Rise From the Humble

Chapter 877 Deep Thought and Fear

On the top of the willow tree in the moonlight, people meet at dusk.

When Zhu Pingan walked out of the room under the guidance of the chamberlain, he had a greasy mouth and a shy stomach. When he went out, he happened to meet Yang Guoliang, who was full of water. Yang Guoliang also walked out under the guidance of the chamberlain.

"Dr. Yang, hiccup"

Zhu Pingan said hello to Yang Guoliang and couldn't help but burp in the middle of the fight.

Yang Guoliang had just drank two pots of tea, and his stomach was full. He already had a strong urge to urinate. What he wanted to do most at this moment was to get out of the palace quickly, and then find a place where no one was around to deal with it.

But as soon as I stepped out, I was stopped by someone!

Who? !

You are so short-sighted, I can hardly hold it in anymore, why are you still saying hello to me? ! Hit, hit, say hello.

Yang Guoliang raised his head with a look of urgency and displeasure, and then saw Zhu Ping'an, oh, who do I think I am? You are so short-sighted, it turns out to be you, the little bastard named Zhu!

Am I quarreling with you? ? As soon as I touch you, everything goes wrong!

The last time I went to the thank-you banquet of King Jing and King Yu with you, you broke the couplet and I couldn't even drink a sip of water, and my lips were chapped! By the way, which of your broken couplets took you several years to come up with, but I still haven’t figured it out yet!

I won’t say anything about the couplet in advance, but let’s talk about the banquet.

Today, I went to the dinner given by the Holy Spirit with you, and I was not even in the same room with you, but in the end, I was rushed by you. A table full of dishes was served, but there were no chopsticks. Can you believe this? ! I drank so much tea that my bladder almost exploded.

Of course, even if Yang Guoliang wanted to scold Zhu Ping'an to death, he still had to get by on the surface.

It's just a joke.

Yang Guoliang still has this awareness.

"Zhu Da.ren!"

Yang Guoliang endured the strong urge to urinate, suppressed the impatience and displeasure on his face, raised his head with a stiff smile, and returned Zhu Ping'an's salute.

As a result, the word "Master Zhu" was only replaced by the word "Zhu Da". Yang Guoliang saw Zhu Ping'an's oily and shiny lips under the candlelight. He couldn't help being stunned for a moment, and then he felt very unbalanced in his heart. , when he said the last word "人", he also had a strong feeling of dissatisfaction.

You actually have chopsticks? !

Why? !

Why can you, Zhu Ping'an, eat with a mouthful of oil, but I can only drink with a stomach full of water?

a moment

Yang Guoliang's eyes were as red as rabbits, very red eyes.

next second

Zhang Juzheng also came out and exchanged greetings with Zhu Pingan and Yang Guoliang.

Yang Guoliang directly focused his eyes on Zhang Juzheng's lips. Well, they seemed to be oily as well, although not as oily as Zhu Pingan's. He must have eaten the imperial meal.

Ever since

Yang Guoliang's red eyes became even redder.


Could it be that I am the only one without chopsticks at this royal dinner? !

Did I offend you? !

Why do they all have chopsticks?

Yang Guoliang slowly turned his gaze to the waiter on the side with an inquiring look, as if the baby was wronged but the baby didn't dare to say anything.

"Master Yang, gentlemen, please come this way." The chamberlain looked calm and extended his hand to respectfully invite Yang Guoliang and others to go forward.

"Thank you."

Zhu Pingan thanked the eunuch with his hands, and then walked out along the path led by the eunuch.

Zhang Juzheng followed closely, and Yang Guoliang was last.

The chamberlain led Zhu Ping'an and the others to the palace gate, and then stopped. He gave each of them a peace card, and then watched the three of them walk out of the palace gate.

The Tai Ping Wu Shi Plate is a wooden waist plate that is specially designed to pass the curfew. People who hold this plate can ignore the curfew and pass freely through the streets of the Forbidden City. Regardless of whether it is a servant of Shuntian Prefecture, a Jin Yiwei, or a factory guard of Dongchang, they will all be allowed to see this sign.

