Rise From the Humble

Chapter 883 Crisis

Ever since Li Chunfang received the news that Emperor Jiajing was going to move him to serve as a lecturer in Prince Jing's Mansion, Zhu Ping'an's heart began to darken.

As long as you become a lecturer in Prince Jing's Mansion, you will bear the label of Prince Jing, whether you like it or not.

King Jing was the loser in the battle to seize the throne, and he was defeated without a fight. He failed to persist until the end of the battle to seize the throne. King Jing died first while Emperor Jiajing was still alive. Zhu Ping'an didn't think he could save King Jing's life by rejuvenating himself. After all, even the imperial doctor couldn't save King Jing's life. What could he, a Chinese medicine idiot, do?

King Jing died, and King Yu naturally won without a fight.

The battle to seize the direct descendants has always been bloody. Don’t think that only the Kowloon contest in the Qing Dynasty was bloody. The battles to seize the direct descendants in the Ming Dynasty were no less bloody. This can be seen from the Battle of Jingnan.

When King Jing was alive, King Yu was bullied so much by King Jing that after King Yu ascended the throne, he would naturally retaliate against King Jing's old ministers. Even if King Yu does not attack, Gao Gong, Zhang Juzheng and other old ministers of King Yu will not let go of the old ministers of King Jing.

Let’s not talk about Zhang Juzheng first, let’s just talk about Gao Gong.

Gao Gong has talent, but his temper is not very good. He is domineering and will retaliate. The history books record it very clearly: "He has an urgent nature, can't tolerate things, cannot hide things, and needs to endure them. He will stand up when he is disobedient." Broken. Every eye glared, followed by an evil voice, that is, everyone on the left and right responded to it. "

In his brief contact with Gao Gong, Zhu Pingan realized that Gao Gong was not very friendly to him. Maybe it was because he became the number one scholar at a young age and was promoted so frequently, which made Gao Gong, who prided himself on his talent, displeased him... Maybe it was something else, but Gao Gong was not friendly to him anyway.

If he becomes King Jing's lecturer, then when King Yu ascends the throne and Gao Gong takes power, he will definitely not let him go.

This is not to throw dirt on Gao Gong. History is fair. After Gao Gong entered the cabinet in the future, not even Chen Yiqin, who was an old minister of King Yu, could tolerate it. Chen Yiqin and Gao Gong were both lecturers at Prince Yu. They had a revolutionary friendship for nine years in Prince Yu's palace. Later, they both entered the cabinet. However, Gao Gong forced Chen Yiqin out of the cabinet because of a slight dissatisfaction.

Neither Gao Gong nor Chen Yiqin, who was an old minister of King Yu, could tolerate it, so how could he tolerate himself, an old minister of King Jing, whom he already disliked.

Therefore, Zhu Ping'an knew very well that if he was tied to King Jing's ship, which was destined to sink, then when King Yu succeeded to the throne in the future, his career would basically be a mess.

King Jing’s ship cannot be boarded.

Zhu Pingan sat on the table, frowning and thinking hard about how to break the situation.

If I had known this earlier, I would not have refuted Yang Guoliang's theory of "the style of a king and the virtues of a concubine" during my last lecture.

Zhu Ping'an was worried, but others didn't see it that way.

In their view, Zhu Ping'an moved from a bachelor's degree in Hanlin Academy to a bachelor's degree in Prince Jing's Mansion. Although his official position did not change and his welfare benefits did not increase, he was extremely lucky.

Today the Holy Emperor is paying attention to King Jing, and King Jing's mother-concubine, Concubine Lu Jing, is far more favored by the Holy Emperor than King Yu's mother-concubine, Concubine Du Kang, in the harem. Personally speaking, King Jing was excellent in character and learning, while King Yu was weak and lacked strategy, and his talents in all aspects were obviously much higher than that of King Yu.

Moreover, Yan Ge and his son supported King Jing. Although they did not express it clearly, it was almost tacit. If nothing else, let’s just say that some time ago, Yan Shifan hinted that some officials in the Ministry of Revenue and others were deducting Prince Yu’s benefits and not paying them.

From every aspect, King Jing is far ahead of King Yu, and the possibility of King Jing inheriting the throne is almost certain.

Since Prince Jing is likely to inherit the throne, the position of serving as a bachelor in Prince Jing's Mansion is not an idle position.

