Rise From the Humble

Chapter 901 Contempt from Gao Gong

The heroes all see the same thing, and this is probably the moment.

After Gao Gong finished speaking, he looked at each other and smiled with Zhang Juzheng, feeling quite like heroes commiserating with each other.

These are the comrades I am qualified to fight alongside in the future to fight for this precarious empire.

As for someone, there is no hope.

such a pity.

It would be great if the bachelor who served as lecturer this time was my uncle.

After Gao Gong and Zhang Juzheng looked at each other and smiled, the corner of their eyes glanced at Zhu Ping'an, and the corners of their mouths couldn't help but pull down, feeling a sense of loss in their hearts.

After a while, maybe because he felt neglected by Zhu Pingan, or maybe for other reasons, in short, Zhang Juzheng slowly turned his eyes to Zhu Pingan, and asked softly: "I wonder what Mr. Zhu has to say?"

Zhu Ping'an was applauding Gao Gong and Zhang Juzheng's knowledge in his heart, but he didn't react for a while.

Moreover, apart from Gao Gong asking Zhu Pingan a few words at the beginning, it was Gao Gong and Zhang Juzheng's time afterwards. The two asked and answered questions, discussed seriously and chatted passionately. Zhu Pingan could only be a melon-eater on the side. , serving as the background for the two people chatting.

So after Zhang Juzheng asked, Zhu Pingan didn't react for a moment. Zhang Juzheng was talking to him just now.

Seeing this, Gao Gong pulled down the corners of his mouth even more.

"Master Zhu?" Seeing that Zhu Pingan didn't respond, Zhang Juzheng raised his voice slightly and reminded Zhu Pingan.


After Zhang Juzheng raised his voice, Zhu Pingan realized that Zhang Juzheng was actually talking to him.

"I wonder what Master Zhu has to say?" Zhang Juzheng repeated the question.

"I think what Mr. Gao and Mr. Zhang said is true."

Zhu Pingan nodded solemnly and sincerely praised the two of them. Indeed, in Zhu Pingan's view, in this feudal era that emphasized agriculture and suppressed commerce, it was really difficult to come up with the idea of ​​​​valuing agriculture but not suppressing commerce. Yes.

You must know that in the history of feudal society for more than two thousand years, "scholars, farmers, industry and merchants" have always been arranged in this way. Scholars ranked first, farmers were the first, and merchants were last. This was the prevailing economic view in feudal society, and the "important" concept was born out of this. The policy of "agriculture and business suppression" was also a common national policy in feudal society.

Therefore, Gao Gong and Zhang Juzheng's emphasis on business is indeed rare, and Zhu Pingan praised them without hesitation.


Hearing this, Gao Gong looked at Zhu Pingan, then at Zhang Juzheng, and couldn't help but sneered silently.

This is the gap!

At first glance, Zhang Juzheng is a thoughtful, in-depth and researched person who can see the value of commerce. He creatively proposed that "in ancient times, those who governed a country made agriculture the basis of whether commerce existed or not. Commerce did not allow commerce to benefit agriculture. Then the farmers are ill; if the farmers cannot devote themselves to business, then the merchants are ill. Therefore, the power of merchants and farmers is always like a balance."

As for Zhu Pingan, he can only say what he says is true, just like a myna who is learning to talk.



Haha, a five-year-old child can still do this!

This scene made Gao Gong couldn't help but think of a plot, a novel "Liu Guan and Zhang Taoyuan Three Brothers" based on "The Popular Romance of the Three Kingdoms", which records the scene where Liu, Guan, and Zhang were sworn brothers. Liu Bei uttered an oath: "I will miss Liu Bei and Guan Yu." , Zhang Fei, although they have different surnames, they become brothers and work together to rescue the poor and help the people in danger. They report to the country and make peace for the common people. They don’t want to be born in the same year, the same month and the same day, but they just want to die in the same year, the same month and the same day. The emperor and the empress are earth-bound, and learn from this heart. , betrayal and ungratefulness, killing both heaven and man!"

Guan Yu then said: "Although Guan is a martial artist, he also knows the word loyalty. Brother Liu is a descendant of the Han Dynasty and aims to help the Han Dynasty. Guan is sincerely convinced. Brother Liu is his brother and Guan is his brother. Guan's destiny is to be his brother." Guan's body is that of his elder brother. He is driven by swords, mountains, and seas of fire. I have no other intention. I swear to share weal and woe with my brother, and to accompany him in life and death. I am willing to die for my brother."

Guan Fei: "Me too."


Such a reckless man, Zhang Fei, is so ridiculous.

In Gao Gong's view, Zhang Juzheng was Guan Yu who read the Spring and Autumn Annals at night, never letting go of the scroll, and his righteousness was as strong as the sky, while Zhu Ping'an was Zhang Fei who hated the book when it came time to use it, and I did the same.

I asked you what your high opinion is. What you said is true. Haha, is this your high opinion? !

Haha, I don’t have much in my stomach, so I can’t just say something like “I am the same” and “What I said is true”.

This is the case for Zhu Ping'an, who has a high profile.

"Haha, Mr. Zhu, don't be self-conscious. Qing Su and I are not outsiders. I think Mr. Zhu, who can propose in front of the emperor that "the people do not increase the wealth but the national treasury doubles", must have his own high opinions."

Zhang Juzheng looked at Zhu Pingan, smiled and shook his head. Although the sentence was in question, his tone was full of affirmation.

"The people do not receive any tax, but the national treasury doubles?"

Hearing this, Gao Gong was immediately attracted. He subconsciously repeated the sentence, his eyes suddenly brightened, and he looked at Zhu Ping'an seriously.

This was the first time Gao Gong heard this statement. Gao Gong was not present when Zhu Ping'an proposed this point of view, and he never heard anyone say anything about it afterwards. What a wonderful vision it is to double the national treasury without adding taxes to the people. Anyone who hears this view for the first time will be highly focused.

However, the next second, Gao Gong shook his head and pulled down the corners of his mouth again.

The national treasury will be doubled without any increase in taxes to the people?

How is this possible? There is a lot of wealth in the world, either among the people or in the country. The revenue of the national treasury comes from the people's taxes. If the people's taxes do not increase, how can the national treasury increase?

This view sounds very tempting at first, but upon closer inspection you will find that it goes against the most basic common sense.

Doubling the national treasury without adding taxes to the people, haha, I’m afraid only nerds with different economic backgrounds would come up with such nonsense and sensationalism strategies.

The brain is a good thing!

Gao Gong glanced at Zhu Ping'an, and the corners of his mouth pulled down even more.

"Well, the people do not increase the wealth but the national treasury doubles." Zhang Juzheng nodded, and then explained to Gao Gong, "At the beginning, whether the sea ban should be strictly prohibited or relaxed, the Holy Sage called Yange Lao, Li Shangshu and others to debate, Mr. Zhu This plan was proposed when the Holy One inquired."

Then Zhang Juzheng briefly described the scene to Gao Gong, and emphatically explained Zhu Ping'an's specific method of "doubling the national treasury without adding taxes to the people."

Japanese country?

Gold cash out?

When Gao Gong heard about this method for the first time, he felt very refreshed. After pondering it carefully for a moment, he shook his head slightly. Let’s not talk about the maritime ban, the seriousness of the Japanese pirates’ chaos, the shortage of gold in the national treasury and other issues. If the Japanese knew about it, he would be in trouble with us. If the Ming Dynasty's gold and silver exchange ratio is inconsistent, will it still allow you to cash out your gold? Will it not change Japan's own gold and platinum exchange ratio? !

It's more than novel, but it's still not practical and works on paper.

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