Rise From the Humble

Chapter 904 Shock again

When Zhu Pingan proposed "reform and opening up" before, Gao Gong and Zhang Juzheng were shocked.

After that, the two of them were mentally prepared.

However, when Zhu Ping'an put forward the view that "there is no stability without farming, no wealth without work, and no life without business" summarized from modern experience, Gao Gong and Zhang Juzheng were once again deeply shocked. In the view of both of them, Zhu Pingan's argument explained the status, role and relationship of agriculture, industry and commerce incisively and vividly.

A word "stability" highlights the fundamental status of agriculture; a word "rich" highlights the contribution of handicrafts; a word "movable" is like the finishing touch, vividly expressing the indispensable status of commerce.

Previously, Gao Gong proposed that agriculture should be the foundation, business should be the supplement, corvee should be taken lightly and taxes should be paid lightly, and business should be sympathized with and benefited.

Then, Zhang Juzheng further proposed: In ancient times, the people who governed the country depended on the availability of commerce and agriculture. If merchants cannot communicate with farmers to benefit farmers, then agriculture will be ill; if farmers cannot use their own fields to benefit merchants, then merchants will be ill.

Now, Zhu Pingan has gone one step further and proposed: There is no stability without farming, no wealth without work, and no life without business!

From Gao Gong to Zhang Juzheng and then to Zhu Pingan, the three of them came from the same line and progressed step by step. When they reached Zhu Pingan, they were basically at their peak.


Even if he is as picky as Gao Gong, after thinking about it for a moment, he couldn't help but praise Zhu Ping'an with the word "good".

"There is no stability without farming, no wealth without industry, no life without business. Mr. Zhu's theory can be said to have explained agriculture, industry and business thoroughly. Although Mr. Zhu is young, he has a sophisticated vision and has benefited a lot from being upright."

Zhang Juzheng repeated it softly, cupped his hands and bowed his fists to Zhu Pingan, saying with admiration.

After hearing the word "good" from Gao Gong, Zhu Pingan knew that his goal today had been achieved.


As expected.

It would be unexpected if the national policies and experience that are hundreds of years ahead of you cannot impress you.

As long as the goal is achieved.

As a humble gentleman, you should be humble when you should be humble.

"This is just Ping An's immature opinion. There are still many things that have not been straightened out. I will ask Master Gao and Master Zhang for more advice in the future."

After hearing the praise from Gao Gong and Zhang Juzheng, Zhu Pingan smiled honestly and shook his head modestly.

Seeing that Zhu Pingan was not carried away, Gao Gong nodded slightly.

Gao Gong himself was arrogant and arrogant, but he resented others being so arrogant. In Gao Gong's view, except for himself, those who were arrogant and arrogant were all superficial and superficial people with a false reputation.

Gao Gong has this confidence.

He was born into a scholarly family and a family of officials. His grandfather was an examiner in the Bingwu Division during the Chenghua period of Emperor Xiaozong, and his official position reached the rank of doctor in the Ministry of Industry. His father was a candidate in the Gengwu Division of Emperor Wuzong and a Jinshi in the Dingchou Division. He successively served as director of the Ministry of Industry, Yuanwai Lang, and his official position reached Guanglu. Temple Shaoqing; the eldest brother was a Jinshi in the 14th year of this dynasty. He has served as prefect, participated in politics, and currently serves as the censor of the capital.

He has been deeply influenced by the teachings of famous teachers since he was a child. When his father was supervising the political studies in Shandong, he became a disciple of Li Linshan, the former imperial censor of the capital procuratorate and the famous doctor of Zhongxian in Shandong. In six years, he learned all about Li censor. Li Yushi thought that he had no way to teach him knowledge, so he recommended himself to the disciple of Jia Yong, the old man of Zhishi Pavilion. Within a few years, he learned all the true teachings of Jia Lao. In the following years, he traveled to Henan and studied at Daliang Academy, where he studied under the most famous teacher at that time. The famous Li Mengyang and Wang Tingxiang were impressed by their knowledge a year later because of their profound and extensive knowledge and rich knowledge. They were also appointed as teachers in Daliang Academy to teach students.

Talent is something to be proud of.

If you are arrogant without talent, you will be embarrassed all the time.