This is a position from the dragon, destined to soar to the sky, and entering the cabinet in the future is almost a sure thing.

The future pavilion is old.

Therefore, they were extremely envious and jealous of Zhu Pingan. When Zhu Pingan went out to use the bathroom, he got a lot of red eyes.

"Your honey is my arsenic."

Regarding these red eyes, Zhu Pingan silently shook his head and silently cursed. This is not a good thing, there is nothing worthy of envy, jealousy and hatred. If possible, Zhu Ping'an would be happy to give them the title of bachelor's lecturer in Prince Jing's Mansion with both hands, and also give them a cool song.

Seeing him building tall buildings, seeing him entertaining guests, seeing his buildings collapse...

"Eunuch Wang..."

Zhu Pingan found an opportunity to be alone with Wang Gonggong, and secretly stuffed a red envelope into his hand.

Zhu Ping'an had already found out from Li Chunfang that the prince was the one who heard the news that Emperor Jiajing intended to move him to serve as a bachelor's lecturer in Prince Jing's Mansion.

"Hehehe, the Za family hasn't congratulated Mr. Xiao Zhu yet."

Wang Gonggong knew that the red envelope in his hand was quite heavy as soon as he squeezed it. The smile on his face became brighter. With a skillful shake of his wrist, the handbag in his hand fell silently into his sleeve with a smooth movement. .

"I borrowed the prince's auspicious words, and I haven't even written the eight characters yet."

Zhu Ping'an smiled and cupped his hands to thank him, and then used the words of Wang Eunuch without any trace.

"Haha, don't worry, Mr. Xiao Zhu. This happy event is too much to mention. The Za family has heard about it..."

The prince was in a good mood after receiving the red envelope. Under the guidance of Zhu Ping'an with ulterior motives, he was not at all defensive and quickly told all aspects of the news he knew.

Emperor Jiajing intended to appoint him as a lecturer in Prince Jing's Mansion. This happened last night, almost not long after he left the Imperial Palace.

Eunuch Wang's godfather, Eunuch Liu, is relatively senior. He can be considered an old man when Emperor Jiajing was in Qianlong. He has been responsible for the charcoal fire in the palace. Unfortunately, he fell ill yesterday and was afraid that he would be affected by the illness.

Therefore, yesterday, Eunuch Wang delivered charcoal to Emperor Jiajing's alchemy hall on behalf of his godfather, Eunuch Liu, and cleaned the ashes in the alchemy furnace.

That is to say, when he was cleaning the ashes of the alchemy furnace last night, Eunuch Liu heard with his own ears that Emperor Jiajing and Huang Jin were considering moving Zhu Ping'an to serve as a lecturer in Prince Jing's Mansion. He asked Huang Jin what he thought, and also casually asked Liu. Father-in-law, how did Zhu Ping'an perform during his time as Director of Wuyi Clan?

"Of course I said good things about Mr. Xiao Zhu..." Eunuch Liu said with a smile as if he was taking credit.

"Haha, thank you Eunuch Liu for your kind words."

Zhu Ping'an knew the elegant meaning of Xiange after hearing it, and smiled and added another red envelope. After Eunuch Liu received the red envelope, he knew everything and could not stop talking.

As the head of a country, Emperor Jiajing always kept his word. Emperor Jiajing intended to move Zhu Ping'an to serve as a lecturer in Prince Jing's Mansion, which was basically a sure thing. The reason why Eunuch Liu said that there were more horoscopes now was because of an incident. .

Then Concubine Lu Jing.

Eunuch Liu heard that Concubine Lu Jing's favored scholar at Prince Jing's Mansion was Yang Guoliang, not Zhu Ping'an.

Yesterday during the day, before Emperor Jiajing decided to appoint Zhu Ping'an as a lecturer in Prince Jing's Mansion, Concubine Lu Jing went to Emperor Jiajing's alchemy hall and sent love soup several times. Her words repeatedly hinted that she was interested in Yang Guoliang. The idea of ​​​​discussing officials for Prince Jing's Mansion.

After Eunuch Liu finished speaking, he comforted Zhu Ping'an, saying that the Holy One always obeys His Majesty's words, and the Queen must also listen to His Majesty. Mr. Xiao Zhu, just wait for the good news. He also said that the welfare benefits of Prince Jing's Mansion are so much better, and they are better than those of the Hanlin Academy. This Qingshui Yamen is much better.

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