Rise From the Humble

Chapter 871 No thanks

Today is the first day that Zhuji opened for business, and it is also the first day that Yuan Wei returned as the Jiudian Surveyor.

The Dragon Bone incident triggered a financial crisis. Emperor Jiajing was furious and sent out several inspection teams. Zhu Ping'an was sent to inspect the Taicang Bank. Yuan Wei was appointed by Emperor Jiajing as the Nine-Border Inspection Envoy and was sent to Went to Xuanfu and Datong towns to investigate the withdrawal and use of military pay, border repair, relief and other expenses.

Today, Yuan Wei successfully completed the survey task and returned.

In fact, when Yuan Wei came back, he was full of confidence and walked with wind.

Without him, only merit.

During this trip to Xuanfu and Datong, Yuan Wei did not return empty-handed and without success, but with fruitful results and full achievements.

After returning this time, Yuan Wei was very confident. He was confident that he should be the first person in this big inspection, and his results were unparalleled.

On the way back, Yuan Wei was reminiscing about the feats of his investigation.

When inspecting Datong, he used both kindness and power, moved him with emotion and reason, and vividly displayed what he had learned. He "subdued" Datong's commander-in-chief Xu Ren and deputy commander-in-chief Wang Huaibang on the spot, making them obediently cooperate in the investigation. Given various conveniences, eight giant rats hidden in Datong Military Town were discovered in one fell swoop.

That's right, six giant rats.

One hundred households, one general banner, four small banners, a total of one thousand two hundred and eighty-three taels of salary were investigated and punished.

In the investigation of Xuanfu, he continued his efforts, learned from the experience and lessons of Datong, enriched his methods and techniques, and extended the investigation time. His hard work paid off, and Yuan Wei achieved more brilliant results than in Datong.

Eight giant rats were found in Xuan Mansion, one was a member of a hundred households, two general banners, five small banners, and more than 1,300 taels of stolen silver.

Isn't this achievement brilliant enough? !

Isn't this achievement enough to rank first? !


As far as he knew, in the past, the survey of Jiubian was basically just a walk-through. It would be good to find two or three giant rats.

I, Yuan Wei, found a total of fourteen giant rats! ! ! And he recovered three thousand taels of military pay that had been deducted for my Ming Dynasty.

Therefore, when Yuan Wei returned to the capital, he walked with wind in his eyes, and he was full of confidence and couldn't wait to go to Xiyuan for business.

The Holy Emperor will definitely be surprised by my achievements and praise me greatly. When he was summoned to see Emperor Jiajing, Yuan Wei was still thinking so beautifully in his heart.

Yuan Wei gave full play to his eloquence advantage when reporting to Emperor Jiajing. In his words, this trip to the Xuanfu of Datong could be described as a battle of wits and courage, ups and downs, a thousand twists and turns, a narrow escape from death, and finally achieved brilliant results.

However, the strange thing is, why was the Holy Father not very moved after hearing my report? !

I didn't say that, okay? !

No, I spent three days and three nights editing and polishing the report materials, and I memorized them all on the way here. When I just gave the report, I was also very emotional and ups and downs. It was definitely an extraordinary performance.

I must have missed something!

After Yuan Wei came out to report his work, he slowly learned about the general situation from the colleagues around him. It was Zhu Pingan again!

How many times has this happened? !

Yuan Wei can no longer remember how many times Zhu Ping'an has stolen his limelight! It seems that ever since Zhu Ping'an came to the capital, he has been specifically working against himself. Whether it is Qingci, Zhaijiao, or playing poems, the honor that originally belonged to him has been robbed by him countless times.

During this inspection, I originally thought that I had caught fourteen giant rats and saved more than two thousand taels of military pay, which would be my first achievement.

But I never expected that Zhu Pingan would come to disrupt the situation again.

