Rise From the Humble

Chapter 874 Imperial Food

After Zhang Juzheng received the oral order from Emperor Jiajing to give a banquet, Zhu Pingan also received the oral order from Xiaohuangmen.

"The Holy Spirit gives me food?"

After Zhu Ping'an received the oral instruction, he was very surprised. What day is it today? Why did Emperor Jiajing give a banquet today?

After hearing from Xiao Huangmen that Yang Guoliang and Zhang Juzheng were also given a banquet, Zhu Pingan understood why Emperor Jiajing gave the banquet.

Because of preaching.

He and Yang Guoliang were in charge of giving lectures yesterday, while Zhang Juzheng came to give lectures this afternoon.

This afternoon, during Zhang Juzheng's lecture break, Zhu Ping'an and Li Chunfang went over to meet Zhang Juzheng. After all, they were both colleagues from the Hanlin Academy. They and Li Chunfang were in Xiyuan, so they had to go and stand in front of them both emotionally and rationally. .

It makes sense that Emperor Jiajing gave a banquet to the lecturer who gave lectures to the prince. In this regard, Emperor Jiajing is very similar to modern parents of students. Please take the trouble to treat your child's teacher to a meal and express your gratitude.

It seems that parents all over the world are the same.

Zhu Ping'an couldn't help but feel a little emotional.

In the evening, as the sun set in the west, in a golden place, under the envious eyes of Yuan Wei and others, Zhu Ping'an followed the young eunuch to the Zhishan Palace for the banquet.

Zhishan Palace is located close to the concubine's palace. Along the way, I met many palace maids with bright clothes and beautiful appearance.

Don't look at anything inappropriate.

You can't take advantage of the harem. Today you are a palace maid, but tomorrow you may be the harem mistress. How can you watch it? You must know that Emperor Jiajing can't tolerate a little grain of sand in his eyes.

Life is precious, don't treat it inappropriately.

Zhu Ping'an reminded himself not to look sideways all the way, only looking at the road under his feet, and followed the little eunuch to the Palace of Perfection.

Zhu Pingan's caution is justified.

In fact, there were many eyes hidden in places where Zhu Pingan could not see them. They recorded all Zhu Pingan's words and deeds in notebooks, and soon these notebooks recording Zhu Pingan's words and deeds were sent to Emperor Jiajing's case. superior.

Including Yang Guoliang and Zhang Juzheng who came to Zhishan Palace on the other two roads, they also received the same treatment.

After walking for about ten minutes, Zhu Ping'an saw the Zhishan Palace very close at hand.

Zhishan Palace is surrounded by a pool of water. Duckweed, green lotus and lotus naturally grow in the water. It is green and clear. There are also clusters of flowers and grass on the shore. The wind blows the flowers. Thousands of them hang low on the branches, and the petals fall to the ground like The flower carpet is spread out, it’s very beautiful.

Different from the golden glazed tiles in the palace, the dome of Zhishan Palace is made of red glazed tiles, which becomes even more red under the setting sun.

"Master Zhu, please come this way." The little eunuch led Zhu Ping'an through the hall and came to a room.

The room was very spacious and elegantly decorated, but there was only a short long table and a futon cushion behind the table.

"Master Zhu, please take a seat." The young eunuch placed the cushion in the middle position behind the tables and invited Zhu Ping'an to take a seat.

"Thank you, father-in-law."

Zhu Pingan thanked him with his hands, and then knelt down and sat down at the table. To be honest, Zhu Pingan was used to sitting on chairs and stools, and he didn't like sitting on his knees. It was okay to sit for a while, but after sitting for a long time, his legs and feet were numb and his butt hurt. A situation will arise.

Judging from this layout, I am the only one in this room. It seems that Zhang Juzheng and Yang Guoliang are also in another room alone.

Zhu Pingan was familiar with the banquet system of separate meals, but this was the first time Zhu Pingan had heard of such a banquet system.

However, Emperor Jiajing was the biggest in the entire Ming Dynasty, and Emperor Jiajing could give as many banquets as he wished.

