Rise From the Humble

Chapter 887 Breaking the Game (4)

Zhu Pingan was deeply moved by Feng Bao's confusion.

Indeed, if I were not from modern times and had a clear understanding of the history of the Ming Dynasty, I would think highly of King Jing and be eager for the position of lecturer in Prince Jing's palace. This is a minister from Conglong. It is too late to ask for it, so how can I refuse it? Outside the door.

However, history does not lie.

King Jing died before Jiajing, and King Yu ascended the throne to inherit the throne.

Of course, Zhu Ping'an could never tell Feng Bao this kind of historical truth, or anyone else.

About ten minutes later, Feng Bao left Wu Yishen with a look of shock and disbelief.

To Feng Bao, the information he received today was no less than seeing the sun rising in the east.

Zhu Pingan sent Feng Bao away and returned to Wuyiyi. He spread a piece of rice paper on the table and copied the "Tai Gong's Six Tao" with a calm expression.

The pen is full of ink,

Dragons and snakes leap.

Time passed slowly for half an hour.

Inside Zhaoyang Hall.

Concubine Lu Jing successively obtained a lot of more accurate information about Zhu Ping'an from different channels.

Concubine Lu Jing was particularly concerned about the selection of teachers for the emperor. As soon as she received the news that Emperor Jiajing intended to move Zhu Pingan to serve as a lecturer in Prince Jing's Mansion, Concubine Lu Jing sent people to inquire and collect details about Zhu Pingan again.

Although not as good as Dr. Yang, if Zhu Ping'an is barely good, then I won't agree to it if he is not good.

The positions in the imperial family are limited, let alone such an important position as a lecturer.

They are the team that the emperor fights for the position of crown prince. Whether the emperor successfully inherits the throne in the future will often rely on them.

For the sake of the emperor's future, if Zhu Pingan is not a good person, I will not agree to anything.

Whatever you worry about comes to you!

Listening to the news about Zhu Ping'an reported by the chamberlain, Concubine Lu Jing's pretty face became more and more solemn.

"Back to the empress, Zhu Ping'an was born in a poor peasant family in Xiahe Village. His ancestors have made a living by farming for dozens of generations. His relatives in Wufu are also ordinary people. None of them are officials or rich. . He has an uncle who is a scholar. He has only taken the exam for more than 20 or 30 years, and he is still just a boy. He also has a lot of debts abroad. During the exam, he also looked for flowers and people, and his reputation is not good... Zhu Ping'an's father-in-law is Lin. The second master of the Huaihou Mansion was kicked out by the Marquis of Linhuai in his early years because he regretted his marriage and married another man. He is currently doing business in the south and has considerable financial resources. However, Zhu Ping'an is only a son-in-law after all, so he may not be able to rely on much financial resources from the Yue family... In terms of the inner house , Zhu Pingan has only one wife, no concubines, and no children..."

A young eunuch knelt at the feet of Concubine Lu Jing and reported to Concubine Lu Jing the information he was responsible for inquiring about.

In his words, Wufu is a basis used in ancient times to determine the distance of relatives. It comes from the Wufu system, which uses paternal relatives as the calculation object. It covers the nine generations from the great ancestor to the great-great-grandson, and is usually called the nine clans of the clan. Relatives in ancient times generally refer to relatives in the fifth server. After leaving the fifth server, there is little contact.

After hearing the little eunuch's reply, Concubine Lu Jing's expression turned a lot worse.

A person with poor legs and no relatives around him can provide any help to the emperor in the future. !

It would be nice if you don’t hinder Huang Er!


The more she thought about it, the more wrinkled Concubine Lu Jing's eyebrows became.

"Your Majesty, I made an unannounced visit in Wuyi Hall and heard many officials talking about Zhu Ping'an and Master Zhu opening a restaurant outside." The little eunuch then reported back.


Concubine Lu Jing nodded expressionlessly. She had known about Zhu Pingan opening a restaurant outside.

