Rise From the Humble

Chapter 898 Chef Xiao Zhang

On this day, Zhu Pingan had his first independent office in ancient times, not counting the one in the Hanlin Academy Library.

Zhu Pingan's office is located a little east of Chang'an Palace. It is a suite of more than thirty square meters.

The windows are bright and clean, facing the sun and ventilating, and the layout is simple.

There is a wood-carved painting screen against the wall of the office. On the screen is an embroidered picture of mountains and flowing water. In front of the screen is a set of solid wood office desks and chairs. On the table are the four treasures of the study, pen washers, pen notes, pen holders and paperweights. Behind the desk It was an armchair, and there were museum shelves and bookshelves on both sides of the room. There were several pieces of porcelain and wood carvings on the museum shelves, and the bookshelves were filled with Confucian classics such as the Four Books and Five Classics.

Behind the screen is a small door, which opens into the suite's lounge. The lounge covers an area of ​​about ten square meters, about the same size as a university dormitory. There is a bed, a cabinet for storing clothes, and a set of tables and chairs facing the window. There is still a lot of space and plenty of space.

The beds, quilts and other bedding are all available, all are brand new and of high quality. Zhu Ping'an can also smell the smell of sunshine coming from the quilts.

King Yu is really attentive...

"This room was packed in a hurry after receiving the emperor's order yesterday. The preparation was not enough. Zihou, look at what is missing. I will have it delivered." Prince Yu led Zhu Ping'an around the office. , said to Zhu Pingan.

"Thank you, Your Highness, for your trouble. It's already complete." Zhu Ping'an smiled and shook his head, bowed his hands and thanked her.

"Zihou, don't be polite." King Yu helped Zhu Ping'an up.

"Don't worry, Your Highness, Ping'an will never be polite when it's time to open your mouth." Zhu Ping'an straightened up and replied with a smile.

The ancients were all about subtlety and euphemism. Zhu Pingan's humorous words with a modern style made King Yu startled at first, and then found it very interesting. He couldn't help but laugh along with Zhu Pingan.

The laughter narrowed the distance between the two, and the atmosphere in the room suddenly became familiar.

After chatting for a while, King Yu was about to discuss some Confucian issues with Zhu Ping'an when he heard footsteps outside the door, and then a young servant with a white face and a beardless face hurriedly appeared at the door with an anxious look on his face. It's like the sky is falling and the earth is falling, and everything is in danger.

"Your Highness."

The chamberlain bowed at the door and asked for permission, looking anxious.

Prince Yu, who was interrupted in the discussion, glanced at the chamberlain at the door with a dissatisfied look on his face. His sword-shaped eyebrows were slightly wrinkled. He felt that the little chamberlain was so expressionless that he couldn't tell the priorities. Didn't he see that I was welcoming him? , Are you going to meet the new lecturer who has just joined the government? If there is anything you can't talk about until you are done with your work here.

The chamberlain was glanced at by Prince Yu dissatisfiedly, and cold sweat broke out on his forehead. He quietly pointed to the west with his right hand on his waist.

West courtyard?

King Yu couldn't help but feel a little thump in his heart when he saw the hint from the chamberlain.

The steward on the side had been working under King Yu for many years, and he understood King Yu's thoughts better. After seeing King Yu's expression, he stretched out his hand behind his back, and motioned for him to come in with a subtle hook to the chamberlain.

Seeing this, the chamberlain rushed in and whispered in King Yu's ear.

After hearing what the chamberlain reported, King Yu's face could no longer hide the nervousness and anxiety in his heart. His brows were furrowed, and he became restless. While he was indoors, his heart had already flown to the west. He raised his head and glanced at Zhu Ping'an, wanting to He stopped talking.

King Yu's expression was written all over his face, and Zhu Pingan didn't need to watch his words.

"Your Highness, there is nothing going on here. You can go and deal with important matters first." Zhu Pingan stood up and persuaded.

"Okay, Zihou, you should familiarize yourself with the environment first. At noon, I will hold a banquet at the house to welcome you and introduce you to the ministers in the house. Manager Liu, you are here to serve me well, so don't neglect me. thick."

