Rise From the Humble

Chapter 909 Divine Turn (2)

I have a precious sword, and I will test my edge with you today.

Wang Yaozu stood up confidently from his seat, bowed his hands to everyone, glanced at Zhu Ping'an, and then walked towards the screen in the center of the banquet with great ambition and ambition.

At noon in summer, the scorching sun is like fire and penetrates everywhere.

The sun squeezed in through the small holes in the bamboo woven pergola and mat, and shone on Wang Yaozu who was walking slowly. After being filtered through the small holes, the sunlight came in and turned into wisps of shining golden threads, shining on Wang Yaozu as dazzlingly as if the lights of a modern stage were focused.

A protagonist's attitude.

Everyone's eyes also followed Wang Yaozu's footsteps.

The time, place and people are favorable.

Wang Yaozu felt that God was perfecting him today, so he became more confident and ambitious.

This kind of opportunity is a gift from God, and if you don't take it, you're going against God.

Under the gaze of everyone, Wang Yaozu came to the screen, then looked thoughtful and paced gently in front of the screen.

one two three four five six seven.

When he reached the seventh step, Wang Yaozu suddenly stopped. His eyes suddenly became as bright as the sun. He stretched out his right hand gracefully to take down the brush placed aside, and held the brush with three fingers and two hooks.

At the same time, Wang Yaozu directly held up the inkstone with his left hand. He dipped the brush in his right hand skillfully into the ink, then pointed the brush at the screen. He started writing without any interruption.

After the brush fell, it didn't stop. There were inkstones on the left and right, and the ink was dipped smoothly.

One hand keeps writing and the other hand holds an inkstone.

The movements are elegant and skillful.

For a moment, the brush seemed to perform a graceful dance in Wang Yaozu's hands, flowing continuously and enjoying the silky smoothness.

Speaking of which, Wang Yaozu is also a person who is very good at seizing and creating opportunities. Although the poem he wrote has been conceived in his mind for several years, he still deliberately looked hasty today and performed the role of being driven away. It felt like it was on the shelves, and then I deliberately imitated Cao Zhi and came up with such a seven-step poem.

When writing, Wang Yaozu's clothes were fluttering, his movements were chic and elegant, and his elegance was full of grace.

At this moment, Wang Yaozu seemed not to be writing poetry alone. He had inherited the glorious tradition of five thousand years in China. Cao Zijian, Wang Xizhi, Su Dongpo, Li Bai, and Du Fu were possessed by their souls at this moment!

At this moment he is not writing poetry alone, not alone!


"A poem in seven steps? Master Wang is such a talented person."

"In ancient times, there was Cao Zijian, and now there is Wang Yaozu. He wrote a poem in seven steps. How lucky he is."

"Master Wang's calligraphy has come to the fore. Watching Master Wang write is like watching dance and music. It is so pleasing to the eye. It is impossible to reach this level without decades of accumulation of skills."

When Wang Yaozu was writing poems in "Seven Steps", everyone commented and praised him endlessly.

Hearing the praise from everyone in his ears, Wang Yaozu felt excited. Haha, he also had an idea and imitated Cao Zijian to write a seven-step poem. Unexpectedly, the effect was even better than imagined. Haha, I am really a genius.

Wang Yaozu was so excited that he jumped with the brush in his hand and almost made a wrong stroke. Fortunately, Wang Yaozu took it back in time. It was just that one horizontal stroke was a little longer. He saved it in time and it did not affect the view.

Calm down, I want to be calm.

Wang Yaozu took a deep breath, continued to write like flying, and splashed the remaining half of the poem on the screen.


Wang Yaozu stopped his writing brush and put it on the table. He turned around and cupped his hands in front of everyone. He looked proud but pretended to be humble and said: "It's a humble work that shows off one's ugliness. It can be considered as a way to attract good friends."

Then, return to your seat.

"Ode to Bamboo Chops"

Treat the bamboo chopsticks diligently, you will taste the sweet and bitter first.

