Rise From the Humble

Chapter 900: Masters compete, rookies retreat

"Haha, it's all my fault that I was in the middle of a discussion with Su Qing, and because of the noise outside, I didn't notice Mr. Zhu outside the door. Mr. Zhu, please come in quickly."

Zhang Juzheng's embarrassment only existed for a moment, and he quickly regained his composure. He smiled, explained to Zhu Pingan softly, and then extended his hand to invite Zhu Pingan to come in.

"Well, the wind was really strong today, and the door was blown open." Zhu Ping'an did not expose Zhang Juzheng, and agreed with a smile.

"Master Zhu has come to Prince Yu's Mansion for the first time, and it really makes Hanju Pengpi shine with his presence." Gao Gong stood up and glanced at Zhu Ping'an, raised his hand in a polite manner, and said in a neutral tone.

Clearly not sincere.

Gao Gong said "Peng Pi Sheng Hui" on his lips, but what Zhu Pingan read from his face and expression was: Although you are not welcome, you are all here, so come in.

"Where is it? Ping An came uninvited. What a bother."

Zhu Pingyuan pretended not to see Gao Gong's insincerity, smiled, shook his head, and said politely.

The guests were divided into priorities and took their seats.


Zhu Pingan became the audience.

After Zhu Pingan came in, Gao Gong just asked Zhu Pingan as if he was doing some errands, whether he had met King Yu and whether he had settled down. Then he kept talking to Zhang Juzheng and continued their previous discussion, ignoring them. The existence of Zhu Pingan.

Just like two college students talking about national affairs, they naturally ignored the elementary school student beside them.

The masters exchanged moves while the rookies retreated.

Stand back and stay quietly. This battle is not for you, rookie.


Sitting on the chair and watching Zhu Ping'an, Gao Gong and Director Zhang talking eloquently, this was probably the feeling.

"It has been more than a day or two that our government's treasury has been empty. However, some people in high positions do not do serious things, dare not criticize the current ills, and do not do practical things to improve the national economy and people's livelihood. They only know how to bury themselves in wording and sentence making, flattering and misrepresenting their meaning. To flatter and create a prosperous Ming Dynasty on paper. Haha, if the prosperous age on paper is prosperous again, what good will it do to the country and the people? It is really ridiculous and sad." Gao Gong said with unabashed ridicule.

Although he didn't name anyone, he knew it was ironic that it was Yan Song and his ilk. Well, maybe Zhu Ping'an on the side was also within Gao Gong's AOE range.

Because just after Gao Gong finished taunting him, he glanced at Zhu Pingan with the corner of his eye.

In the year that Zhu Pingan became an official, he was somewhat famous in Qingci. He participated in several fast festivals held by Emperor Jiajing and was very successful. When Emperor Jiajing's beloved cat Weihu died, he still used the phrase "Hua Hua". "Tiger is Dragon" helped Xu Jie win the favor of the Holy One in one fell swoop; and the article he wrote some time ago that won the Holy Heart: "I have knelt before the Buddha for three thousand years, but he has never felt pity for me. The Buddha's eyes are not covered by dust, it's because he has not offered incense." "Money" has made Zhu Ping'an stand out in the youth Ci circles.

In Gao Gong's view, Zhu Pingan's rocket-like promotion speed is inseparable from Zhu Pingan's "active" contribution to Qing Ci.

In fact, Gao Gong didn't care much about what happened to Zhu Ping'an.

There are so many lice, why don't you feel overwhelmed?

Are there few such people in the current government?

Yuan Wei

Yan Ne

Guo Pu

So what if he has one more Zhu Pingan.


However, Zhu Ping'an moved to the post of bachelor of Prince Yu's Mansion!

This makes the high arch seem to be stuck in the throat.

Gao Gong fought for Zhang Juzheng's position because he was a lecturer in Prince Yu's Mansion. In Gao Gong's view, Zhang Juzheng was the only comrade who could enter Prince Yu's Mansion and fight alongside him, first helping Prince Yu ascend to power and then helping the country and the country. qualifications.

The reason why Gao Gong invited Zhang Juzheng to Prince Yu's Mansion many times to help was for this purpose. In fact, the original purpose was almost achieved. Zhang Juzheng quickly won the recognition and attention of Prince Yu with his talent and ability. Originally, this was After the first sermon, Zhang Juzheng could naturally enter Prince Yu's Mansion.

