Rise From the Humble

Chapter 886 Breaking the Game (3)

Damn it

The foodie attribute was suddenly exposed to the highest level!

How embarrassing.

For a moment, Zhu Ping'an's face turned red and hot. He just ate it yesterday and didn't think about it so much. Now he felt a little embarrassed.


This is the royal family.

No matter how high the imperial meal is, it is still rice. Isn’t rice just to fill the stomach? How come a meal in the royal family is so complicated? A simple meal has so many twists and turns, and it can also lead to official promotion. Interview questions.

It seems that from now on, you have to pay extra attention to everything you say and do in the palace. If you don't keep it together, you will step into the test questions of Emperor Jiajing.

"Ahem. People take food as their top priority, not to mention it is the imperial meal given by the Holy God. Naturally, they have to eat more."

Zhu Pingan coughed and explained without confidence, but the explanation was obviously useless. It was more in line with the modern saying of wisdom, explanation is cover-up. After Zhu Pingan explained, Feng Bao and Xiao Zhuozi The two of them laughed even harder.

"Yeah, Lord Xiao Zhu makes sense, hehehehe." Feng Bao couldn't help but laugh and failed in the end.

"Okay, laugh if you want."

Zhu Pingan spread his hands and couldn't help laughing as he spoke.


Feng Bao and Xiao Zhuozi also laughed.

"Dr. Yang is not enough to be the prince's teacher, Lord Zhang is not a good teacher, Lord Xiao Zhu is kind, Lord Xiao Zhu, you are the best candidate for the bachelor's degree in the King's Palace in His Majesty's heart. Concubine Lu Jing must also listen to His Majesty, Lord Xiao Zhu Don’t worry, I can guarantee that the post of bachelor’s lecturer in Prince Jing’s Mansion will definitely be in Master Xiao Zhu’s pocket.”

After laughing, Feng Bao smiled and reached out to pat Zhu Pingan on the shoulder, comforting Zhu Pingan.

"Eunuch Feng, this is what I'm worried about." Zhu Pingan shook his head and said with a wry smile.

"Well, I understand, bystanders are confused by the authorities. I am on the outside, and Mr. Xiao Zhu is on the inside. If you care, it will lead to chaos. Being a bachelor's lecturer in Prince Jing's Mansion is a rare opportunity. The monthly salary of Prince Jing's Mansion is 30% higher than that of the same level, and in the future Xiao Zhu will Mr. Zhu wants to be foolproof, right? Well, I will find an opportunity to say a few nice words to Mr. Zhu later on about Concubine Lu Jing." Eunuch Feng nodded and assured Zhu Ping'an.

Feng Baojue understood.

In his opinion, King Jing was smart and capable, and he was highly regarded by the emperor, and his mother and concubine were favored in the harem. He had a better chance of becoming the crown prince than King Yu. Rather than talking about the bachelor's lecturers in Prince Jing's mansion, it is better to speak of the prince's lecturers. After King Jing ascended the throne in the future, the prince's lecturers would steadily join the cabinet and become a generation of cabinet elders.

Reach the sky in one step.

What a rare opportunity.

So important.

This kind of opportunity must not be missed.

Therefore, Feng Bao put himself in his shoes and thought that Zhu Ping'an wanted to ensure that the bachelor's degree in Prince Jing's Mansion was safe, and he was worried that Concubine Lu Jing would interfere with the situation and let the duck fly away.

Feng Bao's assurance made Zhu Ping'an dumbfounded. I was originally worried about moving to serve as a lecturer in Prince Jing's Mansion. If you give Lu Jingfei a few nice words, I won't be even more worried.

"Eunuch Feng, it is a rare opportunity to serve as a bachelor's lecturer in Prince Jing's Mansion, but it may not be suitable for me."

Zhu Ping'an approached Feng Bao and lowered his voice and said. He did not say it directly, but expressed tactfully that he did not want to be a bachelor's lecturer in Prince Jing's Mansion.

"Well, yes, it is a rare opportunity to serve as a lecturer in Prince Jing's Mansion, so it is not suitable."