It feels good to others, but you are busy coming and going in no time.

On the screen, Wang Yaozu's poem "Ode to Bamboo Chops" appeared vividly on the paper.

"Good poems use objects to describe people. Mr. Wang's poem "Ode to Bamboo Chopsticks" vividly expresses the spirit of selfless dedication of chopsticks."

Wang Yaozu’s friends were very supportive and were the first to give high fives and praise him.

"Great kindness! It seems like a simple pair of bamboo chopsticks, but it contains a lot of selfless dedication. Mr. Wang used chopsticks as a metaphor for people, which is very profound. This poem is easy to understand, but it has profound meaning."

"Well, not bad, not bad."

"What a rare and good poem."

After the officials present tasted this poem, they gave a good evaluation of Wang Yaozu's poem.

After listening to everyone's praise, Wang Yaozu returned to his seat, like a general returning to court after a victory. He glanced at Zhu Pingan with a proud and proud look, and then found that Zhu Pingan was eating there. He looked so intoxicated and satisfied that he didn't notice himself at all. It was really a waste of his expression.

Wine bag and rice bag!

Wang Yaozu deeply despised Zhu Pingan.

"Master Wang, the poem is well written."

Wang Yaozu had just finished scorning Zhu Pingan. When he turned around, he heard Zhu Pingan's praise.

Turn around.

Wang Yaozu saw that Zhu Pingan stretched out his right hand and gave himself a thumbs up while chewing.

"Ahem, Mr. Zhu has given me the award. I think Mr. Zhu's masterpiece will be even better..."

Before Wang Yaozu finished speaking, he saw Zhu Pingan lowered his head again, picked up a mouthful of food, put it in his mouth, and said while chewing, "This golden and jade dumpling is worthy of the arrogant and luxurious Emperor Sui Yang who ate all the delicacies in the world." I also highly praise the Southeast Asian delicacies, the taste is really addictive, Mr. Wang also wants to try it.”

Golden and jade!

A famous southeastern dish that has been famous in the Sui and Tang Dynasties. It uses dried seabass and clams as raw materials. After soaking in clear water, it is marinated in honey sauce, wrapped in cloth to drain the water, thinly sliced ​​fish fillets, and served with Cut the fragrant flower leaves, garnish with fragrant flower spikes, and mix with thin streaks of golden orange. The tender white jade-like sea bass fillets, the verdant and fragrant flowers and leaves, and the eye-catching purple-red fragrant flower spikes make the whole dish as bright and eye-catching as gold and jade. Even Emperor Yang of the Sui Dynasty, who was extravagant and extravagant and ate all kinds of delicacies from all over the world, couldn't help but admire the golden dumplings and jade dumplings presented by Suzhou when he visited Jiangdu: "The golden dumplings and jade dumplings are the best delicacies in the Southeast!"

It melts in your mouth, has a full color and taste, and is a hundred times more delicious than modern sashimi.

After Zhu Pingan tasted it, he couldn't stop using chopsticks.

"No, Master Zhu, please eat slowly."

Wang Yaozu shook his head, said something coldly, turned his head, and stopped talking to Zhu Pingan. I feel very contempt in my heart, you are a loser, you think everyone is like you, just eat, eat, eat!

Eat it!

The more useless you are, the more glorious I will be.

We often hear people say that if you eat too much, your brain will not work well. Hmm, I will let you eat so much that you will look like a loser, and I will make you look good later.

With this idea in mind, Wang Yaozu turned around and started chatting with his friends, ignoring the foodie Zhu Ping'an.

Zhu Ping'an, who was immersed in enjoying the golden dumplings, curled up the corner of his mouth.

Zhu Ping'an could guess almost exactly what Wang Yaozu was thinking, but, haha, it's a pity that he was destined to be disappointed by Mr. Wang.

When it comes to poems and songs, can you compare to hundreds of years of masterpieces? In terms of self-cultivation as an actor, you are still far behind.

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