Rise From the Humble

Chapter 896 Jiujiu martial artist, Duke Qiancheng

Prince Yu's Mansion is located on Wangfu Street, not far from Xiyuan. Wangfu Street was originally called Chaoyang Street. Since Prince Yu and Prince Jing opened their mansions on this street at the same time, Chaoyang Street was consciously renamed Wangfu Street.

Prince Yu's Mansion is located to the west of Wangfu Street. Opposite and more than a hundred meters to the east is Prince Jing's Mansion, which is located to the east of Wangfu Street.

The residences of the two princes, one is located to the west and the other is located to the east. It may be that Emperor Jiajing clicked twice on the map of Kanyu. It doesn't mean anything, but many people don't think so.

Purple air comes from the east

Shang Zuozundong

The east represents nobility. The Holy Sage gave the eastern point of Wangfu Street to King Jing to open his mansion, and the western point to King Yu to open his mansion. Doesn't this represent the Holy Sage's will?

Therefore, when the servants of Prince Jing's Mansion meet the servants of Prince Yu's Mansion, they always want to lift their chins up to fill their heads. However, when the servants of Prince Yu's Mansion meet the servants of Prince Jing's Mansion, they act like they are inferior and cannot lift their heads.

People in Xiaojing are high-spirited, people in Xiaojing hold their heads high, people in Xiaojing are high-spirited...

Xiao Yuren shivered...

In short, Prince Jing's Palace outnumbered Prince Yu's Palace on this street by more than just one head or two.

Zhu Ping'an came in from the east of Wangfu Street in the morning. He first passed by Prince Jing's Mansion and then arrived at Prince Yu's Mansion.

Along the way, Zhu Ping'an clearly felt that Prince Jing's Mansion was much more imposing than Prince Yu's Mansion. The stone lions at the gate alone were much more powerful and majestic than those in Prince Yu's Mansion. I heard that the courtyard inside Prince Jing's Mansion was more than half the size of Prince Yu's Mansion. .

After arriving at Prince Yu's Mansion, Zhu Ping'an asked Liu Dadao to go back to Zhu Ji to help. Zhu Ji's business was booming and he was very busy at every meal time.

In fact, according to Zhu Pingan's intention, there is no need to trouble Liu Dadao and the others to pick him up and drop him off in the future. He is not a child, and the emperor's rule is good. The last time Zhao Daying hired a murderer was just an exception, but neither Liu Mu, the others nor Li Shu I strongly disagree.

"Because of your inspection in Taicang, I don't know how many people were fined. I heard that many officials were scolding you behind your back. You are not afraid that if you are unpopular, you will hire someone to beat you to calm down." "

Li Shu rolled her eyes and insisted on letting Liu Dadao and the others pick up Zhu Ping'an before she could rest assured.

Liu Mu and the others also insisted on picking up and dropping off.

Good intentions are hard to deny.

Zhu Ping'an didn't insist anymore, and what Li Shu said was not unreasonable. In the Taicang Bank case, more than a thousand people were fined money. He unknowingly offended many people, so he sailed with caution. It's better to be careful.

Seeing Liu Dadao return, Zhu Pingan slowly walked towards the gate of Prince Yu's Mansion.

Prince Yu's Mansion is not as grand as Prince Jing's Mansion, but it is only compared to Prince Jing's Mansion. Compared to other mansions, Prince Yu's Mansion is sufficiently majestic.

The identity of King Yu is there. The royal palace is the highest regulation of the palace besides the royal palace. There are two large stone lions sitting in front of Prince Yu's Mansion. The base of the stone lions is half a meter high. The main entrance has four rooms, the main hall has five rooms, the back hall has four rooms, the back bedroom has five rooms, and there are side halls on the left and right.

"Stop whoever comes!"

There was a group of forbidden troops on duty outside the gate, wearing strong armor and armed with sharp swords. When they saw Zhu Ping'an approaching, they came over with their swords drawn.

"I am Zhu Pingan, the newly appointed academician of Prince Yu's Mansion. I would like to ask this general to inform you." Zhu Pingan stopped, took out his famous post from his sleeve, and presented it with both hands.

