Rise From the Humble

Chapter 889 The imperial edict comes again

I don’t know what day it is today, but not long after Zhu Pingan received the imperial edict, when it was almost time to release the Yamen, Wu Yiyi received another imperial edict.

"The imperial decree went to Si Zhi of Wuyi Hall and Xu Pu, the concubine of Zuo Chunfang in Zhanshi Mansion, received the decree."

A high-pitched voice, as if the erhu played the highest note, resounded in Wuyiyi, and then a eunuch in his fifties appeared in the sight of everyone in Wuyiyi holding an imperial edict.

Most of the people in Wuyiyi have seen this old eunuch. His surname is Wei and his given name is Muyun. It is a gender-neutral name. Everyone calls him Eunuch Wei. This is a senior eunuch, much more senior than the eunuch who just announced the decree to Zhu Ping'an. Eunuch Wei has been in the palace for more than thirty years, and his official rank in the inner court is much higher than that of the eunuch just now. Half a point.

Of course, Zhu Ping'an has only been in Wuyishan for a short time and has never met this old eunuch.

When he heard others calling him Eunuch Wei, Zhu Pingan's first reaction was that this person could not be Wei Zhongxian.

But he immediately denied himself. Wei Zhongxian was a great traitor during Xizong's time, and Xizong would not be born for more than half a century. Not to mention him, even his father Ming Guangzong would not be born until more than thirty years later.

As for saying that Wei Zhongxian is a descendant of Eunuch Wei, Zhu Ping'an even laughed. A eunuch has a descendant of Mao Shaan.

Carrying on the family line?

In addition to accepting a godson, the eunuch also wants to continue the family line? !



No, the time is wrong, Wei Zhongxian was from the Xizong period, which was still two generations away from now, and his godson was almost there.

Zhu Pingan laughed to himself in his heart and rejected the idea. It was too unrealistic to have a grandson. It's just the same surname. I think too much. There are hundreds of thousands of people named Wei. I believe there is more than one eunuch named Wei in the palace.

Eunuch Wei is a senior eunuch in the palace. If we talk about his official position in the inner court in detail, he is also a third-rank eunuch.

And the object of this imperial edict is only the fifth grade.

Where is the identity gap?

Therefore, after Eunuch Wei entered Wuyi Palace with the imperial edict, he did not go to Zhu Pingan's room to announce the edict like the eunuch who announced the edict to Zhu Pingan. Eunuch Wei just waved his whisk and shouted, "Sir Zhi of Wuyi Palace, Zhan." Xu Pu, the concubine of Zuo Chunfang of the Ministry of Affairs, received the order and waited in the main hall.

A third-grade chamberlain came to announce an edict to a fifth-grade official. This in itself represented the Holy Spirit's attitude of importance, which was glorious enough.

Between public affairs and private affairs, one has to carry the airs. After Wei Eunuch entered Wuyi Hall with the imperial edict, he put on the airs.

"I've met Eunuch Wei."

Officials from the Wuyi Palace Hall came forward to say hello to Eunuch Wei. The eunuchs were the ones who should not be offended the most in the palace. Even if they looked down on the disabled eunuchs in their hearts, they should be treated with courtesy and respect on their faces.

Eunuch Wei is also an accomplished old fox in cultivation. He is like Maitreya in front of the Buddha, smiling and interacting with the officials of Wuyi Hall. Eunuch Wei has a very good memory, and he can call out the surname and official position of anyone who meets him, which makes all the officials in Wuyi Palace feel like they are refreshed.

"I've met Eunuch Wei."

Zhu Pingan practiced calligraphy all afternoon, and the rice paper on the table was almost used up. Before getting off work, Zhu Pingan went to the supply and demand office of the main hall to get another pile of rice paper. When receiving the rice paper, Eunuch Wei happened to enter Wuyi Hall. At this moment, everyone was in touch with Eunuch Wei. Zhu Pingan did not want to be too independent and show no aloofness, so he followed the trend and went to Eunuch Wei's place. Look at the face.

"Well, you are Zhu Ping'an, right? I heard the kid below talking about you, and when we meet you today, you are indeed a young and promising person."

Zhu Ping'an just brushed his face briefly, but to his surprise, Eunuch Wei actually said something to him with a smile.

"Ping'an can't be compared to my father-in-law's words of 'Young and Promising'. In front of my father-in-law, I'm just a low-achiever."

Zhu Pingan shook his head honestly.

"Haha." Eunuch Wei glanced at Zhu Pingan with a smile and said nothing, but his gaze was still Zhu Pingan's eyes tightened. The old fox's eyes were so bright. When he looked at each other, Zhu Pingan felt like he was being It was as if he had seen through it.

It seems that none of the old eunuchs in the palace are simple. Also, if they can live to this age safely in such a deep palace that eats people without spitting out their bones, how can they survive without a few brushes and extraordinary abilities? Until today.

Zhu Ping'an had a simple and honest smile on his face, but he had really made up his mind in his heart. He would have to be extremely careful if he came into contact with any old eunuch in the palace in the future.

Because Eunuch Wei had just called out almost everyone's surname and official position, no one was surprised that Zhu Ping'an's name was called out.

But when they heard Eunuch Wei say that Zhu Ping'an was young and promising, many people laughed inwardly.


Of course, Zhu Ping'an is young and promising. He became a lecturer in Prince Yu's Mansion at a young age. How can he not be young and promising? Haha, this young and promising life only ends here. After entering Prince Yu's Mansion, that is Aboard a broken ship that was destined to sink. After King Jing ascends the throne in the future, King Yu who competes with him for the throne will be able to do well, but King Yu will not be able to do well, let alone Zhu Ping'an and others who are former ministers of King Yu.

It was almost a minute or so.

Everyone heard a burst of hurried footsteps, and the parties concerned, Wuyidian Si Zhi, and Zhan Shifu Youchunfang Zuo Shuzi Xu Pu, walked quickly from the inner room.

Xu Pu was a Jinshi in the 18th year of Jiajing's reign. He won the second place that year and was assigned to the Hanlin Academy as soon as he joined the job. Xu Pu was born in an aristocratic family, and there were no less than ten people in the family who were serving as officials. They had deep connections with the court, and there was also an uncle who had a sworn relationship with Yan Shifan. In addition, Xu Pu was a well-mannered person and had strong personal abilities, so he was promoted step by step. He rose steadily, from Hanlin Academy to Honglu Temple and then to Youchunfang. By this year, Xu Pu, who was in his forties, was already a fifth-rank official.

As early as six years ago, Xu Pu had become the official in Wuyi Palace, and his relationship with Zhu Pingan in Wuyi Palace was hundreds of times deeper. Now, Xu Pu is already the leader of the education department in Wuyidian. He is connected with the Imperial College and is regarded as a department director.

"I would be very honored to trouble Eunuch Wei to come and announce the decree."

After Xu Pu arrived, he bowed his hands to greet Eunuch Wei. His voice was breathless. He was tired from walking quickly to receive the imperial edict, but his face was flushed and he was obviously excited.

Xu Pu was not ignorant of today's imperial edict.

He received the letter this afternoon, but the letter was not sure at that time. It was not until Zhu Ping'an received the imperial edict to be transferred to Prince Yu's Palace as a lecturer that Xu Pu was sure that what he had long wanted to do had come true.

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