"Don't dare to ask for advice. We can discuss and communicate more in the future." Zhang Juzheng smiled slightly and waved his hand.

"Master Gao and Master Zhang are senior teachers. They have their own wishes, but Ping An dare not ask me to listen." Zhu Ping'an said with a simple and honest smile.

"There is no need to say such polite words. We are both in Prince Yu's Mansion, and communication in the future is indispensable." Gao Gong waved his hand. Although he said there was no need to be polite, it could be seen that Gao Gong said that Zhu Ping'an was quite useful.

The atmosphere in the room was much more harmonious than when Zhu Pingan first entered.

"Haha, Mr. Zhu just discussed the reform in detail. I wonder what opening up means? Does it mean opening up the sea ban?" Zhang Juzheng asked curiously.

"Yes and no, the opening I just mentioned means opening up to the outside world, including but not limited to opening up maritime restrictions." Zhu Pingan replied.

Openness covers a wide range, not just territorial opening, but also includes ideas, behaviors, etc.

"The sea ban is an ancestral system of the imperial dynasty. Master Zhu proposed opening it up, so I'm not afraid." Zhang Juzheng hesitated to speak.

"Ping'an believes that Lord Gao and Lord Zhang must have also seen the shortcomings of the sea ban. It is true that when Taizu set up the sea ban, it had an obvious effect. It effectively harassed the remaining forces of Fang Guozhen and Zhang Shicheng who were entrenched in the southeastern islands, which was Taizu's fault. The resistance against the Yuan Dynasty in northern Xinjiang stabilized the rear area, and secondly, it also contained the Japanese pirates at that time."

"However, to this day, the policy of banning the sea has done more harm than good. Ping An came from the southeast and is fully aware of its disadvantages. When looking at the seaside area, the fields are exhausted and the cultivators have nothing to look forward to. They can only look at the abyss like a mausoleum. This has become a habit over time. The rich collect goods and get a load of food to return home; the poor work as servants and earn rice to support themselves. Once the martial law is enforced, they are not allowed to go into the water, which interrupts their lives. If they are all strong and strong, they will not be poor, so the connection will be broken by thieves. Crack it and come out. Those who have been lurking outside for a long time will not dare to return because they are out of touch, and they will also be connected with foreign barbarians and Japanese pirates, and local leaders will come in. The stricter the ban, the more intense the banditry will be."

"The maritime ban prohibits private trade, and now it also prohibits tribute routes. There is no foreign trade, and the handicraft industry is shrinking day by day. Without work, there is no wealth. As a result, the sea residents live in poverty, and our government's treasury income has also dropped sharply."

Zhu Ping'an knew very well that Gao Gong and Zhang Juzheng were also opposed to the sea ban. The historical Longqing switch was created by these two people. He also knew that they often criticized the sea ban policy, especially Gao Gong, who was a loudmouth who criticized the sea ban policy. More.

That's why Zhu Ping'an expressed his opposition to the sea ban in front of them without any pressure.

Zhu Pingan believes that this will resonate more with Gao Gong.

Sure enough, from the corner of his eye, Zhu Ping'an saw Gao Gong's eyes showing approval, and his expression also meant appreciation.

"Lord Zhu, you know that many ministers in the DPRK adhere to the ancestral system of the maritime ban. If the maritime ban is lifted, there will be a lot of resistance." Zhang Juzheng narrowed his eyes slightly, looked at Zhu Ping'an, and reminded softly.

"Times are also different. The general trend of the world is vast. Those who follow it will prosper, and those who go against it will perish."

Zhu Ping'an raised his head and looked at Zhang Juzheng, with his head held high and his chest held high, with a firm look on his honest face and a pair of piercing eyes. He did not hesitate to borrow Mr. Sun's famous saying from history that has been passed down through the ages.

The general trend of the world is overwhelming. Those who follow it will prosper, and those who go against it will perish!

The words are spoken.

There was a thunder in the room.

Zhang Juzheng's ears buzzed, his face changed suddenly, his eyes widened suddenly, he took a short and spasmodic breath and exhaled slowly.

Gao Gong's eyes suddenly lit up, and he suddenly turned to look at Zhu Pingan, in disbelief.

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