Rise From the Humble

Chapter 875 The evening breeze blows up and the appetite is whetted

The evening breeze blows and the appetite whets.

At dusk in midsummer, the rolling heat wave is gradually cooled down by the evening breeze. Sitting at the table and having a big meal in the cool dusk is the most appropriate thing to do at this time.

Especially when the table is filled with sumptuous delicacies that are fragrant and fragrant, it will not disappoint your mouth and appetite.

The braised shark's fin uses the precious shark's fin sent as tribute from Luzon. It is golden and bright, full of elasticity, and the texture is soft and glutinous and easy to absorb. The stewed soup is old chicken soup that has been simmered overnight. It is fresh and fragrant. The chicken soup is as good as the shark's fin. , brings a sublimation of taste and vision, nourishes qi, strengthens muscles and bones, it is wonderful.

The sika deer tendons are made from Changbai Mountain sika deer donated by Jianzhou Sanwei. The deer tendons are used as a dish, and are paired with hare and pheasant native to Changbai Mountain, as well as ginseng, wolfberry and white cabbage that is easy to absorb the soup. Finally, it is simmered with sweetness. The radishes and apples, the sika deer tendons after being cooked are fresh without any fishy smell, the soup is still rich and mellow, the whole dish is not fat or greasy, and has a special game aroma.

The most conspicuous plate of lamb ribs in the middle of the table is made from Yanchi Tan sheep from the Hetao area. The Tan sheep that grow here eat Chinese herbal medicine and drink ditch spring water. The meat is red, fat and white, and tastes delicious and fragrant. Tan, the aroma of the meat reaches the tip of the tongue after being stewed.

The delicacies from the mountains and the sea, the delicacies in every plate, all use precious ingredients, and all exude an alluring fragrance.


Zhang Juzheng, who was sitting behind the table, looked at the delicacies and delicacies on the table, but had no intention of doing anything.


Yang Guoliang, who was two rooms away from Zhang Juzheng, was also faced with the same table of delicacies and delicacies. He also seemed to be abstaining from meat, vegetarian food and soup, and he did not eat a bite.

The reasons are the same.

No chopsticks.

Yes, the waiter served them a table of delicious food, but he forgot to give them a pair of chopsticks.

Neither did the spoon.

How to eat food without chopsticks? ! How to taste soup without a spoon? !

This is just like there is no pen in the examination room, or there is no weapon on the battlefield. You have no ability and cannot use it.

Facing a table of royal meals that were all delicious and delicious, I could only stare.

Of course, there were also tough men who bit off their fingers to answer questions written in blood, and tore apart Japanese soldiers with their bare hands. Well, that was Zhu Pingan, who was two rooms away from them. At this moment, two lamb ribs were missing from the plate in front of Zhu Pingan, and there was one clean lamb rib on the table. The lamb rib in his hand was half eaten.

When Zhu Pingan finished chewing the second lamb rib, Zhang Juzheng, who was two rooms away from him, finally moved.

"I'm sorry to bother you, my father-in-law, could you please bring me a pair of chopsticks for Zhang?"

Zhang Juzheng turned around, cupped his hands to the nearest chamberlain, apologized apologetically, and asked him to fetch him a pair of chopsticks.

"Ah, chopsticks. They all belong to the Zajia family. I forgot to set chopsticks for Mr. Zhang. Damn it. How can I eat without chopsticks? Mr. Zhang, wait a moment. The Zajia family will get you chopsticks right now."

Hearing this, the waiter glanced at the table and was "surprised" to find that he had forgotten to serve Zhang Juzheng with chopsticks. He hurriedly apologized to Zhang Juzheng, then immediately turned around and went out to get Zhang Juzheng chopsticks, spoons and other tableware.

The tableware in the palace naturally had different reactions. The chamberlain brought a pair of white ivory chopsticks and a jade spoon.

"Thank you, father-in-law."

After Zhang Juzheng took the chopsticks, he cupped his hands and thanked him. He sat upright and started eating the imperial meal in a noble style from the inside out.

With ivory chopsticks and fragrant vegetables, the royal meal is truly worthy of its reputation.

While Zhang Juzheng was taking the first bite of the dish, Zhu Pingan had also gnawed clean the second lamb rib. When Zhu Pingan was about to reach out for the third lamb rib, the waiter on the side seemed to "finally" realize that he had forgotten In order to set the chopsticks for Mr. Zhu Pingan, he hurriedly came forward and confessed to Zhu Pingan: "Ah, damn it, Zajia just forgot to set the chopsticks for Mr. Zhu, please forgive me."

"Ah? Haha, it doesn't matter, it doesn't matter..."

Hearing this, Zhu Pingan pinched the third lamb rib and was startled for a moment. He glanced at the table and suddenly realized that there were no chopsticks on the table. Then he smiled honestly, waved his hand carelessly, and then continued to hold the lamb in his hand. The rib meat was put into the mouth.

The waiter on the side has been paying attention to Zhu Pingan's expression.


He was deeply impressed by Zhu Pingan's "acting skills".

The slightly raised eyebrows, the slightly opened mouth, the flash of surprise in the pupils, the bulging curve of the cheeks...

Even Mr. Zhu’s breath was filled with surprise when he heard me say that I forgot to put my chopsticks.

The "surprise" and "sudden realization" expressed by Mr. Zhu, everything is so natural, everything is so real, everything is so just right...

When the chamberlain saw this, he couldn't help but feel ashamed when he thought about his own performance.

The expression he showed just now when he "discovered" that he forgot to put on the chopsticks was really very different from the expression when Mr. Zhu "discovered" that he had no chopsticks. Although he couldn't see his expression at the time, the waiter also knew his expression. The expression is a bit stiff and unnatural, and there are many flaws in his expressiveness.

Mr. Zhu is truly worthy of being the number one scholar in his weak years, worthy of being a rising star in officialdom who rises to the top in three days, joins the cabinet in two months, and rises to the top in three months.

At this moment, the figure of Zhu Ping'an, who was kneeling and eating, looked so tall in the eyes of the chamberlain, as tall as ten thousand feet...

With respect, the waiter turned around and fetched the chopsticks for Zhu Pingan and placed them on the table in front of Zhu Pingan. They were also a pair of ivory chopsticks.

"Thank you very much."

Zhu Ping'an took the chopsticks, thanked the waiter, and continued to eat the unfinished lamb ribs with his hands. After that, he picked up the wet towel on the side and wiped his hands clean. Then he picked up the chopsticks and picked up the sika deer. Then he put it in his mouth and ate it happily.

At this time, both Zhang Juzheng and Zhu Ping'an had chopsticks, either enjoying themselves in aristocratic style or devouring their meals.


Yang Guoliang, who was two rooms away from them, still looked like he was abstaining from meat, vegetarian and soup. Facing a table of delicious food, he sat upright without touching a plate of food. He hesitated and struggled for a long time on his face. , did not speak after all, but poured himself one cup after another of hot tea, drinking tea, drinking tea, drinking tea.

Come on, come on, drink this cup, and have another cup.

The tea in the palace is so delicious that I can’t stop drinking it.

Yang Guoliang, who was drinking tea, felt so excited that he kept drinking, one cup after another.

The waiter in the room never realized that he had forgotten to set chopsticks for Yang Guoliang, so he just watched Yang Guoliang drink one cup after another.

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