"It turns out to be Mr. Zhu. The general is rude. Sir, please come in. Your Highness already informed the general yesterday."

The leader of the Forbidden Army took Zhu Pingan's name card, read it quickly, then returned the name card to Zhu Pingan, and clasped his fists in apology.

"I wonder what the general is called?" Zhu Ping'an collected the name card and asked as he walked away.

"The last general is Wu Wanfu." Wu Wanfu replied.

"General Wu, please take good care of me in the future." Zhu Pingan smiled slightly and formally greeted Wu Wanfu.

"My lord, you are joking. The last general is only a middle-ranked seventh-rank officer. I will have to rely on Lord Zhu for your care in the future." Wu Wanfu shook his head with a wry smile.

Zhonghou is the name of an ancient military officer. Together with Si Jie, Si Ge and Zhi Ji, they are collectively known as the "four-color officer". His official rank is the lower seventh rank, and he is a military general guarding the palace gate.

In the peaceful years of the Ming Dynasty, military attachés had a low status and were far inferior to civilian officials. Military attachés of the same level could only listen to instructions in front of civilian officials. Low-level military attachés could only be described with the idiom "stooges" in front of high-level civilian officials. , of course, not just any military attache can do this kind of "stooge", the level cannot be too low, otherwise there will be no chance of being a "stooge".

He is only a seventh-grade military attaché, while Zhu Ping'an is already a senior official from the fifth grade at a young age, and his future prospects are limitless.

That's why when Zhu Ping'an asked Wu Wanfu to take care of him, Wu Wanfu smiled bitterly and shook his head.

"Jiu Jiu Wufu, Duke Qiancheng. Since ancient times, the way of civil and military affairs has been open and relaxed, just like human arms, both of which are indispensable. The general protects Prince Yu's Mansion and joins Prince Yu's Mansion safely. Naturally, he needs the general's care." Zhu Ping'an smiled. said.

Jiujiu martial artist, Duke Qiancheng.

This is a poem from the "Book of Songs·Guofeng·Zhou Nan·Rabbit Ribbon". "Rabbit Ribbon" is a poem about the monarch and his soldiers. In fact, there are quite a few chapters about soldiers in the "Book of Songs". The only major affairs of the country are sacrifice and military service. In the pre-Qin era, the status of warriors was still quite high. This "Rabbit Harvest" is one of the representatives.

Jiujiu warriors, Duke Qiancheng, that is to say, the warriors are powerful and majestic, and they are worthy of the important task of protecting the Lord and the country.

"Jiujiu Wufu, Duke Qiancheng, it would be great if everyone in the world could be like Lord Zhu." Wu Wanfu couldn't help but sigh after hearing this.

Zhu Ping'an's words "Jiu Jiu Wufu, Duke Qiancheng" immediately scratched Wu Wanfu's itch. Wu Wanfu came from a family of military generals. From his name, we can see his father's hopes. When it comes to a person, Being brave and good at fighting is often described by the phrase "one man can stop ten thousand people from opening the door". Wu Wanfu's father hoped that he could be a brave general who could "one man stop and prevent ten thousand people from opening" and inherit the family's prestige.

Wu Wanfu also practiced martial arts hard since he was a child and was familiar with the art of war. He even won the second place in the last martial arts competition, losing to Qi Jiguang, the number one martial artist, by only one move.

However, when Wu Wanfu entered the official career with the second place in the military rankings, he realized that it was too difficult to become a military general. After these two years, Wu Wanfu has been polished by reality and has lost his original ambition to open up new territories for the country.

I am also an old man in Prince Yu's Mansion. Once Prince Yu opened the Mansion, I became the Marquis of Prince Yu's Mansion. However, in the eyes of the civil servants in Prince Yu's Mansion, I was always just a gatekeeper.

Therefore, in comparison, Zhu Ping'an's sentence "Jiu Jiu Wufu, Duke Qiancheng" is so rare, which makes Wu Wanfu sigh with emotion.

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