Rise From the Humble

Chapter 882 Lecturer at Prince Jing’s Mansion

In the early morning, a piece of fish belly white appears in the eastern sky, the sun has not yet faded below the underground line, dew is hanging on the leaves, everything is like a faint splash of ink painting.

The gate of Linhuai Hou Mansion opened, Zhu Ping'an and Liu Dadao got on their horses and galloped towards Xiyuan. After arriving at Xiyuan, Liu Dadao had to ride his horse to Zhuji Fast Food to help Liu Mu and the others.

Liu Mu and Liu Dagang went to Zhuji Fast Food early in the morning. Liu Daqiang and Uncle Liu did not come back last night and rested directly in the backyard of Zhuji Fast Food.

Zhuji Fast Food is a front store and backyard model. People can live in the backyard, and it is not a problem to accommodate three or five people. Uncle Liu is not used to living in the Linhuai Marquis Mansion, so he prefers to live in the backyard to feel more comfortable. Liu Mu and the others were worried that Old Man Liu would live alone, so they asked Liu Daqiang to accompany them.

Starting from this morning, Zhuji Fast Food started to provide breakfast, which was already announced to diners when it opened yesterday.

At present, the breakfast types provided by Zhuji Fast Food are relatively simple. For the time being, they only provide braised and grilled breakfast.

When Zhu Pingan walked into Wuyi Hall, Zhu Ji Fast Food was already very busy.

Uncle Liu followed Zhu Ping'an's suggestion and cooked part of the roasted pig farm and pig lungs together. In this way, when diners buy a bowl of braised pork, they have staple food, non-staple food and hot soup, which is delicious and affordable.

This braised and roasted breakfast has become very popular once it was launched. More people come to Zhuji for breakfast than for lunch and dinner. In particular, Lifu working at the nearby pier has almost occupied half of the seats. This is already the second wave of Lifu who came to Zhuji for breakfast this morning. There is still a wave of Lifu waiting on the pier.

Everyone who had eaten at Zhuji yesterday had become a living signature of Zhuji. After returning home, they spread the word and spread the word. Soon everyone in the nearby docks heard about Zhuji Fast Food, the food paradise of Zhuji.

Lifu is doing physical work, and they have to eat more meat to have enough strength to support them sweating at the dock. Zhu Ji's stewed food is delicious and cheap. After eating it, you will feel full of strength. For these hard-working people, it is no less than a gourmet paradise.

Old man Liu was already too busy by himself, and Liu Daqiang also went into battle wearing a white and clean chef uniform.

Liu Daqiang's knife skills are not as good as those of Mr. Liu, but he has become more and more proficient in cutting. He grilled the tofu with a tic-tac-toe knife, and cut the small intestines and lungs with a hob. Put them into a big bowl, and then take a ladle of old soup out of the pot. Stir it into the bowl, then sprinkle some chopped green onions, leeks, minced garlic, and chili oil, and a steaming bowl of braised and roasted food is served.

"It's so delicious. Zhu Ji's braised and roasted food is really amazing." A diner praised it while eating.

"Hmm, how do they make this fire-roasted noodles? After soaking in the braised soup, it is very fragrant after soaking up the soup. It is translucent but not sticky, and it is chewy when you eat it." The diners opposite were also full of praise, I especially love the fire in the stew.

"Datou, I owe you an apology. Yesterday you told me it was time. I shouldn't laugh at you for lying. This Zhu Ji's pig semen is more fragrant than you said. There is no fishy smell at all. This small intestine belt The white meat ones are more fragrant, and the lungs are also delicious." One Lifu had his mouth full of oil and was so intoxicated that he apologized to the Lifu next to him while eating.

"Let me tell you, are you a liar?!" Lifu on the other side was full of pride, as if Zhuji was owned by his family.

"Brother Daqiang, please give me more of my braised pork." Tie Zhu sat on the table, glanced at the smug Lifu next to him, and said to Liu Daqiang who was cutting the braised pork very skillfully.

"Good pillar."

Liu Daqiang looked up at Tiezhu and responded loudly with a smile.

So, Tie Zhu held his head high, suddenly felt a sense of pride, and winked proudly at the two Lifu next to him. These are Zhu Ji's old diners, do you understand?

After Tiezhu and the others were full, they patted their bellies, burped, and walked toward the dock with all their strength.

Early in the morning, it was such a joy to have a bowl of braised and cooked barbecue at Zhuji.

The delicious pastry shop opposite Zhu Ji also opened early, well, even earlier than Zhu Ji opened.


Early in the morning, the four masters and servants of the delicious restaurant just watched Zhu Ji, who was busy with business across the street, doing nothing.

It opened early in the morning and there wasn't even a single customer.

Looking at Zhu Ji's hot scene opposite, Princess Ning'an's watery eyes turned as red as a rabbit early in the morning.

Damn Zhu Pingan

The cautious Zhu Pingan.

It's not a good place to drive there, but it's opposite to the delicious restaurant. This bad guy must be deliberately trying to irritate himself.

Didn’t I just rent the shop to you? Didn’t I just teach you a few words? I’m a royal princess. What’s wrong with teaching you a lesson? He actually opened a shop opposite me on purpose, deliberately trying to spite me, huh, he's so petty.

All morning.

Princess Ning'an never stopped having negative thoughts about Zhu Pingan.

This also made Zhu Ping'an, who had just entered Wuyi Hall, sneezed twice inexplicably and rubbed his nose helplessly. Who is thinking of me?

After entering Wuyi Hall, Zhu Pingan felt a little weird. He was not a star. Why did he feel like everyone was looking at him as soon as he entered the door? Could it be that he was wearing his clothes inside out? Zhu Pingan looked himself up and down and found that he was not wearing it backwards. Also, if they had worn it backwards, Li Shu and the others would have reminded them long ago.

After Zhu Pingan walked away, he heard a small discussion behind him, but when Zhu Pingan turned around, everyone was quiet again.

what happened?

Zhu Pingan walked into the office room confused.

"Haha, congratulations Zihou." Li Chunfang smiled and greeted Zhu Pingan, and then congratulated Zhu Pingan.


What congratulations?

When Zhu Ping'an heard this, he felt confused and had to ask Li Chunfang for advice, "Brother Zishi's congratulations made Ping'an confused. Where does the joy come from?"

"Haha, early this morning, Si Zhi's Xiaohuangmen revealed that the Holy Emperor is planning to move you to serve as a bachelor's lecturer in Prince Jing's Mansion, as a banquet officer, and to teach scriptures and banquets in Prince Jing's Mansion." Li Chunfang said with a smile, "Although the edict has not been drawn up yet, But they should be inseparable.”

A bachelor at Prince Jing's Mansion? !

When Zhu Pingan heard this, his ears suddenly buzzed, as if he had been pricked by a needle, and the corners of his mouth twitched.

Why is he the bachelor of the Prince Jing's Mansion? Even though Prince Jing is in the leading position in the battle to seize the throne, and is now in the limelight, Zhu Pingan is well aware of history, and he has the last laugh in this battle to seize the throne. But King Yu.

If I get on King Jing's ship that is doomed to sink now, then when King Yu comes to the throne, I will still be playing around with the hat of King Jing's old minister.

When Li Chunfang saw this, she thought it was Zhu Pingan who was so happy when he heard the good news, and couldn't help but smile kindly.

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