Of course, when the chamberlain delivered the sign just now, he also explained that this sign was only for them to use when they return home tonight, and would have to be returned to the palace gate guard tomorrow.


Zhu Pingan hung the Peace and Peace card on his waist, walked out of the palace gate, and said goodbye to Zhang Juzheng and Yang Guoliang. He turned around and took a step when he heard Liu Dadao's excited shouts. He raised his head and saw a horse holding a horse not far away. Liu Dadao came over.

"Hehehe, I heard that the young master is eating the imperial meal tonight. How is it? Is the imperial meal delicious?" Liu Dadao asked curiously after leading his horse over.

"Of course the imperial meal is delicious." Zhu Ping'an took the black horse from Sha Ma and smiled.

"It's delicious. How much can you eat? Is the pig offal braised in our store delicious?" Liu Dadao was curious.

Ever since he had eaten braised pig offal, Liu Dadao could not forget the taste. It was so delicious. Due to the booming business today and the praise from diners about the pig offal in the store, Liu Dadao now has a deep appreciation for the shop. The pig enters the water with confidence.


Yang Guoliang, who was about to get into the sedan chair and leave, almost coughed up his urine without laughing after listening to Liu Dadao's words. Comparing the imperial meal with the pig's water? ! This servant in Zhu Ping'an's house with well-developed limbs and simple mind is not filled with brains, but with pig water!

Zhang Juzheng on the side couldn't help but smile when he heard this. This was the first time he heard that pigs were compared with royal meals. It was like hearing a beggar say that he ate eggs three times a day after becoming an emperor. It’s just as funny to eat yellow.

"It's much more delicious than the braised pig sesame in our store." Zhu Ping'an smiled.

This is not nonsense!

Yang Guoliang rolled his eyes, snorted, got into the sedan, waved his hand and was about to lower the curtain, ready to urge the sedan bearer to go faster, but he was still holding back.

As a result, Yang Guoliang hadn't lowered the curtain in his hand, but he heard Zhu Ping'an talking again over there.

"Let me tell you how delicious it is. It's so delicious that my father-in-law even forgot to place his chopsticks and I didn't notice it." Zhu Pingan got on his horse and described it to Liu Dadao, "Next time, there will be more When I have a chance to eat the royal meal, I asked if I could pack it up and bring it back for you to try."

"Really, thank you, Master. If I can eat the royal meal, my life will not be in vain." Liu Dadao grinned excitedly.

After listening to Zhu Pingan's words, Yang Guoliang stopped putting down the curtain.

Zhu Pingan, what did he just say? !

It was so delicious that my father-in-law even forgot to place his chopsticks and he didn’t even notice? !

so? !

Zhu Ping'an didn't give him chopsticks at the beginning? !

I thought I was the only one unlucky because my father-in-law forgot to set my chopsticks. !

It turns out that Zhu Pingan was not given chopsticks! ! !

What about Zhang Juzheng?

Yang Guoliang hurriedly turned his eyes to Zhang Juzheng, and then saw Zhang Juzheng looking at him suspiciously.

That's it!

It turns out that this time when the meal was given, the father-in-law forgot to set the chopsticks? !

How could it be such a coincidence? !

It's possible to forget one pair of chopsticks, but it's impossible to forget three pairs, not to mention this is inside the palace.

That is to say, this is intentional? !

Thinking of this, Yang Guoliang's heart trembled. None of the three of them had chopsticks at the beginning, so why did they give chopsticks to Zhu Ping'an and Zhang Juzheng later, but not to me? !

Yang Guoliang thought deeply and was so frightened that he no longer had the urge to urinate.

The moment Zhang Juzheng saw Yang Guoliang turning to look at him, he already thought that the chopsticks were deliberately left unpositioned.

When thinking about this, Zhang Juzheng thought about his behavior of asking for chopsticks at the banquet.

His face turned gray in an instant.

The smile is long gone.

Only Zhu Ping'an and Liu Dadao drove away without a care, with the sound of talking and laughing all the way.

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