Rise From the Humble

Chapter 907 Provocation

Zhang Juzheng has been helping in Prince Yu's Mansion some time ago, and his abilities have been recognized by Prince Yu and everyone. He can be regarded as half a member of Prince Yu's Mansion. He has participated in many banquets in Prince Yu's Mansion before, so everyone is very interested in Gao Gong and Zhang Juzheng attending the banquet together. , was not surprised, everyone was somewhat accustomed to it.

With the arrival of Gao Gong and Zhang Juzheng, it was announced that all the officials of Prince Yu's Mansion had arrived, and the pavilion was packed with seats.

Soon, King Yu finally arrived belatedly accompanied by his entourage.

"Meet His Highness Prince Yu."

Zhu Ping'an, Gao Gong, Chen Yiqin and others stood up one after another and bowed to King Yu.

"Excuse me, all gentlemen, please take a seat." King Yu returned the salute to everyone, and then waved to invite everyone to take a seat.

"Your Highness, please."

Zhu Ping'an and others held their hands and remained motionless. King Yu had not yet taken his seat. How could a minister dare to take his seat first? Wouldn't that be an overstep?

"Haha, okay, my lords, please invite me."

King Yu sat down with a smile, then waved his hand again, and asked all the officials in the audience to sit down.

"Thank you, Your Highness."

Everyone cupped their hands to express their thanks, and then took their seats.



"Your Highness."

Zhu Pingan had just sat down when he heard a burst of surprise from everyone, as if they had seen something incredible.

What's wrong?

Zhu Pingan looked at the crowd curiously, only to see everyone looking in the direction of the throne in astonishment. Zhu Pingan followed everyone's gaze, and then saw a relatively obvious scar on Prince Yu's face, just below his ear. , there was a slender scar of about four centimeters above the chin, as if scratched by a sharp instrument.

The blood was still wet, so it looked like a fresh injury.

His Royal Highness Prince Yu is actually injured on his face?

Was this an encounter with an assassin?

Is the protection of Prince Yu's Mansion so lax? What do the guards of Prince Yu's Mansion do? How to protect His Highness? !

There is no sense of security anymore.

Everyone was stunned and talking about it.

What an assassin!

Unlike everyone else, when Zhu Ping'an saw the slender scar on Prince Yu's face, he immediately thought of Prince Yu's concubine.

Then, Zhu Ping'an looked carefully at the long and slender scars on King Yu's face. The more he looked at them, the more they looked like they were scratched by fingernails.

It was probably that Prince Yu was hiding the petite Zhang family in the kitchen, but was discovered by Princess Yu. There was a fire in the backyard of the palace. When Prince Yu went to put out the fire, he was scratched by the angry Princess Yu. This should be the untruth, not an assassination attempt. Prince Yu's Mansion was heavily guarded, so there was no way an assassin could break in.

Zhu Ping'an had a good impression of Wu Wanfu, the guard in Prince Yu's Mansion. With Wu Wanfu here, the guards of Prince Yu's Mansion were worthy of trust.

"Ahem, haha, I made you all laugh. I was thinking about something when I was walking alone. As a result, I accidentally slipped and scratched a little skin. I have already had it checked by the imperial doctor in the house. It's okay, all my Lords. Don't worry."

King Yu explained with a slight smile, but his face was a little red when he explained, and his tone was a little lacking in confidence.

Just kidding, of course you will feel guilty if you tell lies.

After King Yu finished speaking, he pretended to smile calmly at everyone.

"Oh, that's it. However, His Highness is a man of wealth, so you should be careful in everything from now on."

It’s okay if he’s not an assassin. After everyone heard King Yu’s explanation, they felt slightly relieved, and then they all tried to persuade King Yu.

"Thank you all for reminding me, sir. I'll take note of it."

Everyone's reaction made King Yu feel relieved, the blush on his face gradually faded, and he became more confident when he spoke.

"Serve the meal."

Following King Yu's gesture, the chamberlain on the side sang loudly.

After the servants finished singing and drinking, maids came and went one after another, and then the table in front of everyone was filled with wine and delicacies.

King Yu picked up the first glass of wine, stood up and said to the crowd, "All the gentlemen are our wise and wise men. It is a great fortune for me to be able to consult with you all day and night. This first glass of wine, I am so lucky." I would like to thank you all."

After finishing speaking, King Yu drank all the wine in one gulp and showed the empty wine glass to everyone.

