Rise From the Humble

Chapter 903 Shock

Compared with Zhang Juzheng's full attention, Gao Gong was much more casual. Even when he heard Zhu Ping'an say that his answer was only four words, Gao Gong seemed not to hear it and was calmly sipping tea.

Because there are no expectations, you can be careless.

While sipping tea, Gao Gong casually looked at Zhu Pingan and Zhang Juzheng who were having a conversation.

"Oh, I don't know what Mr. Zhu's theory is, but I would like to hear the details." Zhang Juzheng leaned forward slightly and looked at Zhu Ping'an intently with his eyes.

"Nothing but reform and opening up."

Zhu Pingan smiled slightly, stretched out his hand and waved forward. His tone was just like Zhang Juzheng just now, calm and confident, and his gesture was just like the high arch, generous and powerful. The sun shone on Zhu Pingan's face, and the reflected light made Zhang Juzheng feel a little agitated. Sideways glance.

Reform and Opening!

Although Zhu Ping'an's voice was not loud, the four words "reform and opening up" were like a yellow bell, resounding in the room and lingering in the air.

For a moment, it seemed like the whole room was echoing these four words.

"Reform and Opening?"

Zhang Juzheng was stunned when he heard this. These four words seemed simple, but after thinking about it for a moment, he felt that these four simple words were extremely profound and profound, so he couldn't help but repeat them softly.

The more I think about it, the more profound it becomes.

Although he couldn't figure out the connotation of these four words for a while, Zhang Juzheng was able to figure it out.

"Reform" means change.

The word "reform" comes from King Wuling of Zhao, who is in Hufu, riding and shooting. In 307 BC, King Wuling of Zhao started the famous reform of riding and shooting in Hufu, and ordered that Zhao's cavalry combat uniforms be changed to the traditional Central Plains long skirts and long sleeves. The northern Hu people wear compact shorts and long trousers. Because most of the Hu people's clothes are made of animal leather, changing military uniforms is also called "reform". Later, the word "reform" gradually extended to mean "change, innovation".


The first thing Zhang Juzheng thought of from this word was the lifting of sea restrictions.

Open sea ban!

This point of view coincides with my own thoughts and Gao Gong's thoughts. Zhang Juzheng was well aware of the negative impact of the maritime ban, which restricted overseas trade and increased conflicts among residents along the southeast coast.

The Song Dynasty was weak, and its territorial population was much lower than that of Ming Dynasty, but its treasury revenue was much higher than that of Ming Dynasty.


A large part of this is due to overseas trade. The tariffs collected by the Shipping Department alone are a huge amount of fiscal revenue.

The maritime ban did have a positive effect in the early stage, limiting the harassment of Japanese pirates, but only in the early stage. Later, as the maritime ban became stricter, some maritime merchants and residents on the southeast coast whose interests were harmed colluded with Japanese pirates, making the Japanese pirates' troubles more serious. For example, Like leeks, they are cut one after another and are difficult to eradicate.

Therefore, Zhang Juzheng has a negative attitude towards the current sea ban and believes that the top priority should be to lift the sea ban.

Zhang Juzheng knew that Gao Gong also advocated opening up the sea ban. When discussing in private, Gao Gong had criticized the sea ban policy more than once.

From this point of view, if Zhu Ping'an's opening up refers to the lifting of sea restrictions, it coincides with his own and Gao Gong's ideas.

After initially interpreting the four words "reform and opening up", Zhang Juzheng's face became more serious.

When Zhang Juzheng was deeply shocked by the four words "reform and opening up" thrown by Zhu Pingan, Gao Gong beside him was no longer as careless as before.


Gao Gong, who was originally sipping tea, put down the cup in his hand at some point. He looked at Zhu Pingan with a pair of eyes like a falcon, and turned his body to face Zhu Pingan, looking serious.

Reform and Opening!

These four words shocked Gao Gong no less than Zhang Juzheng.

At first, Gao Gong didn't care much about Zhu Pingan's answer because he had no expectations at all. However, the four words "reform and opening up", which were simple but profound at first, came out of the mouth of Zhu Pingan, who had never expressed expectations. The shocking effect is doubled.


These two words seemed to send a string of electricity in Gao Gong's mind, making Gao Gong's skin crawl.


Gao Gong thought in his heart more than once that if King Yu succeeded to the throne and he could preside over the government, what he wanted to do was reform.

The "righteousness for profit" that I just mentioned is the goal, and the means is reform. Through reform, "righteousness for profit" can be realized.

As for opening up, Gao Gong also thought of opening up the sea ban, which coincided with his own ideas.

Reform and Opening!

Zhu Pingan's thoughts are so consistent with his own? !

The fit is no worse than Zhang Juzheng!

This forced Gao Gong to re-examine Zhu Ping'an.

I often interact with Zhang Juzheng, discussing knowledge, governance strategies, exchanging ideals and aspirations, and we often get along. It is understandable that we have a good fit.


I had basically no communication with Zhu Pingan before, but Zhu Pingan's ideas were so consistent with mine.

This surprised Gao Gong. He pressed the arms of the chair with both hands and couldn't help but lean forward. He looked at Zhu Ping'an with burning eyes. The contempt in his heart turned into attention, and the carelessness on his face turned into concentration.

Zhu Pingan's eyes caught Zhang Juzheng's expression and the change in his arched expression, and he couldn't help but slightly raise the corners of his lips.

They are very satisfied with the shock that the national policy of "reform and opening up" has brought to them.

This was expected by Zhu Pingan.

If the epoch-making national policy of "reform and opening up" cannot shock them, then they are not worthy of being called Gao Gong and Zhang Juzheng.

"What is reform and opening up? Please enlighten me, Mr. Zhu." After a few seconds, Zhang Juzheng came to his senses and asked.

"Reform and opening up, in short, means internal reform and external opening." Zhu Pingan answered calmly and fluently.

"Reform? How to reform?" Gao Gong narrowed his eyes slightly, knocked on the table, looked at Zhu Pingan and asked.

"In terms of making money and managing money, I believe that 'there is no stability without agriculture, no wealth without work, and no life without business.' Agriculture is the foundation of the country. Without agriculture, the world will be unstable; handicraft industry is the leader of wealth, and without handicraft industry, the world will not be rich. ; Commerce is the key to the vitality of agriculture and handicraft industry. Commerce connects agriculture and handicraft industry. Without commerce, agriculture and handicraft industry will have no vitality. Therefore, reform should also start from this." Zhu Pingan replied.

No farming, no stability, no work, no wealth, no business, no life!

Zhu Pingan's words vividly summarized the dialectical relationship between agriculture, industry and commerce, which once again refreshed and shocked Zhang Juzheng and Gao Gong. This was the first time that Zhang Juzheng and Gao Gong heard someone sum up the relationship between agriculture, industry and commerce like this. The more they thought about it, the more they felt it made sense. Isn't this the relationship between agriculture, industry and commerce?


Zhu Pingan twitched his lips slightly in his heart. This was summed up by people in the 1980s based on the five thousand years of Chinese history. How could it be wrong? !

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