Prince Yu nodded his head in response almost as soon as Zhu Pingan finished speaking, said something to Zhu Pingan, arranged for Manager Liu to meet Zhu Pingan, and then hurriedly followed the chamberlain to the west courtyard of the palace.

"Farewell to Your Highness."

Zhu Pingan handed over his hands and watched King Yu leave.

History is not fake

Zhu Ping'an looked at Prince Yu's back, couldn't help but slightly curled his lips, and said four words silently.

It is recorded in history that King Yu was lustful, but when I saw him today, it turned out to be true.

Although the chamberlain just whispered in King Yu's ear and no one else could hear it, who made Zhu Ping'an know how to lip read. Zhu Ping'an read the report that the chamberlain just whispered.

King Yu’s back house is on fire.

What the chamberlain just reported is that the princess discovered that the cook Xiao Zhang was hidden by His Highness, and found out the reason why the kitchen was stolen. She wanted to beat the cook Xiao Zhang thirty times and sell the cook Xiao Zhang to the palace. .

Kitchen beauty


In ancient times, Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty hid his beauties in a golden house, and King Yu came to hide his beauties in a kitchen. King Yu was really unique.

Although the waiter didn't say much, looking at King Yu's anxious look just now, Zhu Ping'an knew that there must be a bloody drama between King Yu and the cook, Xiao Zhang, but he didn't know why King Yu came to a kitchen to hide his beauty. , wouldn’t it be better to directly bring it into the palace?

In ancient times, it was normal to have three wives and four concubines, let alone a prince like King Yu.

Spreading branches and leaves

Propagate the royal bloodline

This is such a legitimate reason. Under this righteousness, I believe that even if Princess Yu is jealous and wears small shoes, she will not dare to kick out the house like she did today.

Therefore, there must be a bloody drama in the middle.

Zhu Ping'an's guess was right. There was really a bloody drama between King Yu and the cook, Xiao Zhang, that was not known to outsiders.

That was half a year ago. King Yu was suffering from a lack of funds, and he and Princess Ning'an were considering opening a pastry shop outside the palace to earn some money to subsidize the expenses of the palace.

Once when I was inspecting a pastry shop in Qihuamen, I met the young Zhang who sold his body to bury his father.

Seeing the scene in the romance book for the first time, King Yu couldn't help but curiously stepped forward to watch. It didn't matter, but he was immediately attracted by the charming and charming appearance of little Zhang's pear blossoms in the rain, which made me feel pity for him.

Then, little Zhang's Lihua cried with rain and told a miserable life experience: a sixteen-year-old girl got married with the reluctance and blessing of her old father. After getting married, she served her parents-in-law, served tea and water, and did housework diligently. Day and night, she took care of her seriously ill husband with every possible care. However, less than a month after getting married, her husband passed away. Her husband’s family called her a naughty wife and called her a vixen. He took possession of the real estate and property and drove her out of the house. After returning to her parents' home, her old father passed away again.

It really makes those who hear it sad and those who see it shed tears.

The strong protective desire of a man in King Yu's heart was instantly aroused by Xiao Zhang's miserable life experience.

protect her

I want to protect her

King Yu drove away the gangsters who were watching and teasing Xiao Zhang, and paid a lot of money to help Xiao Zhang bury his old father.

At night, Mrs. Zhang, who was even more beautiful in her filial piety, was so moved that she offered herself to Prince Yu in return. In order to repay her kindness, Mrs. Zhang tried her best in bed, making Prince Yu feel happy.

The next day, King Yu asked Xiao Zhang to take Xiao Zhang back to the palace and take her as a concubine. However, the servants around him tried hard to persuade him, reminding King Yu that Xiao Zhang was a widow. How could a prince take a widow into the harem? , if anyone knew about it, His Highness would be flooded with the spittle of the censors and rotten scholars. Wouldn’t it disappoint the Holy Emperor and please King Jing?

After King Yu heard this, he hesitated for a long time, and finally took Xiao Zhang back to the palace. However, he did not take her as a concubine. Instead, he arranged for her to enter the rear kitchen, temporarily using the guise of a cook as a cover, and prepared to take advantage of her.

However, after all, paper cannot cover the fire. Prince Yu went to the kitchen to have private meetings with Xiao Zhang many times, but he was still discovered by the princess.

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