You are responsible for eating well yourself.

After Zhu Ping'an sat down at the table, before his buttocks got warm, he heard footsteps, and then saw Huang Jin walking in accompanied by several eunuchs.

"I've met Mr. Huang."

Zhu Ping'an left the table and stood up, cupping his hands and bowing to Huang Jin.

"Master Xiao Zhu, there is no need to be polite. Today you are all distinguished guests in the palace, so please take a seat." Huang Jin walked forward with a smile and reached out to support Zhu Ping'an.

After Zhu Ping'an came to the table, Huang Jin said again, "Today, the Holy One will not have dinner with Master Xiao Zhu. The Holy Master said that you have done a good job in preaching the scriptures. He has already told the old slave to entertain Master Xiao Zhu well. I want you to eat well and drink well. Haha, the Holy Spirit also said that this way you can eat more easily."

Bigu? !

Well, Emperor Jiajing was really serious about practicing Taoism. Zhu Ping'an had only seen scenes of fasting in modern fairy tale novels before, but he never thought that he could meet people who were fasting in reality.

In fact, Emperor Jiajing was right about one thing. If Emperor Jiajing didn't come, this meal would definitely be easier. After all, accompanying a king is like accompanying a tiger. No matter how brave you are and no matter how good your appetite is, you will be stressed when eating next to a tiger.

"I thank you for your kindness, Lord." Zhu Ping'an bowed at the banquet in the direction of Emperor Jiajing's palace, and then bowed his hands to Huang Jin and thanked him, "Thank you, Mr. Huang."

"Haha, Mr. Xiao Zhu is too polite, please pass on the food."

Huang Jin smiled slightly, and then nodded towards the accompanying young eunuch.


The little eunuch nodded in response, turned around and walked to the door. He called the waiter outside and started passing the food around.

"Master Xiao Zhu, let's go meet Master Zhang and Master Yang. If you need anything here, just tell them." After ordering the meal to be passed on, Huang Jin said goodbye to Zhu Ping'an with a smile.

"Huang Gong, go slowly." Zhu Pingan returned the salute.

After Huang Jin left, the chamberlain brought the imperial meals in one after another, and placed them on several cases in front of Zhu Pingan.

There was an endless stream of waiters serving dishes.

Hot dishes, cold dishes, soups, snacks. Soon, the table in front of Zhu Pingan was filled.

Especially there is a large plate of hand-caught mutton in the middle of the table, which exudes the aroma of meat that reaches the tip of the tongue. When it is placed on the table, the mutton ribs are still trembling slightly. The meat is red and white, fat but not tangy, and the color is attractive. Man, wisps of meaty aroma slowly wafted out along with the crispy and tender mutton.

There was also a plate of dipping sauce next to the hand-caught lamb.

This dish attracted Zhu Pingan's attention as soon as it was served.

It seemed like it was back to the days when I was traveling in Ningxia with my roommates when I was in school. After getting lost and riding for a day, the three of them finally arrived at a small town. At the entrance of the town was a hand-picked mutton stall on the street. It was the first time to eat mutton with your hands. The feeling, the more you eat, the more you get greedy. It is really an unforgettable memory.

"Master Zhu, please use it with caution."

A table of royal meals was quickly served. The young eunuch stood aside and invited Zhu Ping'an to eat.

This table of royal meals is full of color, flavor and flavor. There are more than 20 dishes. It can be said to be extremely rich. However, I don’t know if the young eunuch forgot it or something. This table of extremely rich royal meals is only missing chopsticks.

Coincidentally, Zhang Juzheng's table of equally sumptuous imperial meals happened to be missing chopsticks.

"Thank you."

Zhu Ping'an, who was attracted by the mutton, heard the word "please use it slowly" and said "Thank you". He couldn't wait to reach out and grabbed the bone of a mutton rib, skillfully dipped it in the sauce, and started to devour it.

Eating mutton with your hands is the most authentic way. Emperor Jiajing is not here anyway, so why bother to pay so much attention to it.

Didn't even notice there were no chopsticks on the table.

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