Rise From the Humble

Chapter 888 The imperial edict arrives

The western sky is covered with bandits, and the gentle breeze brings warmth.

A chamberlain held an imperial edict in the afterglow of the setting sun and slowly walked into Wuyi Clan, instantly attracting the attention of the officials in Wuyi Clan.

The officials of Wuyiyi followed the imperial edict and walked all the way through the main hall, turned right, and headed towards the Si Zhi office area.

Isn't it the imperial edict of relocation issued to Zhu Ping'an?

Came so quickly?

The officials subconsciously guessed, and their eyes became redder and redder as the servants walked...

Prince Jing is the first choice for the crown prince. There are only so many positions in Prince Jing's palace now. If someone takes one of them, one will be missing.

Seeing the chamberlain step by step approaching the office room where Zhu Ping'an was, many officials in Wuyiyi were almost heartbroken. We have been seeking the bachelor's degree in Prince Jing's Mansion for how many years, alas...


When the eunuch holding the imperial edict opened the door of Zhu Pingan's office room, Wu Yichen let out a sigh.

Although they had already guessed this outcome, people still inevitably held on to the last glimmer of hope. Now that the door was opened and the second boot landed, people's last glimmer of hope was shattered. They couldn't help but let out a cry of preparation. sigh.

When the chamberlain opened the door, Zhu Ping'an was still practicing calligraphy at his desk, and there was already a thick stack of finished rice paper on hand.

"Master Zhu, it's not too late to practice this word later. It's better to hurry up and get ready to receive the order."

The chamberlain walked into the room holding the imperial edict, looked at Zhu Pingan and said with a smile.

"Thank you for the reminder, father-in-law. Please wait for a moment."

Zhu Pingan put down the brush in his hand, put down his rolled-up sleeves, and thanked the chamberlain.

Taking orders is a serious matter.

"I'm tired of waiting for you, father-in-law."

Zhu Ping'an finished changing his clothes and cleaned his hands under the envious, jealous and hateful eyes of everyone in Wu Yiyi. He took off his clothes and crown and said to the waiter.

"No problem, Master Zhu, please accept the order." The chamberlain smiled and shook his head, and slowly unfolded the three-color imperial edict with a black shaft in his hand. The surface of the edict was embroidered with auspicious clouds and auspicious cranes, and at both ends there were figures flying up and down, soaring into the clouds and mist. The five-clawed golden dragon is full of magnificence.

Seeing the imperial edict is like seeing the emperor in person.

"Your Majesty Zhu Ping'an accepts the order."

Zhu Ping'an lifted up his official uniform, straightened his legs and knelt down with his upper body straight, kneeling respectfully to receive the imperial edict.

The surrounding officials also knelt down to watch the ceremony.

"Blessed by Heaven

The emperor's edict said: Wu Yisi, Si Zhilang, and Zhu Ping'an, a scholar at the Hanlin Academy, are young and outstanding, with upright character; they respect teachers and value teaching, and know etiquette and rationality; they study hard and practice hard, and persevere; they are determined and talented when they are strong. Poverty does not diminish one's ambition, hardship does not reduce one's lap, when one enters Ji Ting again, shouldering heavy responsibilities without hesitation, deeply wins my heart. It is written that Wuyi Cun Si Zhilang and Zhu Ping'an, a bachelor's student at the Hanlin Academy, will be moved to serve as a bachelor's student at Prince Yu's Mansion from now on, and will be appointed as officials of scriptures and banquets. They will teach scriptures and banquets in Prince Yu's Mansion. I admire this. "

The eunuch standing in front of Zhu Ping'an read out the imperial edict in a loud voice, clear enunciation and cadence.


Moved to serve as a lecturer in Prince Yu's Mansion? Entering Prince Yu's Mansion to give lectures and give banquets?

Did I hear that correctly? !

After hearing the imperial edict, all the officials of Wuyi Hall who were watching the ceremony were all stunned, and then their faces began to show a look of ecstasy. They tried hard not to laugh out loud, but they were already laughing in their hearts. .


Didn't expect that

Never expected that.

It turns out that the position that the Holy Master moved to Zhu Ping'an was the bachelor's degree in the Prince Yu's Palace, not the bachelor's degree in the Prince Jing's Palace. Hahahaha, God has eyes. Now we have another chance.

