Rise From the Humble

Chapter 910 Divine Turn (3)

Wang Yaozu's "Ode to Bamboo Chops" is good, but it's just good. It's not as stunning as Cui Hao's "Yellow Crane Tower", which made the poet Li Bai stop writing.

Cui Hao wrote a poem "Yellow Crane Tower" on the Yellow Crane Tower: "In the past, people rode the Yellow Crane to go there, and the Yellow Crane Tower was left empty here. Once the Yellow Crane is gone, it will never return, and the white clouds will remain empty for thousands of years. The Qingchuan has experienced Hanyang trees, and the fragrance The grass is luxuriant and Parrot Island. Where is the hometown at dusk? The Yanbo River makes people sad." It has become an eternal masterpiece, and this song "Yellow Crane Tower" also sang the eternal name of the Yellow Crane Tower.

The Yellow Crane Tower is famous for this, but many people may not know that there is a pen-holding pavilion near the Yellow Crane Tower.

Not long after Cui Hao wrote the poem, Li Bai, the poet who is known as the "hundred poems about drinking wine", also climbed to the Yellow Crane Tower to enjoy the scenery. He climbed up and looked far away, intoxicated by the beautiful scenery. For a time, poetry was booming, and he was about to write a poem. Poems express feelings. When I picked up my pen, I discovered the poem "Yellow Crane Tower" by Cui Hao. I was impressed by his masterpiece, so I stopped writing and gave up the idea of ​​​​composing a poem. I reluctantly came up with a famous limerick: "Down with one punch, knock down the Yellow Crane Tower. Kicked the Parrot Island over with one kick. There is a view in front of me, but Cui Hao wrote a poem on it."

Obviously, the masterpieces that Wang Yaozu considers to be extraordinary are far from reaching the level of Cui Hao's "Yellow Crane Tower" that makes people stop writing.

Everyone here is a person who has passed the test of the single-plank bridge in the imperial examination. They are people who are full of poems and books. They are very proficient in poetry and songs. Wang Yaozu's relatively good "Ode to Bamboo Chops" did not make everyone stop writing, but instead inspired them even more. Everyone is eager to give it a try.

The full score is 100. If you answer the question with 100 points, I will not go up. But if you only answered 80 points, then I will have to go up and compare.

Therefore, after Wang Yaozu, poems continued to be written in poetry meetings. One after another, the adults came forward and wrote their own poems on the rice paper on the screen.

"Ode to Bamboo Chopsticks"

The laughing king seizes the work and feeds it into other people's mouths. How can you know the taste of a lifetime of sour and salty food?

"Bamboo Chops"

Born in the mountains and living in the living room, I would not get up until I saw the dining table. Common people and princes shake hands frequently, and they taste the delicacies of the world first.

"Chanting Chopsticks"

Young and old, green and yellow, each knot is of the same heart and forms a pair. Don't forget that the taste is good, and you have to taste the joys and sorrows together when they come.

Every time a poem is written, everyone will comment on it.

When a masterpiece appears, the poetry meeting will reach a climax, with everyone praising the masterpiece and commenting and appreciating it constantly.

While Zhu Pingan was feasting, he was also paying attention to the situation on the field.

After about seven or eight people came up to compose poems, Zhu Ping'an noticed that the cheerful and heroic official sitting opposite him, who was also the second in the seat, was also recommended by everyone. He stood up with a smile and stepped forward, holding a brush and writing with flying phoenixes. A poem:

"Chanting Chopsticks"

The two ladies were of small stature and could hold their waists and legs apart.

If you want to taste something good, you have to stick out your tongue.


He is indeed a bold and uninhibited person...

After reading his poem, Zhu Pingan almost got a fish bone stuck in his throat, and coughed several times before he recovered.

"Haha, Mr. Yin, your poems are amazing..."

"Hahaha, stick out your tongue, hahaha, it seems Master Yin knows this well..."

"The first person to chant bamboo chopsticks."

"Full of fun, witty and witty."

After the cheerful official wrote this poem, the poetry meeting reached its highest climax since its beginning. Everyone laughed continuously, and the awning was about to be overturned by the laughter of the people. Even King Yu who was on the throne could not bear it. Stop laughing.

