Rise From the Humble

Chapter 878 Big Profits

"Sir, you don't know how many people came to our Zhuji Fast Food today. You told us not to worry this morning. We said we weren't worried, but we were still worried in our hearts. As a result, this morning Not long after we opened the store, more than ten people came in, and our hearts immediately dropped in our stomachs.”

"By noon, more and more people came, and the threshold was almost lowered. All the tables were occupied. Even the four extra tables outside were not enough. There were still 20 or 30 people standing outside waiting."

"It was really crowded. The street in front was almost blocked. Some people in the back simply bought some and took them back to eat."

"The pig is in the water. I cooked twenty dishes for lunch alone, which was not enough to eat. I cooked another twenty dishes for dinner. The fifty jars of wine we borrowed from the young lady's shop were all bought. Later, Dagang and I went to buy another fifty jars of wine and paid the money for one piece."

"Young master, you haven't seen that Brother Mu's hands became weak when collecting money. In the end, the money box was full."

On the way back to the Marquis of Linhuai Mansion, Liu Dadao grinned so excitedly that his lips went up to the back of his ears. He didn't stop talking all the way. Zhu Ping'an also got a general idea of ​​the opening of Zhuji Fast Food from Liu Dadao today.


The opening was auspicious, even more auspicious than imagined, diners came in an endless stream, and it was very popular as soon as it opened.

As for how much money he earned, judging from Liu Dadao's statement that the money box was full, it must be a lot.


Almost forgot.

All the wine in Zhu Ji's fast food restaurant comes from a wine shop under Li Shu's name. Zhu Ping'an also talked about wine during a chat. Baozi's maid Hua'er then said that the wine can be purchased from the wine shop under the lady's name. Enter the field.

Then Zhu Ping'an learned that Li Shu had taken over a wine shop some time ago, which was transferred to Li Shu by paying off debts.

The quality of the wine is pretty good.

As a result, Zhuji Fast Food has a source of wine, and the purchase price is far lower than the market price and only slightly higher than the cost price. Generally, a restaurant earns about 30% of the profit from selling a jar of wine. For every jar of wine sold by Zhu Ji, the profit is about dozens of yuan more than that of other restaurants. Almost every jar of wine sold, Zhu Ji had a profit of nearly one hundred yuan. Judging from what Liu Dadao just described, at least about seventy or eighty jars of wine were sold today, which means that the profit of Tianguang Wine is about seventy or eighty taels.

After Zhu Ping'an was promoted to a bachelor's degree from the fifth rank of Hanlin Academy some time ago, his monthly salary was only fourteen stones, which was equivalent to about seven or eight taels of silver. In other words, Zhu Ping'an's monthly salary is only the profit of Zhu Ji Fast Food from selling wine in one day. No wonder so many officials want to do business even at the risk of violating the ban.

Therefore, Li Shu, the virtuous wife, played a great role in the opening of Zhuji Fast Food. The store was under Li Shu's name, and the wine was purchased at a low price from Li Shu.


After hearing about the staffing of Zhuji Fast Food, Li Shu took the initiative to lend it to one of Zhu Ping'an's shopkeepers from the store under her name.

The military medal is half that of Li Shu.

Zhu Ping'an smiled slightly, clamped the horse's belly hard, and galloped towards the Linhuai Marquis Mansion.

When passing by the Zitong Temple intersection, they encountered a group of factory guards patrolling the curfew and stopped Zhu Pingan and Liu Dadao. However, after Zhu Pingan took off the peace and quiet sign from his waist and showed it to them, they were able to go through without any obstruction.

After seeing the Taiping No Matters sign, Dongchang Fanzi, the leader of this team, took the initiative to send a fanzi to clear the way for Zhu Pingan in front of him in order to prevent Zhu Pingan from being delayed by the interrogation at the previous checkpoint. The Linhuai Marquis Mansion has just returned.

After returning to the Linhuai Marquis Mansion, the porter took the horse to the stable. Liu Dadao was resting in the front yard, and Zhu Ping'an returned to the backyard.

After passing the Chuihua Gate, Zhu Pingan went to Tingyuxuan in a familiar way. Just as he was about to walk into Tingyuxuan, he heard a burst of giggles coming from beside him, "Uncle, you went to the wrong place."

"Oh, it's Qin'er. What's wrong? Isn't this Tingyuxuan?"

When Zhu Ping'an heard the sound, he turned around and saw Qin'er standing pretty beside him, giggling while looking at him, and couldn't help but ask doubtfully.


Zhu Ping'an has become very familiar with him. Ever since he entered the backyard of Linhuai Hou Mansion, he has lived in Tingyuxuan, so it is impossible to go the wrong way.

"It's true that this is Tingyuxuan, but uncle, we no longer live in Tingyuxuan. We have moved to Jingxiang Garden, and we just moved today. Miss is afraid that you will go wrong, so she specially asked me to wait for uncle here. ." Qin'er explained.


moved? !

Moving is not a trivial matter, and it definitely can't be done in a day or two. Why didn't Li Shu, the little devil, tell herself in advance. Why are you afraid that I will make a mistake and ask people to wait for me here? I think I want people to come over and see my own joke, this little goblin. Then, Zhu Ping'an thought of the "Sima Yi" plot again, and couldn't help but darken his face. He calculated the date, and looking at today's move, Li Shu should be in good health.

In ancient times, menstruation was taboo and considered unlucky, and housewarming was viewed very strictly. Generally, people would not move during menstruation.

Therefore, Li Shu's body should be feeling refreshed today.

This little goblin

If you don't want to take my stick, let you see if I am Sima Yi.

Zhu Ping'an couldn't help but twitch the corners of his mouth as he thought about it. His smile made Qin'er beside him take a step back. His uncle's smile was a bit scary.

Jingxiang Garden is further inside than Tingyuxuan. Zhu Ping'an followed Qin'er and turned two corners inward before arriving.

After entering, Zhu Ping'an found that Jingxiang Garden was larger than Tingyuxuan, almost twice as big. It was more spacious than the single courtyard house in old Beijing, and the layout and decoration inside were also more luxurious than Tingyuxuan. too much.

"Keck, Lord Sima is back."

Li Shu walked out of the house with Baozi's maid Hua'er and two little girls, looked at Zhu Pingan with a smile and said sweetly.

Baozi's little maid Hua'er followed Li Shu, but she just raised her head and glanced at Zhu Ping'an. Her baby's fat little face suddenly turned red, like a ripe red apple, even the roots of her ears. Red.

She was even more embarrassed than when Zhu Pingan lifted the quilt last night.

As soon as I saw my uncle, I couldn't help but think of pajamas. This morning when I went on night duty to deliver clothes to my uncle, I saw that my uncle's legs were covered with his pajamas, and his bulge was bulging. The pajamas were still wet.

It's so embarrassing

Zhu Ping'an didn't notice Hua'er, and now his attention was on Li Shu. Hearing that the little goblin Li Shu mentioned Sima Yi again, he couldn't help but twitch the corner of his mouth, walked to Li Shu, and laughed in a low voice: "Haha , I will let you see if I am Sima Yi later."

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