In the morning, when Si Zhi's Xiao Huangmen revealed that Zhu Ping'an was going to be transferred by the Holy Emperor to serve as the bachelor's lecturer in Prince Jing's Mansion, everyone who was interested in Prince Jing's Mansion felt that the sky was about to fall. But at this moment, when they heard the edict read out by the eunuch, they felt like As if Pangu created the world, an imperial edict separated and reshaped the collapsed world.

There has never been a moment when I felt that the voice of the chambermaid, who had the voice of a drake, was so pleasant to the ears.

Although the imperial edict was announced to Zhu Ping'an, at this moment the officials who were interested in serving as bachelors in Prince Jing's Mansion felt that the imperial edict was announced to them.

An unexpected surprise.

Zhu Ping'an was moved to serve as a lecturer in Prince Yu's Mansion. Haha, this is so good, so wonderful. Long live, long live, long live the wise sage.

at this time

Everyone couldn't help but feel a little sympathy for Zhu Ping'an.

How much I envied, jealous, and hated Zhu Pingan before, now I feel so much sympathy for Zhu Pingan.


How pitiful.

the more you hope, the harder you fall. At this moment, Zhu Pingan should be very, very disappointed and very, very sad.

That's certainly the case.

I originally thought that I could become a bachelor's lecturer in Prince Jing's Mansion, with a bright future, and I could look forward to a future career in the palace. However, in the blink of an eye, everything turned into a moon in a mirror, like a thunderbolt in the clear sky. From being a bachelor's lecturer in Prince Jing's Mansion to He is a lecturer in Prince Yu's Mansion. There is a difference of one word, but the future is completely different.

One is a minister from the dragon, and the other is an old minister of the feudal king. The light and darkness are clearly visible.

Poor, poor.

After the imperial edict was read out, many people cast sympathetic eyes on Zhu Pingan, and of course there were also many voices gloating about his misfortune.


How ridiculous

I had to write you a letter to thank you in the morning, but you still put on a bad face; in the afternoon, you read and practiced calligraphy, pretending that you were the most unfazed by honor and disgrace; before receiving the imperial edict, you went to change your clothes and wash your hands in an arrogant and arrogant manner. I looked like I was going to be prosperous, but I must be stupid now.

Let's change from the bachelor's degree in the Prince Jing's Palace to the bachelor's degree in the Prince Yu's Palace.

Not only that, pay attention to this key sentence in the imperial edict: "Wu Yisi Zhilang and Zhu Ping'an, the academician of the Hanlin Academy, will be moved to the position of academician of Prince Yu's Mansion from now on, and will be appointed as the official of the banquet, and will teach scriptures and banquets in the Prince Yu's Mansion." What? Meaning, from today on, you, Zhu Pingan, are no longer the Secretary of the Wuyi Palace and the Bachelor of the Hanlin Academy. You are now just the Bachelor of the Imperial Palace. You will no longer be the Secretary of the Wuyi Palace. You are going to the Prince Yu's Palace. It's office time.

Although the official position of Si Zhilang of Wuyi Palace is small, it is the position of Prime Minister, and he can be regarded as "entering the cabinet".


From today on, you, Zhu Pingan, will never have this kind of honor again.


Deserve it!

Make you stink!

For a moment, all kinds of emotional eyes focused on Zhu Pingan.


What is different from what everyone imagined is that the "unlucky" Zhu Ping'an, who was in the center of everyone's sympathetic and gloating eyes, was already ecstatic when he heard the eunuch reading out the imperial edict to "move to serve as a lecturer in Prince Yu's Mansion". I almost couldn't help but clap my hands in celebration.

Yes, it worked.

Feng Bao did not disappoint himself.

Concubine Lu Jing really did not disappoint herself

This is just great

"My minister, Zhu Ping'an, accepts the decree and expresses his gratitude. Long live my emperor."

Zhu Pingan endured the ecstasy in his heart, touched the ground with his hands, and kowtowed to the leader to thank him.

But in the eyes of everyone, the way Zhu Ping'an tried to endure it was like "the baby is wronged, the baby is sad, but the baby can't cry", so the sympathy and gloating in everyone's eyes became even stronger.

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