However, who would have thought that Zhu Ping'an would interfere, causing Gao Gong's long-planned good deeds to come to nothing.

Therefore, Zhu Ping'an's treatment of Gao Gong is like a stick in his throat.

"Haha, in Brother Suqing's opinion, how can we make money and manage money now that the national treasury is empty?" Zhang Juzheng continued Gao Gong's words.

Because Gao Gong's ridicule was directed at the chief minister Yan Song, which was too sharp. Although Zhang Juzheng felt the same way, he was cautious and did not take up the topic of ridicule. Instead, he continued the discussion about the shortage of the treasury.

"There is no other, four words, 'take righteousness as benefit'."

Gao Gong stretched out his hand, waved it forward, and said emotionally.

"I would like to hear more about Brother Su Qing." Zhang Juzheng's eyes lit up and he raised his hands with interest.

"Whether it is managing finances to make money or managing the country and the people, one should not 'use profit for profit' but 'justice for profit'. If managing the country and managing finances is 'for profit', it will only satisfy self-interest and must It will harm the public interest, eventually lose the hearts of the people, and destroy the national economy. This is not a profit, but a loss. Therefore, only by "taking righteousness as the benefit", putting righteousness first, and pursuing the public interest can we win the hearts of the people, fill the national treasury, and achieve long-term stability in the country. "Gao Gong said with emotion, and then shook his head and sighed, "But nowadays, many people are seeking profit, imposing excessive taxes and miscellaneous taxes to clear the way, squeezing the people's fat and anointing, extorting and exploiting merchants, and amassing money. The people will become poorer, the merchants will become poorer, and the country will become poorer. As everyone knows, only with this "Righteousness is profit, agriculture is the foundation, business is the supplement, production is developed, finances are managed economically, corvee is light and tax is light, merchants are benefited, and the burden on merchants is lightened. If the people are rich, the merchants are rich, and the country is not rich."

"Brother Su Qing's words are very good. He has raised the distinction between justice and benefit to the level of governing the country and managing finances. Brother Su Qing should be the first." Zhang Juzheng clapped his hands and praised him after hearing this.

"Haha, uncle is overrated. In my opinion, how do you make money and manage money?" Gao Gong smiled and shook his head, and then asked Zhang Juzheng how to make money and manage money.

"Haha, it's also four characters." Zhang Juzheng looked at Gao Gong and replied with a smile, giving it a try.

"Oh, haha, I would like to hear the details from my uncle." Gao Gong laughed when he heard this.

"Without him, it will strengthen the foundation and ease the people's ears." Zhang Juzheng also stretched out his hand, waved it forward, and replied with a smile.

"The people are the foundation of the country, and what my uncle said is true." Gao Gong heard this and agreed very much.

"Consolidate the foundation and secure the people, and the people are farmers and merchants. In ancient times, the people who governed the country made it possible for commerce to communicate with the people, and the agricultural power was the basis of the trade. If merchants could not communicate with the people to benefit the farmers, the agriculture would be ill; and the farmers could not use the resources to facilitate business. , then businessmen will be ill. Therefore, the power of merchants and farmers is always balanced, but as for diseases, there is no way to cure them. Heaven and earth produce wealth, and it has its own destiny. If you take it in a controlled way, and use it in an orderly way, you will be rich; if you take it without control, use it Without restraint, there will be lack. The wealth of the dynasty comes from the people, but the people's power is limited, and the things to do are endless. And the expenses of the dynasty are dozens of times higher than in the early days of the country. The contributions of the high officials amount to tens of thousands every year, and it is difficult for the middle and upper class to conquer the rivers and valleys. When the surplus is high, farmers and merchants are repeatedly exhausted. I think that if you want to keep your material resources, it is better to levy taxes from the province to benefit farmers and benefit business; if you want people to be able to use them without hardship, it is better to lighten the city's policies to benefit business and benefit farmers." Zhang Juzheng went on to elaborate. road.

"We emphasize agriculture and don't suppress business. My uncle and I have similar views." Hearing this, Gao Gong admired Zhang Juzheng more and more.


He is worthy of being the first assistant in the future!

Zhu Ping'an, a new melon-eater on the side, silently praised the two of them in his heart. In a feudal society where agriculture and business were prevalent, it was very rare for the two of them to have such a view.

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