Listening to everyone calling the cheerful official "Master Yin", Zhu Pingan finally knew who this cheerful official was.

The person who can be called Master Yin is sitting in the second position. There is no one else in Prince Yu's Mansion except Yin Shidan.


No wonder he is so cheerful and heroic, no wonder he is so unruly, it turns out to be the famous "cabinet boxer" Yin Shidan.

Well, with this physique and unruly style, no wonder he would punch Gao Gong later when he entered the cabinet and was threatened by Gao Gong.

Zhu Ping'an understood this and couldn't help but take another look at Yin Shidan.

"Master Yin, are you reluctant to come back? There are not two little ladies there." Someone at the banquet joked with a smile.

Yin Shidan was very popular in Prince Yu's palace. After the title of this humorous poem was written, everyone burst into laughter. Some people kept making fun of Yin Shidan, and Yin Shidan smiled and handed over to everyone without caring.

Of course, not everyone is pleased with Yin Shidan's uninhibited attitude.

For example, Gao Gong, Gao Gong was very dissatisfied with Yin Shidan's behavior. How would it be appropriate for a dignified bachelor to write such a joking poem? !


Amidst the burst of laughter, Gao Gong glanced at Yin Shidan with disgust, half-squinted his eyes, and snorted, "What a joke."

Of course, Gao Gong's cold snort was too weak compared to the laughter and laughter of the crowd. As soon as he said it, he was drowned in the laughter and laughter of the crowd, without causing much waves.

However, Zhu Pingan noticed it.

After recognizing Yin Shidan, Zhu Pingan had been paying close attention to Gao Gong without any trace. He noticed Gao Gong's disgusted expression and read the word "nonsense" from Gao Gong's lips in spoken language. Zhu Pingan couldn't help but He touched his chin. It turned out that Gao Gong had long disliked Yin Shidan. No wonder Yin Shidan was suppressed by Gao Gong after he entered the cabinet in the future.

After a burst of laughter, Yin Shidan raised his hands to everyone again, looked around at everyone at the table, took in everyone's expressions, laughed and confessed, and faced everyone confidently and said: "Haha, I just wrote a poem, Quan I hope it will make you smile. This next song is what I want to write."


"After doing this for a long time, it turns out that Master Yin, you are teasing us on purpose?!"

"Master Yin, you."

Hearing this, everyone was startled. After being stunned for a second, they pointed at Yin Shidan in confusion.

After Yin Shidan finished speaking, he dipped his pen in ink again and started splashing ink on the screen. The iron painted silver hooks, and the pen moved like a dragon and a snake.

In an instant, another song "Yong of Chopsticks" appeared on the paper:

"Chanting Chopsticks"

The barbarians were so surprised by the Han family's achievements that they shuttled through the empty banquet with two chopsticks. In the morning, the silver plate tears away the beast, and in the dark, the green wine intercepts the flying dragon. The tiger and bear are timid and the rain is like tears; the jade rabbit is cold and the moon is like a bow. No one can underestimate how thin the clip strips are, but you must know that the holder is a hero.

After writing, Yin Shidan put his pen on the table and bowed his hands to everyone, turned around and walked away gracefully, and returned to his seat without any sloppiness.

"What a poem!"

"A powerful force from the Central Plains!"

"Reading Sir Yin's poem "Ode to Chopsticks" is like traveling through history books, dreaming back to the Han and Tang dynasties. The same is true for our great Ming Dynasty."

The moment Yin Shidan turned around, a roar of applause resounded through the pergola, and the response was no less than the humorous version of "Ode to Chopsticks" from before.

"Good poem."

Zhu Ping'an also put down his chopsticks and clapped with everyone. Yin Shidan's poem was better than the poems of the previous people, and it was a higher level.

Note: Yin Shidan's second poem "Ode to Chopsticks" is quoted from the old man Xiaoqing. It has been slightly modified. To avoid taboos, the dragon in it was changed to a tiger and a bear. In order to echo Yin Shidan's character, the hero in it was changed to a hero.

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