Rise From the Humble

Chapter 895 I won’t be the top pick tonight

The night was deep and completely silent, with only the gentle breeze blowing the earth. A half-hazy moon hung sideways in the pitch-black night, with sparse stars twinkling like a child dozing off. The dim moonlight and the The dozing stars intertwined together into a web of sleep that enveloped the world.

In the courtyard of the Jingxiang Garden of Linhuai Marquis Mansion, the noisy naughty child has fallen asleep. He is as chubby as a meat insect and is snoring, one after another, very sweet.

The little Loli Niuniu in Li Shu's arms also fell asleep, hugging Li Shu like an octopus. Li Shu carefully placed the little Loli Niuniu on the floor, gently took away her little hand, and then carefully covered it with a towel. He opened a thin blanket, then opened his red lips and softly called their maids, instructing them to take Brother Rui and little Loli Niuniu home to sleep.

The girls will naturally clean up the floor, so Zhu Ping'an and Li Shu don't need to do anything, they only need to give orders.

Such is the evil feudal society.

After the arrangements were made, Li Shu got up and washed up and returned to the master bedroom. Zhu Pingan also quickly washed up and followed Li Shu into the master bedroom.

"Gee, if you don't pamper your concubines, why are you following me?" Li Shu stood beside the bed, looking at Zhu Pingan with a smile and asked.

"Ahem, I think you should watch your mouth." Zhu Pingan coughed and replied abruptly.


Zhu Ping'an would actually say such cold and blunt words to himself?

After listening to Zhu Pingan's words, Li Shu's pretty face with a beautiful smile suddenly withered. She couldn't believe her ears or believed that Brother Zhu would do this to her.

"Why?" Li Shu was a little angry. She took a deep breath and asked pretending to be calm. However, anyone could see that she was angry because her little tiger teeth were exposed. If Zhu Pingan couldn't give her a A reasonable explanation, she took one bite and bit off a piece of meat.

"Because as soon as I see your cherry mouth, I want to kiss you. If you don't care, I will kiss you." Zhu Pingan smiled brightly, with sunshine on his face.

Zhu Ping'an's sunny smile and bad words swept away the clouds in Li Shu's heart and pretty face. This unexpected contrast doubled the effect, making Li Shu's heart extremely sweet.

"Bad guy, you will bully me, but I will ignore you."

Li Shu was irritated, her pretty face was flushed, and her big watery eyes were full of spring water. She glared at Zhu Pingan with feigning anger and turned her back.

This bad guy!

I was startled just now, and I thought it was because the bad guy said that on purpose just to say this. Bad guy, when did this ignorant little guy learn to be "bad"?

"Whoever I bully will not bully you." Zhu Ping'an hurriedly expressed his stance, as if he had put honey on his mouth, he stepped forward and pressed Li Shu's shoulders and pulled Li Shu over.

"Smooth talk." Li Shu liked it in her heart, but her face was full of coquettishness and she glared at Zhu Ping'an fiercely.

Sure enough, men are not bad, but women are not loving.

After this episode, Li Shu seemed to have forgotten the original question and acquiesced to the fact that Zhu Pingan stayed in the master bedroom to rest tonight.

Take off hairpins and jewelry.

Remove makeup.

Wear pajamas to bed.

The next second, Zhu Pingan was lying on the bed, and then a malicious wolf paw landed on Li Shu Xiaoman's waist.


Li Shu hugged her shoulders with both hands and rolled her eyes at Zhu Pingan. She was still a little emotional about Zhu Pingan's eloquent behavior just now.

"Ahem, how many times have I told you, don't always sleep with your clothes on. Although these pajamas are made of brocade silk, if you sleep in them, the clothes will be wrinkled. The spring silkworms will die when they die, and the wax torch will turn into ashes and tears. Shiqian, this pajamas is the result of the hard work of many silkworms and people from silk to clothes. It’s not easy. We have to cherish our clothes, understand? Take off your clothes before going to bed. Don’t wrinkle your clothes... Be good, Be obedient...forget it, let me help you. No need to thank me, we grew up together, and you must know that I have been a helpful little friend since I was a child."

Zhu Ping'an said in a sanctimonious manner, what he said was a high-sounding one. He said that as much justice as possible, he should be as diligent and frugal as possible. He was simply a moral model of diligence and frugality.

No blushing or wheezing at all.

However, when you know what someone means by their high-sounding words, then...

Hua'er, Baozi's little maid who was on duty in the ear room, blushed hard for Zhu Pingan when she heard Zhu Pingan's words.

"Don't you, a bad guy like you, feel ashamed to say this?" Li Shu didn't stop Zhu Ping'an's magic melon from the left and right. In the blink of an eye, her pajamas flew under the bed, so she had to cross her shoulders with a pair of delicate hands, her pretty face was shy. She turned red, rolled her eyes at Zhu Ping'an angrily, and said shyly and angrily: "Thank you for being the number one scholar..."

"I won't be the top pick tonight." Zhu Pingan shook his head.

"Then what are you going to do..." Li Shu glanced at Zhu Ping'an with watery eyes.

"Tan Hua Lang"

Baozi's little maid Hua'er, who was on night duty in the ear room, couldn't sleep again. The ear room was close to the bedroom, and the sound insulation in ancient times was not good. The movement in the master bedroom, Baozi's little maid Hua'er heard clearly in the ear room, and a pair of small hands covered it tightly. He opened his ears, but the effect was not that ideal. Baozi blushed like a overripe crab.

The long night, how to sleep...

In the early morning of the next day, the morning light had just begun to dimly open, the first ray of sunrise was still brewing under the horizon, and the eastern skyline had just revealed a touch of fish-belly white. Everything was pure and refreshing, like a piece of elegant Chinese painting with splashes of ink.

Zhu Pingan pulled back the quilt and got out of bed. When he stood up, his legs involuntarily softened. If he hadn't held on to the bed frame in time, Zhu Pingan would have been in a big embarrassment.

My waist is sore, my legs are weak, and my whole body feels strong.

Even at such a young age, my body and bones cannot bear it.

Zhu Pingan once again reflected on himself and must pay attention to restraint in the future. He is not a superman and cannot be like this anymore.

You must exercise moderation and don't overdraw your body prematurely. Only by thin water can the water flow for a long time. Moderate and exercise.

Uh, I seem to have reflected on it many times, right?

However, you must remember this time.

Zhu Pingan shook his head and cheered up. Fortunately, young people have rich capital. After Zhu Pingan stood for about two seconds, his legs regained their strength and were no longer weak. The symptoms of backache seemed to be gone. .

"What’s wrong with you?"

Li Shu stood up from the bed and asked with concern. Her little cherry mouth was rosy, her pretty face was rosy, and her face was radiant, making her look even more charming. Her messy black hair hung down casually, complementing her fair skin, which was particularly impressive. Seductive.

Half-covered by the thin blanket, her delicate body lay horizontally, outlining a seductive silhouette.

At this situation, Zhu Ping'an couldn't help but salivate. Well, with such a little goblin here, there is a long way to go in terms of moderation.

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