Because of preconceptions, Feng Bao did not realize that Zhu Pingan did not want to go to Prince Jing's Mansion at first. He nodded and repeated Zhu Pingan's words. Only when Feng Bao said the words "not suitable" did he realize what Zhu Pingan said. It's not suitable for him.


After realizing it, Feng Bao was stunned for a moment, as if he was struck by five thunders. He stared at Zhu Pingan with his eyes wide open, his pupils blank and without any focus.

"Master Xiao Zhu, don't you want to be a lecturer in Prince Jing's Mansion?!"

After a long time, Feng Bao took a breath of cold air, and once again paid careful attention to his surroundings to ensure that no one was around, he approached Zhu Pingan and asked in a low voice with an incredulous look on his face.

Feng Baojue found it hard to understand. What a great opportunity it was for him to be a lecturer in Prince Jing's Mansion. When King Jing succeeded to the throne in the future, the bachelor's lecturer in Prince Jing's Mansion would soar to the sky, and he would be a proper cabinet minister in the future.

Why, Zhu Ping'an didn't let such a great opportunity pass.

Could it be that Zhu Pingan is not optimistic about King Jing? !

Zhu Pingan is more optimistic about King Yu? !

Isn't it? !

No matter how you look at it, King Yu is not as good as King Jing. Except that King Yu was born a few months earlier than King Jing and occupies a "long" status, everything else is not as good as King Jing.

If the "long" title was useful, the Holy Emperor would have already appointed the elder King Yu as the crown prince, and the Holy Emperor's delay in appointing the crown prince showed his attitude.

Previously, the eldest son of the emperor, Zhu Zaiji, was established as the prince when he was born. The second son of the emperor, Zhu Zaihen, was established as the prince when he was three years old. King Yu is the third son of the emperor and has not been established as the prince until now. This does not mean that the emperor Are you dissatisfied with King Yu? If you were, the Holy Emperor would have made King Yu the crown prince long ago.

There is also an incident that happened last year, which is even more convincing.

Before that day, Prince Zhuang Jing had passed away for a long time, and there were many voices in the government and the public suggesting that the emperor should appoint a prince early to revitalize the government and stabilize the country.

Therefore, after a fasting ceremony, the Holy Spirit called Mr. Yan Song, Mr. Yan Ge, and Mr. Xu Jiexu to the Qinzheng Hall.

Feng Bao happened to be assigned by Huang Jin to be responsible for cleaning the Qinzheng Hall and witnessed this scene.

"Wei Zhong, Huating, I have heard many voices suggesting the establishment of an heir. Look at my two sons, who is more suitable to be the chair under my butt?" Emperor Jiajing sat on the dragon chair, looking down at Yan Song and Yan Song below. Xu Jie patted the dragon chair and asked.

"Back to Zhenjun, there are a lot of government affairs, and there are many things underneath. I have been busy all day long, and I really haven't thought about this. Besides, I am not familiar with His Highness Prince Yu and His Highness King Jing, so I don't know them well. I don’t know anything about His Highness’s habits and abilities, so I really don’t know which His Highness is more suitable.” Yan Song stuck his buttocks out and kept asking questions.

"Huating, what about you?"

Emperor Jiajing squinted and looked from Yan Song's head to Xu Jie's head.

"Since ancient times, the elders have been established instead of the young. According to the order, His Royal Highness King Yu should be appointed as the crown prince." Xu Jie didn't think too much and replied after Emperor Jiajing asked.

After Xu Jie finished speaking, Feng Bao saw Yan Song kneeling on the ground and looked at Xu Jie like an idiot.

Feng Bao didn't understand it at the time, but he understood it later.

After Xu Jie finished speaking, Emperor Jiajing was fine at the time, but the next day he found an excuse to summon Xu Jie to the palace and scolded him severely. Xu Jie, who was originally on the rise, was ignored by the emperor for a long time. Woolen cloth.

Therefore, in Feng Bao's opinion, His Majesty King Jing is the one who the Holy One prefers.

That's why Feng Baocai didn't understand Zhu Ping'an even more.

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