"Your Highness will not give up. I am ashamed of myself." Everyone held the wine glasses, stood up, bowed, and drank the wine in the glasses.

"I have a foolish qualification and limited ability. I have encountered many obstacles and obstacles since the founding of the government. Fortunately, I have been helped by all the gentlemen, taught me, cared for me in many ways, and provided advice and suggestions. I am able to do what I do today. With this second glass of wine, I am able to do it again. Thank you, gentlemen."

The maid filled up the wine for King Yu again. King Yu raised the wine glass, held it in both hands and saluted everyone again, and said in a deep voice.

"I don't dare to serve His Highness. I have no shirking duty." Everyone bowed in return.

After the second glass of wine was drained, the maid filled up the wine for King Yu. King Yu raised the glass and turned his eyes to Zhu Pingan.

"Zihou, welcome."

King Yu looked at Zhu Ping'an with a smile, his tone was sincere, he picked up the wine glass, and looked at the crowd and said, "Today is Zihou's reception banquet. Taking this opportunity, I have to get together with all the gentlemen. This third glass of wine , let us welcome Zihou together."

"Welcome Master Zhu."

Everyone was very considerate to King Yu and raised their glasses to Zhu Ping'an.

"Thank you, Your Highness."

Zhu Pingan hurriedly stood up and left the table. He bowed to Prince Yu who was at the head of the table in a very formal manner and bowed his head in obeisance.

"Thank you, my lords."

After Zhu Pingan saluted and thanked King Yu, he once again used the same solemn etiquette and bowed his head in three directions: forward, left and back to express his thanks.

Zhu Ping'an's ceremony was very respectful, and his bow was very wide.

Zhu Ping'an understood the etiquette of entering and exiting the officialdom very clearly, and deliberately performed the etiquette with more respect. I was young, and when I first entered Prince Yu's Mansion, I held a high position in Prince Yu's Mansion. I had already made the old people in the Mansion jealous, so it was better for me to keep my posture low, so as not to irritate them any more and cause unnecessary trouble.

After King Yu brought three glasses of wine, accompanied by fine wines and delicacies, the banquet gradually got better, and all the officials drank and chatted happily.

After three drinks, the atmosphere became even more lively.

The more you drink, the more you talk.

Zhu Pingan is the protagonist of this reception banquet, so the topic is naturally inseparable from Zhu Pingan.

"I heard that Mr. Zhu was promoted to serve as a lecturer in Prince Yu's Mansion because of his pair of bamboo chopsticks?"

"Haha, I heard that Lord Zhu won the favor of the Holy Emperor by not sticking to trivial matters and grabbing meat to eat."

"Haha, it's a pity Mr. Zhang. If Mr. Zhang doesn't want chopsticks, he will really become our colleague."

Although they didn't drink too much, the envy, jealousy, hatred and contempt in some people's hearts came out due to the strength of the alcohol.

"No, chopsticks are just superficial, Master Zhu deserves his name." Zhang Juzheng smiled and shook his head.

"Haha, do you really deserve it?"

"Well, it's well deserved, haha."

The person who had been gossiping before started laughing.

"Haha, Master Zhu is well-deserved. It should be a no-brainer to recite poems and compose poems, right?"

An official sitting under Zhu Pingan looked at Zhu Pingan and asked with a smile.

"Mr. Wang, you are looking down on Master Zhu. Not to mention Master Zhu, who is a well-deserved talent. Even though we are just small talents, we can recite poems and compose poems." Another official seemed to have The troublemaker actually said it very cooperatively.

"Absolutely, it was Wang who made a mistake. I will punish myself with a drink. I will punish myself with a drink." The official named Wang poured himself a drink as he spoke.

"When it comes to writing poetry, it's boring for me to drink and drink like this, and I can't do the martial arts of punching. How about combining poetry with wine?" Another official suggested.


"Great kindness."

This suggestion made everyone nod their heads, recite poems and paint pictures. It was so rare that there were so many literati banquets. Maybe, by accident, it will be like Wang Xizhi's Lanting Preface, which will be remembered for centuries.

"What's the title?" someone asked.

"How about using this as a title?"

The official surnamed Wang who was standing down from Zhu Pingan raised his chopsticks with a slight smile.


Everyone was startled, and then thought of Zhu Ping'an, whom everyone had just teased, because Chopsticks moved to serve as a lecturer in Prince Yu's Mansion, they couldn't help but smile and nodded, "Good."

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