A dignified scholar, who refuses to follow the right path, insists on being tainted with the smell of copper, working in a restaurant, or working as a swine who has no place on the table. He really deserves to be born in a mud-legged family. He must be crazy about poverty. It’s not too shameful that he alone has brought shame to all the scholars in the world.

No matter how you look at it, he is greedy for money.

If such a money-grubbing person becomes the emperor's lecturer, he will not be able to discredit the emperor in the future.

If he reveals another case of corruption and perversion of the law, the prince will have to bear the blame of his lax imperial duties.

If you lose the respect of the Holy One again because of this, it will be too late to regret.

"Your Majesty, I heard people talking in Wuyi Hall. It seems that Master Zhu's restaurant is open and the business is booming." The little eunuch seemed not to notice Concubine Lu Jing's ugly face and continued.

"That's enough. Xiao Wuzi, tell me, what did you find out?" Concubine Lu Jing frowned and reached out to tap another little eunuch.

"Go back to the empress. This Zhu Ping'an is quite capable." Xiao Wuzi knelt down a step forward and lowered his head to report back.

"Oh, tell me."

Concubine Lu Jing's wrinkled eyebrows relaxed slightly, she leaned forward, nodded with interest, and signaled Xiao Wuzi to continue.

"Last month, the Holy Spirit ordered Master Zhu Ping'an to inspect the Taicang Bank. After Master Zhu checked the account books, he asked the warehouse to check the gold and silver. On the day of the inventory, dozens of officials from the Ministry of Accounts, the Ministry of Works, the Bank and other yamen were present at the scene. The officials of the bank did not want Mr. Zhu to take inventory, so they brought out the laws and regulations of the Taicang Bank to make things difficult for Mr. Zhu, saying, "Anyone who enters or exits the Taicang Bank must take off his coat..." Unexpectedly, the bank's regulations Before the official finished speaking, Mr. Zhu took off all his clothes and walked into the bank naked, uncovering the huge case of Taicang's treasury deficit in one fell swoop."

Xiao Wuzi knelt on the ground and vividly talked about the scene at that time. Before he could say anything about Zhu Ping'an, he was interrupted by Concubine Lu Jing's exclamation.


Concubine Lu Jing couldn't help but exclaimed when she heard Xiao Wuzi say that Zhu Ping'an took off his clothes and walked into the Taicang Bank in broad daylight.

"What, in broad daylight, in front of so many officials, he took off his clothes naked."

Concubine Lu Jing's beauty turned pale and she exclaimed. She was so shocked that she stood up from her chair.

In broad daylight, in full view of the world, he, Zhu Pingan, actually took off all his clothes? ! ! !

What about propriety, justice and shame?

Where have the books of sages gone?

If Zhu Ping'an wanted to have any dignity, he would never do such a shameless thing.

People want face and trees want bark.

If a scholar has some integrity, even if he is stripped of his clothes in public, let alone taking off his clothes on his own initiative, he will have to kill himself with full name.

Zhu Pingan is really a shameless and deviant person.

Don't talk about uncovering a major case of treasury theft. If he doesn't take it off, he won't be able to uncover a major case of treasury theft?

I don't believe it!

In order to make meritorious deeds, Zhu Ping'an was really unscrupulous.


How could a person like Zhu Ping'an, who was bottomless, greedy for money, shameless, and eager for quick success, become a bachelor's lecturer in the emperor's house!

Coming and going, what if the emperor is influenced by him again? !

As soon as Concubine Lu Jing thought of the fact that her own noble prince was as greedy for money, immoral, eager for quick success and naked in public as Zhu Pingan, Concubine Lu Jing couldn't wait any longer. She held up the hem of her gorgeous dress with both hands. , trotted towards the outside of Zhaoyang Palace.

"Empress, Empress"

"Your Majesty, wait a minute, slave, where are you going?"

Behind him, the stunned palace maids and eunuchs hurriedly chased after him.

"I'm going to see the Holy Emperor." Concubine Lu Jing's anxious voice came from the front, and she trotted away without looking back.

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