Rise From the Humble

Chapter 906 Taking a seat

When Zhu Ping'an walked into the pergola, other officials from Prince Yu's Mansion also came to the banquet one after another.

Since Taizu Zhu Yuanzhang established the Ming Dynasty to drive out the Mongolian Yuan Dynasty and restore the meal-sharing system, the meal-sharing system is generally used in official formal occasions. This time's Jiefeng Banquet is no exception, and the meal-sharing system is also adopted.

The divided meal system is more sophisticated and has more rules than the shared meal system, making it easier to distinguish priorities and status levels.

In the pergola, Prince Yu's main seat is located on a wooden platform six minutes above the ground. Under the platform, from north to south, the seats of the subordinate officials of Prince Yu's palace are arranged in order according to official position and seniority. Each official has a separate table and chair. .

The length and width of the table are the same as those in the Han and Tang Dynasties, about two feet wide and three feet long, but the height is different from that in the Han and Tang Dynasties. The table at this time is much higher than that in the Han and Tang Dynasties. In the Han and Tang Dynasties, people sat down on their knees. It is equipped with chairs where you can sit and take a seat.

King Yu's main table is three minutes longer and three minutes wider than the table under the stage. This is the rule of Ming Dynasty banquets.

"Master Zhu, please come this way."

The seats for the reception banquet were all decided in advance. Manager Liu led Zhu Ping'an to the second seat from the west.

"Thank you."

After Zhu Pingan sat down, he cupped his hands and thanked him.

"Your Majesty, you're welcome. Please sit down for a moment and have some tea. The banquet will begin soon." Manager Liu led Zhu Pingan to his seat and asked the maid to pour Zhu Pingan a cup of tea.

"Thank you." Zhu Pingan nodded in thanks.

Not long after Zhu Ping'an sat down, other officials from Prince Yu's Mansion also arrived one after another, and someone guided them to sit down.

Soon, on the east side opposite Zhu Pingan, there were also officials taking the second seat.

He was also the second person above, sitting face to face with Zhu Pingan, with a distance of more than two meters between them.

Seated was a middle-aged official in his thirties, who looked much younger than Gao Gong. He had a cheerful and majestic face, and was very tall. He seemed to be about 1.8 meters tall. He had a tiger's back and a waist, and was wearing an official robe. Showing a sense of unruly and suave, he rolled up his sleeves and exposed an arm with thick black hair. He held a folding fan, twirling his beard and chatting heartily with others while fanning the wind.

After the cheerful and heroic official sat down, he discovered that Zhu Pingan, a young and unfamiliar person sitting opposite him, was sitting so close to the front without saying anything. The cheerful official couldn't help but glanced at Zhu Pingan in surprise, and then suddenly realized. He nodded to Zhu Ping'an and said hello.

Zhu Pingan smiled and returned the favor.

After the cheerful and heroic official nodded and greeted Zhu Pingan, he was stopped by the official sitting behind him and started chatting.

Looking at the cheerful and heroic official opposite, Zhu Pingan was slightly curious. Who was this person? There were no cameras in ancient times, and the paintings were seriously distorted. Just by looking at his appearance, Zhu Pingan could not identify this official with a historical figure. .

Soon after the cheerful and heroic official opposite sat down, someone at the front of Zhu Ping'an's row also took a seat.

This is an official in his forties. He looks about the same grade as Gao Gong. He is thin and handsome. His appearance is not inferior to that of Zhang Juzheng, but he is a little older. He has a goatee and a bookish air about him. , like a walking bookshelf, it gives people the feeling of being talented, elegant and knowledgeable.

Sitting above me, it is natural that the official position is no less than myself and the seniority is senior to me.

In Prince Yu's Mansion, there were only a handful of such officials. Apart from Gao Gong, they were Chen Yiqin, Yin Shidan and others.

"I, Zhu Ping'an, have met this gentleman. I don't know what he calls him."

After the official sat down, Zhu Pingan took the initiative to stand up and greet the official in charge.

"Oh, you are the new Mr. Zhu Ping'an." The superior officer looked at Zhu Ping'an up and down with his eyes, nodded noncommittally, raised his hands and arched his head while sitting, and said lightly, "I am Official Chen Yiqin."

Chen Yiqin.

It turns out you are Chen Yiqin. Zhu Ping'an nodded and formally met Chen Yiqin again, "I have met Mr. Chen."

"Master Zhu, you're welcome." Chen Yiqin cupped his hands and replied calmly.

Zhu Ping'an didn't care about Chen Yiqin's slightly cold attitude.

Zhu Ping'an knew that Chen Yiqin was a minister who wholeheartedly supported King Yu's rise to power. He was loyal to King Yu and thought of King Yu in everything.

He was young and had just entered the officialdom. Apart from Qing Ci, who was slightly famous, he had not done much that deserved recognition from the public.

Qingci? !

For the Holy One who needs fasting and festivals, Qing Ci is useful, but for His Highness King Yu, what role does Qing Ci have.

Moreover, the story that he was appointed by the Holy Emperor as a lecturer in Prince Yu's Mansion because of his pair of chopsticks has already spread.

No one dared to criticize Jiajing, but when it came to criticizing Zhu Ping'an, they felt no pressure.

There are no chopsticks in the imperial meal, so the meat is eaten with hands. Just because of this, he was appointed as the bachelor's lecturer in the prince's palace? !

How absurd and ridiculous this is.

A person who eats meat with his hands can actually serve as a lecturer for the prince? !

I believe Chen Yiqin has also heard similar criticism.

The bachelor's degree in Prince Yu's Mansion is an important position in Prince Yu's Mansion. It is one of the four most important ministers of Prince Yu. It is related to whether Prince Yu can ascend to that position, and there is no room for cheating or cheating.

Don't be afraid of opponents who are like gods, but be afraid of teammates who are like pigs.

The truth has been the same throughout the ages. Although there is no such famous saying in ancient times, the truth is the same.

Chen Yiqin probably doubted whether he could take on this important task.

In fact, it would be the same if it were you.

Therefore, Zhu Ping'an didn't care at all about Chen Yiqin's indifference.

As long as he shows his ability to hold this position, Chen Yiqin's attitude will definitely change.

It is Chen Yiqin's lifelong wish to unite all the forces that can be united, put aside the grudges, use all the strength in one place, and help King Yu ascend to the great throne.

In fact, what Zhu Pingan didn't know was that there was another reason for Chen Yiqin's cold attitude towards Zhu Pingan.

At the beginning, the rumor was that Zhu Ping'an would be promoted to the position of bachelor's lecturer in Prince Jing's Mansion.

When he heard this rumor, Chen Yiqin assigned Zhu Ping'an to King Jing's camp.

After the imperial edict was issued, Zhu Ping'an suddenly became a lecturer in Prince Yu's Mansion. This made Chen Yiqin wonder whether Zhu Ping'an was in Cao's camp and his heart was in the Han Dynasty. He even suspected that Zhu Ping'an was deliberately infiltrated into Prince Yu's Mansion by King Jing. The chess piece comes.

After Chen Yiqin sat down, Gao Gong also came slowly. To Zhu Ping'an's surprise, Zhang Juzheng also came with him.

Zhang Juzheng is not yet an official of Prince Yu's Mansion.

Moreover, what surprised Zhu Pingan even more was that Zhang Juzheng was quite popular in Prince Yu's Mansion, even better than Gao Gong. Many officials greeted Zhang Juzheng, and even Chen Yiqin nodded to Zhang Juzheng.

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