Rise From the Humble

Chapter 899: Visit the Pier

When King Yu turned into a firefighter and went to put out the fire in the backyard, Zhu Pingan took the initiative to visit Gao Gong out of courtesy and respect.

This is just like visiting the dock. In order to carry out work, when you arrive in a new place, you must visit the local powerful people in person and say hello as a sign of politeness and respect.

That's right, Gao Gong is the powerful man in Prince Yu's Mansion, and he is a newcomer to Prince Yu's Mansion.

It’s perfectly normal for a new kid to visit the big boss at the dock.

This description is not an exaggeration.

Although my bachelor's degree and Gao Gong's bachelor's degree are both officials of the fifth rank, they are of the same rank but have different fates. My fifth rank is far inferior to Gao Gong's fifth rank.

He was new to the officialdom, but Gao Gong had been immersed in the officialdom for more than ten years and had deep qualifications.

I just entered Prince Yu's Mansion today. Gao Gong has been a lecturer since Prince Yu's Mansion was opened, and he is deeply rooted in Prince Yu's Mansion.

If Prince Yu's Mansion is regarded as a small kingdom, then Gao Gong is the prime minister of this kingdom. He is the leader of the officials in Prince Yu's Mansion. He assists King Yu and has won the trust and reliance of Prince Yu. He controls the affairs of Prince Yu's Mansion under the authorization of King Yu. supreme power.

Zhu Ping'an knew very well that if he wanted to carry out work in Prince Yu's Mansion, he would not be able to do so without paying homage to the high-arched pier.

Therefore, after watching King Yu go to the backyard to put out the fire, Zhu Ping'an asked Manager Liu about Gao Gong's office and took the initiative to visit the dock.

The high-arched office faces south and north, facing the sun. It is in the middle of Chang'an Hall, next to the main hall of King Yu.

Close to the center.

The high arch status can be seen from the location of the office.

Zhu Ping'an went to Gao Gong's office with a new attitude, straightened his clothes, and after making sure that he was well dressed, he stretched out his hand and lightly knocked on the door.

The door is ajar.

dong dong

Zhu Pingan lightly buckled twice.

Then wait.

No one answered inside, but Zhu Pingan was closer to the door and could hear faint chatter and laughter in the room.



When Zhu Ping'an heard the chatter and laughter inside, he realized that there were already people in the Gaogong room, and they seemed to be chatting happily.


To be able to chat and laugh with Gao Gong, he must be no ordinary person. Zhu Ping'an moved closer curiously.

It sounded like they were talking about statecraft.

This is even more powerful.

He was actually able to chat and laugh with Gao Gong about the way of governing the country. Who is this outstanding person inside?

The voice was somewhat familiar.

But Zhu Pingan couldn't remember who the owner of this voice was for a while. He just had a familiar feeling, as if the name was on his lips, but he just couldn't remember it.

But it doesn't matter, you will know that this person is asleep when you go in later.

Dong Dong Zhu Pingan waited outside the door for a while, then reached out and knocked on the door twice again.

Zhu Pingan was sure that the people inside should have heard his knock on the door, because the chatter and laughter inside were briefly interrupted for 0.01 seconds.

However, after this brief interruption of 0.01 seconds, the talking and laughter in the room continued again.

one second

two seconds

Two minutes passed, and no one in the room answered Zhu Pingan's knock on the door.

All right.

Totally ignored.

Then I can only wait a while before visiting again.

Knocking again would be a real intrusion.

Zhu Ping'an stood at the door, twitching his lips and smiling slightly, planning to go back to his office and practice some calligraphy before coming to pay homage to the high-arched pier.

The reason why he practiced calligraphy instead of visiting Chen Yiqin and others, who were second only to Gao Gong in power in Prince Yu's palace, was also out of respect and courtesy for Gao Gong. Feudal society pays great attention to hierarchical status. It is not appropriate to visit other people before visiting Gao Gong, the first person in Prince Wanyu's palace.


Just when Zhu Pingan was about to turn around and leave, the door opened, and then a gust of warm wind blew on Zhu Pingan, causing Zhu Pingan to pause halfway and looked up at the door.

No one was seen at the door.

Just a puff of dust brought by the warm wind.

It turned out that the wind had blown the door open, and I thought it was the person inside who finally responded to his knock on the door.

Zhu Ping'an twitched the corners of his lips and continued to look inside with inertia. Then he found that the people inside were instinctively looking out because the wind had blown the door open.

The six eyes faced each other and their gazes met.

In addition to the high arch in the room, there is also a short-bearded handsome man with a powdered face, fresh and dazzling face, and a handsome man. He is wearing a brand-new blue brocade suit with no wrinkles at all, which makes the whole person look more and more dignified and elegant.


After seeing this person, Zhu Pingan suddenly realized, no wonder the voice he just felt was familiar, no wonder he could chat and laugh with Gao Gong, it turned out to be Zhang Juzheng.

In the eyes of Gao Gong, whose strength and eyes were equally high, all civil and military officials in the dynasty were stupid, and the only one who saw him was Zhang Juzheng.

"Master Gao, Master Zhang." Zhu Ping'an immediately raised his hands and bowed to Gao Gong and Zhang Juzheng in the room.

Gao Gong saw Zhu Ping'an's expression unchanged and just nodded arrogantly.

Zhang Juzheng looked a little surprised when he saw Zhu Ping'an, and his handsome white face was slightly red with embarrassment.

In fact, Zhang Juzheng heard the knock when the first knock came. However, because the discussion with Gao Gong was in full swing, and seeing that Gao Gong ignored it, Zhang Juzheng pretended not to hear it and continued the discussion for a while. Then there was a second knock on the door. This time Zhang Juzheng paused the discussion slightly and asked Gao Gong with his eyes.

Gao Gong frowned and glanced at the door. He felt that the man outside the door was so ignorant that he actually disturbed his discussion with Zhang Juzheng. Fortunately, the man outside the door only knocked twice and stopped. This made Gao Gong Gong didn't get angry and looked back to signal Zhang Juzheng to continue. Seeing this, Zhang Juzheng continued the conversation.

As for who was knocking at the door, neither Gao Gong nor Zhang Juzheng paid attention.

None of the other colleagues in Prince Yu's palace could get into Gao Gong's eyes, and similarly, they couldn't get into Zhang Juzheng's eyes. The only difference was that Zhang Juzheng would not show it as openly as Gao Gong.

However, unexpectedly, a strong gust of wind suddenly blew from the window and blew open the ajar door.

Then he saw Zhu Pingan, who was half turned around.

I thought he was an ignorant and insignificant person, but he didn't expect it to be Zhu Pingan? ! This man stood out in the competition with himself and was appointed by the Holy Master as a lecturer in Prince Yu's Mansion.

Zhang Juzheng was stunned for a moment.

Zhu Ping'an knocked on the door twice but was rejected silently. He was about to turn around and leave when the wind blew the door open.

The three of them faced each other, their eyes intersecting.

Zhu Pingan was the first to say hello, which made Zhang Juzheng come back to his senses.

"Lord Zhu"

Zhang Juzheng couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed, just like someone who had been caught doing something bad. He knocked on the door politely, but he and Gao Gong ignored him as if he were a nobody. Finally, he was exposed by a gust of wind.

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