Zhu Ping'an went to inspect Taicang. A group of five officials left him alone, but he did not expect that he uncovered a major theft in Taicang. More than 300 officials and more than 500 soldiers, servants and slaves were involved in the case. Each of them was fined and paid compensation ranging from tens or hundreds of taels to tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands taels.

I heard that in just a few days, hundreds of thousands of fines were paid to the treasury.

Compared with Zhu Pingan, his trip to Datong can be said to be eclipsed, like the light of a grain of rice competing with the sun and the moon. No wonder the Holy Emperor is not moved at all. It turns out that he has already been moved by Zhu Pingan.

Zhu Pingan.

Yuan Wei took a deep breath, and then slowly spit it out. As his colleagues said just now, Zhu Pingan shot himself in the foot. He himself was fined one hundred and sixty taels of silver. Well, he was fined and bankrupted his entire family. , in the end, I had to go into business with the smell of copper. I heard that what I was selling was pig offal.


Pig into the water? !

Can such dirty and disgusting things be sold? !

Will anyone eat it? !

Zhu Pingan is crazy about money.

Yuan Wei sneered at this, and couldn't help but gloat in his heart.

Just when Yuan Wei sneered at Zhu Pingan, Zhu Pingan appeared in Yuan Wei's sight holding a book.

"Master Yuan." After seeing Yuan Wei, Zhu Pingan took the initiative to politely cup his hands and said hello.

In the past, Yuan Wei would have just nodded and given Zhu Pingan a pair of nostrils, but today Yuan Wei rarely stopped, returned Zhu Pingan's salute, and even talked to Zhu Pingan The words were spoken.

"Haha, I heard that Zihou has opened a new restaurant, which opened today. Yuan would like to congratulate Zihou." Yuan Wei said with a slight smile.

"Mr. Yuan is really well-informed. Ping An has indeed opened a restaurant. It is on the first street in front of Qihua Gate. It is called Zhuji Fast Food. It does open today. Ping An would like to express your good wishes here. "Zhu Ping'an cupped his hands and thanked her, and looked at Yuan Wei a few more times without any trace of trace in his eyes.

Zhu Ping'an was a little surprised by Yuan Wei's congratulations. In the past, when he greeted Yuan Wei, Yuan Wei always pulled him like something and nodded as if he was gracious. Today, he even congratulated him.

But after seeing the sneer between Yuan Wei's brows, Zhu Ping'an was relieved.


This is very Yuan Wei.

"You're welcome, Zihou. Zhuji Fast Food, um, what a good name. I wonder what kind of special delicacies Zihou's store has?" Yuan Wei asked pretending to be curious.

"If it's special, let's get into the braised pig water." Zhu Pingan replied nonchalantly.

"Pig into water"

The officials who heard it nearby couldn't help but laugh. Even pigs in the water are considered a special delicacy in your store. Then we can only imagine how "delicious" the food in your store is.

Yuan Wei also had a smile on his face, holding back his laughter and said politely: "Haha, well, braised pigs are in the water. This is really our first time in the Ming Dynasty. Yuan has not eaten it yet. I will wait for Mr. Zhu to be free some other time. Yuan I would like to see it."

How about another day.

Everyone tacitly knew that this was just a polite comment and should not be taken seriously.

"No need." Zhu Pingan smiled slightly.

"No need?" Yuan Wei was startled.

"Well, no need, I'm free today." Zhu Pingan nodded.

Yuan Wei was stunned, his mouth opened, and he looked caught off guard.

Why don't you follow the routine?

Who wants to see your pigs in the water, smelly and smelly? Only people like you, Zhu Pingan, who have a unique taste, will eat it.

The surrounding officials were also stunned.

Zhu Ping'an's unconventional play caught them off guard, and they felt deep sympathy for Yuan Wei.

Pigs go into the water.

You won’t be able to vomit after one bite for a whole day.

"Ahem, I'm sorry, Zihou. I have an appointment with my friend today. Well, let's wait for another day, ahem."

Yuan Wei coughed and his face turned red.

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