Ma Huating in invitation.

"No, Ouyang, you are serious. You and I are officials in Prince Jing's Mansion, assisting His Highness Prince Jing, and we are just taking care of each other." Ma Huating shook his head with a smile.

"Lord Ma, you are being humble. If Lord Ma hadn't given you many suggestions, His Highness Prince Jing would not have valued Zi Shi so much. If Lord Ma didn't give Zi Shi this opportunity today, how could Zi Shi have any face in Prince Jing's Mansion?" Ouyang Zi Shi insisted.

"Hey, you" Ma Huating shook his head and reluctantly accepted Ouyang Zishi's invitation.

"Haha, Sir Ma, please." Ouyang Zishi smiled and stretched out his hand to make a gesture of invitation.


The two continued walking along the street, and after walking about fifty meters, they saw a store in front of them that was very busy. It seemed that the tables outside the store were full of people. Even so , there were still many people standing and waiting outside the store.

"Haha, the business in the store in front is really good. It's bustling with people." Ouyang Zishi said as he walked.

"Well, it's true." Ma Huating also noticed, "There are so many guests, the store is probably overwhelmed."

"I guess the smell of meat may come from this store, right?" Ouyang Zishi guessed.

"Well, Ouyang Yan is right. However, the scale of this store seems a bit small, not as good as the Sihai Restaurant and Restaurant just now." Ma Huating nodded.

"Maybe the store is a boutique-style private kitchen. Haha, if Zhu Pingan saw a neighbor with such a booming business in the store, I wonder what he would think? Hahahaha."

Ouyang Zishi laughed again as he spoke, thinking that when Zhu Pingan saw his bustling and bustling neighbor from the sparsely populated shop, he must have been jealous and jealous, so the more Ouyang Zishi thought about it, the happier he felt.

"The bones are stuck in the throat and the thorns are stuck in the back, that's probably it." The corners of Ma Huating's mouth also curled up.

Fifty meters away, it takes a few minutes to get there.

The closer they got to the store, the more certain they were that the source of the meaty aroma was this store.

"Haha, yes, this is Zhuji Fast Food." Ouyang Zishi came to the store and was extremely sure that the source of the meaty aroma was from this store. So while talking to Ma Huating, he raised his head and looked at this store. name.

Zhuji Fast Food!

Four words suddenly appeared in Ouyang Zishi's field of vision, and Ouyang Zishi read them out smoothly.


After the words "Zhu Ji Fast Food" came out of his mouth, Ouyang Zishi reacted belatedly.


What's the name of this store? !

Zhuji fast food? ! !

Ouyang Zishi raised his head and confirmed again, and then his face suddenly turned earthy gray, as if a basin of cold water had been poured from head to toe, and from heart to legs.

No defense at all.

Not a shred of preparation.

Everything happened so unexpectedly and suddenly.


It turns out that this store, which exudes a fragrance comparable to Bazhen and has extremely prosperous business, is Zhu Ji Fast Food - Zhu Ping'an's Zhu Xiashui restaurant? !

At this moment, Ouyang Zishi felt like a pitiful piece of paper that had been ravaged by a rude storm and fell into the muddy water.

However, he was not alone. There was a poor piece of paper called Ma Huating beside him, who was ravaged by the storm together.

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